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Everything posted by Rambo

  1. If you actually beat CVIII in its entirety I'm going to shit myself. That game isn't easy with a controller.
  2. I don't think it's a typo. It's EXTREMELY rare. Our server for instance has 10x more medic TAUNT kills than reflect flares. http://www.ocrtf2.com/stats/hlstats.php?mode=weapons&game=tf EDIT: Reflected baseball kills should be worth the most, but I think they're so rare they aren't even on HLStats.
  3. Low blow! I'm busy playing HoN!
  4. You went about this name changing business very quickly! Jeez. I'm glad I didn't watch this at MAGFest. Even if it was absolutely fantastical, a 90 minute movie during the exhaustion would have done me in. Despite all the comments that have already been posted, I don't really see any that indicate whether or not it's worth the watch. That's a lot of time! I'm not a HUUUUGE megaman fan. Is it entertaining enough to justify the time? :3
  5. What the hell? This is actually feature length?
  6. She IS busy (2 finals and 1 project left!) but she said she'll get the new thread up tonight! Sorry for the delay. :3
  7. I was psyched when I saw this fake movie trailer between the grind-house double feature. I was even more psyched when I saw that it was actually in development on IMDB half a year later. This looks ridiculous.
  8. My mom always liked the OSTs of the DKC series, so there are a handful of songs she likes off both of those OCR albums. There are plenty of other upbeat songs she likes from my playlist as well. Most recently notable is Zircon's Electrodispenser.
  9. I'm gonna speak for bonzai and say tomorrow at midnight. Approximately 24 hours. She got home today, but it's the last open lab session for the semester and she'll be there all night. Sorry for anyone who's already submitted. Feel free to rework your submission and resubmit, the most recent entry will be posted.
  10. Bonzai's been on a trip for 4 days, so she won't be getting the entries up tonight. That being said don't worry about the midnight deadline, so long as you have your entry in by tomorrow. Don't push your luck though!
  11. If someone took your picture, and slapped it all over a graphic and tasteless pornographic film to help sell it, would you be flattered?
  12. I hope this was a pun.
  13. Day one of reclaiming my life: Uninstalled HoN
  14. Mega Tan X?
  15. Happy Birthday fellow lion. I'll try to get on steam more! There's been an absence of you in my life.
  16. Where can I get in on this free market. Sounds like it would fit my budget.
  17. Whoa sounds like HoN
  18. Did Ophelia receive a buff? Or did she move up because more people know how to use her effectively now.
  19. It was a single complaint. It was brought up several pages later so I elaborated. Everything I have to say about the matter has been said, so don't expect another response.
  20. I don't think you can force scrambles. You can force a vote. Stupid team mates = bad players. Almost 100% of the time. You can't face abuse accusations, because all you're doing is bringing up a democratic vote. I know you have common sense, you aren't going to start a vote when the teams are balanced. RTV is a poor solution to one team rolling the other, unless people actually want to change maps. Not knowing is entirely excusable however. But now you know, and knowing....
  21. As I said, I wasn't the only admin present. I was the only admin on the losing team however. This particular example aside, I've heard of plenty occasions and seen the screenshots of games that have been terribly unbalanced (when no admins were present) where reserve slot holders on the rolling team could have taken it upon themselves to right the game. Being a reserve slot holder means being part of the community. If someone has no interest in preserving the status of the server (not using their privileges when they can/should be used) why should they then have a reserve slot. I'm not saying that I couldn't have scrambled the teams. The server rules are intended to serve the regulars in the community. But when one team is down 3 players due to rage quits, and the opposing team (full of regulars) waits around to potentially be screwed over by an autobalance instead of attempting to level out the game, bother inforcing rules to protect those same regulars? Rather, why moderate a server that has no interest in moderation? Why not just go to any other server that has the same lack of integrity? If you have a reserve slot, you're trusted with responsibilities. Use them when they're best needed instead of hiding behind ignorance. Don't wait for someone else to protect the server you call home when you have been given the power to do that yourself. With a server full of trusted reserve slot holders, admins should rarely have to be called upon. That or there should be a lot fewer reserve slots I suppose.
  22. Just not regretting my absence from TF2 as of late. I might be wrong, but you play on a server like weeabootique, these things are to be expected.
  23. As a reserve slot holder typing !votescramble will instantly start one. I was neither the only admin nor the only reserve slot holder in that game.
  24. Right. Never happened. Just got rtvd after the 6th win.
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