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Everything posted by Zephyr

  1. Maybe we should try setting up one of those map votes that that start when there's seven minutes left in the map, then everybody can just choose for themselves. (it disables maps you've played recently) But if not, then for myself personally I hate ctf_well and I love cp_well, so I'd (personal opinion) rather have cp_well in there. And I've been having a bit of fun with Hydro now, even though it's always stalement
  2. Hrm... Multiplayer? I can't see this working out too good, but we'll have to see I suppose. I've always had a love for time travel and new concepts. I love thinking out of the box (See:Portal) so I'll at least check it out.
  3. No spotify please, it only works in some countries, us Canadian's would get gipped, we can't even use the spotify website... I just download them myself, because I keep most of them, but for the international audience I bring this up.
  4. Just got it and set it up. I'm not quite used to it yet, but I really like the ease of use and having a multiformat mainframe for all my media. Open source stuff is great I'm loving having radio station support in the library, even though they don't make it terribly user friendly. I'm listening to ORMGAS right now ... I'm not a fan of the mini player however, it's not a smooth transition from small to big and it's too hard to switch compared to WMP. Really not a good complaint though. A 1st party integrated Now Playing bar would also be nice, but the add on works fine. It's weird playing playlists too, you can't just click "play playlist" you have to load up the playlist to get it onscreen then start playing the first song. I love the bio thing though. This will go places
  5. "Banned by server" Looks like you've been banned madame. That's an interesting development
  6. Move the knob you want to automate, go to the VST menu (arrow in far top left of the VST GUI) and under parameters>last tweaked parameter>automation clip.
  7. Seconded, it would be a lot more fun, and much easier to change hands. It could be a great competition.
  8. Haha, if it was JUST this I would have thought you all the more sarcastic, haha. That's how come everyone seems meaner on the internet.
  9. Which synth? Bass or lead? I'll assume lead... Get the main sound you want ready, then just set some envelopes, amp should have 0 or very low attack, short decay and zero sustain and release. Now you can edit the Filter envelope and try something with the cutoff dropping in a similar envelope. Try that out, but I'm no genius with synth programming.
  10. Someone can make a "Vote in CMC banner"
  11. I'm not honestly sure what the diagnostic does, it either recovers your password and username for your account, or it gets you your reg key. If you can get a reg key, that might be proof enough that you own the program, so wait till your support ticket comes back and if they ask for it try doing that. Make sure you run the diagnostic on the computer that has it installed and working. And don't worry, they'll probably work it out somehow, but seriously, save your passwords and stuff somewhere.
  12. I think there should be way more open source programs because open source rocks, everyone's happy and people get to give back to the community and make their own program better, and due to the amazing world of ads, nobody has to lose any money! Plus it gets us one step closer to COMMUNISM . I also think that there should be some sort of law that when a copyright holder dies, unless they sold it off to someone, all of their stuff should be available for free everywhere. Chopin is dead, get over it and give me his sheet music already!
  13. These are the ones relevant to you from that block: 3. Try to recover the password from your registry using the diagnostic tool (see the last option on the programs action list) http://www.flstudio.com/diagnostic This can be entered at the login prompt above. 4. Still having trouble? Create a support ticket - http://support.image-line.com/ticketing/
  14. This would be awesome, cut down on the annoyingness of pubbies and make everyone happy. Nice feature with the nextmap thing, it's nice especially for those who don't know the command. I can't see the stats reset contributing to a decrease in traffic, if anything people will be on more to regain their rank, and the randoms don't know, so they don't care. It doesn't make sense that it would be the cause. Also password saturdays were pretty fun, but you may want to put it in the MOTD so when pubbies see it locked they don't freak out and delete it from favorites.
  15. I'm always up for a good custom, and I could care less about looks if it's alpha. Let me know when it's going down.
  16. Congrats again, you're making a career for yourself!
  17. ^Ya I knew that too, when people talk about how good it is, he just kinda shrugs and says it was what he cooked up with some old tools and stuff he had laying around. He has many talents.
  18. But then of course he'll have to send $30 to the orphans!
  19. I think I would find a trackball weird...I just have my sensitivity ridiculously high, I can scan from one side to the other of my 2 monitor display in a 1/2 inch of movement. Anyone else who uses it gets weirded out. I don't even notice it anymore other than that I'm much faster than before.
  20. Try what halt said and look for your username. Also have you tried emailing yourself the password to your account? Although I'm not sure if that will work since they switched systems... go on the live chat help and see if they can help you out, they've been very helpful every time I've asked. Easiest solution is if you remember the password to the email address you bought it with. Just punch in your info at the spot for people who don't have their username and password http://support.image-line.com/login/login.php?r=/member/profile.php Haha, bet you didn't expect it to be that easy eh? If you don't remember it, live support is here (top right), and you don't need to prove ownership: http://affiliate.image-line.com/BDJJJAJ495
  21. You have to learn to crawl before you can walk, and walk before you run. I'd suggest building a song around what you CAN do and then working up and learning new things as you go. I'd save automation for later. I have absolutely no clue what you mean by each "track" defaulting to one minute. To get mp3's into the song, either create a new audio clip and load the file into there, or put them into a folder that you can find in the browser, and drag'n'drop.
  22. Pretty highly removed? Yes it's good for beginners, because it has a fully functional demo and can do anything a good DAW needs too. And seeing as how you sounded confused, Not all VST's are effects, they can be instruments or effects.
  23. D: look what I found after about 1/2 a second of searching, Haha, It's in the stinking help page! Does anyone read the manual anymore...
  24. Soundfonts are awesome for starting out, great bang for your buck (free) and easy to work with if you have a good soundfont player. After you get good, you can upgrade.
  25. Pssst! Don't listen to him, in FL you can use something called a Layer to make this step very simple. Just make a new layer with each of the instruments you want to use as children of the layer, then just limit the keyranges of each instrument so they don't overlap and send midi to the layer. After it's set up you're effectively sending midi to 2 instruments, it'll just only play if it's on the corresponding half of the keyboard.
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