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Everything posted by Cloral

  1. I've had the wip of this song in my playlist for quite a while now. Good to see it show up on the main page.
  2. Strangely, I think I like v4 better than the current version. Mostly because of the sound of the lead. The higher pitch and lower volume allowed the electronic sounds you have behind it to come through more clearly. Could just be personal taste, but for now I'll be listening to v4, which to me, is good enough to enter my normal rotation.
  3. I like your guitar work on this one. This track fits it well. Just needs to not end abruptly now.
  4. That's odd. I was going to comment that it should be longer, then I realized that for some reason it only downloaded like half of the song for me. The main thing I would say at this point is the first half sounds a bit too midi-ish. I get that was part of what you were going for with it, but at the same time there's probably a way you could make the sound a bit deeper while keeping the same basic feel.
  5. I think a fair bit of the 'emptyness' comment comes from the instrument being used as the lead, especially in the first two minutes. You should try replacing it with something a bit more robust, even if just to see how it changes the sound of the piece. A second instrument accompanying it would also probably be a good idea.
  6. I'm getting a 404 file not found...
  7. I've listened to the three revisions of this song a good 15-20 times this week. Needless to say, I really like this song! At first when I heard the change towards the wind instruments in the second version I didn't like it so much. But with this third revision, I think they sound really good now. Also, now that I'm listening to this on my home speakers instead of my headphones at work I can hear that the first version sounds a bit flat in comparison. So yeah, I'm completely behind the wind instruments now. My biggest nitpick now would be the vocals section. Having them introduced slightly earlier on might help, but I think the thing I dislike about it the most is that I really like the first part of the song! So when you slow it down so much, I just find myself wanting it to speed back up the whole time. It reminds me a bit of the 'In the Atrium' song where I usually just end up skipping over the second half of the song because the style changes completely in the middle.
  8. How about something like "Hard Hat Assault" since the first Wily stage from MM4 is crawling with them?
  9. I like what you've got so far! It should be interesting to see what else you do with this. I'm wondering where you're going to insert the trombone (though if I had to guess I would say somewhere around the 2:20 mark).
  10. Damn, I was just getting into the song and it ended. Nice work so far!
  11. I rather like what you've got here. I especially like the part in the middle where the boss theme comes in. My main concern is the file size is currently over the standards. I assume you're going to cut the bitrate down for submission, right?
  12. Somehow this piece really says 'wind generator'. You should see if the town will let you play this song loudly from the generators, it would make a good theme song for them.
  13. The lead is too quiet in comparison to the percussion. I had to turn my headphones up quite a bit before I heard anything other than the drums.
  14. This is sounding pretty good! I can't really compare it to earlier versions since this is the first one I've listened to, but it sounds like you're going the right direction with this.
  15. Listened to this in my headphones. My first concern is the first 1:20 or so is probably too close to the source material, it might be enough to have the mix rejected. The next bit is a nice changeup, but some of the transitions felt a bit too abrupt to me (particularly the ones at 1:35 and 1:46, it felt like there wasn't anything in the preceding section that set either of these changes up, if that makes sense - basically, I felt like the flow was lost at both of these points). Other than that, I have to agree with the previous two posters that the sound samples were a bit low-fi. They give the song a bit of a flat feeling. I think changing the samples would give the song a nice bit of depth. I don't know that I have much of a problem with the drums, unlike the first two. To me, they have a very similar quality to the drums from the original song, which ties them together more effectively.
  16. You're not alone. I think the eq levels in the new version are really good, however I find myself missing the speed of the old one.
  17. This is pretty good. I'm guessing the large file size is mainly because it is fairly long, but it feels to me like it needs to be that long (i.e. it doesn't feel padded or repetative). Other than the file size, I'd say go ahead and submit it as soon as you are happy with that second-to-last part.
  18. So yeah, this song may not be perfect yet, but I really like what you've got there so far. You actually got me to sign up for myspace just so I could download the song, which is quite a feat.
  19. Holy crap! How did I not download this mix before just now? This is absolutely awesome.
  20. This is a great example of taking a piece I would have never thought would make a good remix. Yet you're pulling it off quite nicely. I have to agree that the piano is a bit loud right now. Especially since it has a lot of spacing in between notes, this creates volume spikes that are a bit too high in my mind. But from your comment about the eq it seems like you already suspected this might be the case. Keep at it and I'm sure you'll produce a great mix!
  21. I really like the arrangement of this piece. There's something about some of the sounds though that sounds a bit... flat? I don't know if its the panning, mixing, or quality of the samples. I'm not good at picking those things out. Definately seems though like something that could be easily fixed, and then you'd have a really great mix on your hands.
  22. I want to listen to this, but File Front doesn't seem to like me. It tells me I have an invalid session. I tried what they said to do (make sure cookies are allowed, clearing out all old cookies), with no luck. Anyone have any ideas what I could do to fix this?
  23. I wouldn't've thought that song could work in that style, but you're proving otherwise. That isn't to say it's perfect yet, but you're definately on the right track.
  24. That's not half bad! I can kinda see where some of the parts do sound a bit muddy, but overall the sound is pretty good.
  25. Just wanted to stir this topic up again to see if you're still working on this. I queue your second wip up in my playlist with some frequency, so I certainly hope to see another wip at some point.
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