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Everything posted by Zephyr

  1. Anyone who loves a good lighthearted puzzle game with awesome music should check this out. Totally worth the $20, so it's definitely worth $5. Pick it up and help out the poor indy developers. http://store.steampowered.com/app/22000/
  2. Sorry dude, Right outta the manual, not possible You could however use a range split to have half transmitting to one plugin and half to the other using a layer and limiting the range. Good luck, I'm surprised that FL can't actually do this, but unless this alone is a dealbreaker, what other problems did you find limiting you?
  3. Happy Birthday to the both of you!
  4. What were people doing that was a problem with lots of crouching?
  5. http://gamemusicthemes.com/ < Donate if you like it, they're having some financial trouble keeping it up. http://pianothemes.com/games1.html http://www.freewebs.com/heliumkidd/videogamesheetmusic.htm http://ninsheetmusic.drshnaps.com/ That's my collection, most of anything I want is on one of those.
  6. I'm liking most of Coops picks, good taste have ye. Just picked up nethack a little while ago, haven't tried it out a whole lot yet, but it looks fun and seems to have a lot of depth (randomly generated levels) plus, it's ancient so it must be good, ASCII for the win! Net Hack
  7. http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html Speaking English can help you get some answers, and by the way, if you have no skill whatsoever, why are you even interested in doing this? We aren't going to do the work for you... We aren't going to help you if you talk like that or don't put in effort. Are you actually asking a question here? Because if not you're wasting our time. Why would you want it to get posted if it sounded like crap?
  8. lol, if only it were a little smaller.
  9. Haha, I had something started... it died.
  10. Look at this, just caved in your skull, my bat's still dry, no clumps of hair. 0:20 in first one. Haha, these are pretty fun actuallly. "Fat bald fatty fat fat!" "My tiny little head! It's so tiny, such a tiny little head!" "Order now and you get a second beating for free!" I can't believe they actually threw in some vince quotes.
  11. Interesting side updates, not sure if I like the new spy weapon thing. -Changed backstab handling to fix facestabs ^ We all know that facestabs aren't fixed, but maybe there'll be less now. - Fixed obscure bug where spectators were able to carry the flag ^lol that would be funny to see They still haven't fixed backstab animation though, that's pretty sad...
  12. A little slow to the rush eh zircon? Haha, here's the host of other ones: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=16456 I had a lot of fun doing these, some of the images on flickr are amazing. Thibault Damour: He is making a mistake
  13. Probably another free weekend coming up, not sure how I feel about those yet.
  14. While it may have been unintentional whoever made the witch pic freaked the crap out of me. I noticed it was a gif as soon as I opened it and sat there staring in fear waiting for it to jump at me or something... creepy.
  15. It got in on closed beta and tried it out, didn't really like it one bit. I didn't give it a huge chance, but mainly because I have Nexuiz and I like that a lot better. Try it out: free, open source: http://alientrap.org/nexuiz/
  16. Topic title very misleading...
  17. That would be cool. Aaaaaaand another plan down the drain. Apparently someone went ahead and made this mode already, but the map actually looks decently good so we should definitely put it up on the server sometime. It saved me a good spot of time. http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/39259
  18. I think I would just use a damage sensor, or put a cp inside the point that must be taken for the gate to open. Garian just had the idea in #ocrtf2 about a 1 flag ctf infiltration style, 1 flag in the middle of a symmetrical map, the flag is neutral, any team can grab it. The object is to grab the flag and bring it into the enemy's base to score. You fight to push the flag along as far as you can and try not to let the other team get it. I think I wanna do Garian's instead now, anyone else have any suggestions for it?
  19. I decided it might be time for me to make another map just for fun. I'm planning on doing a single flag attack/defend ctf map, but with a similar build to High Ground from halo 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p54ZDJ3WZFI It'll have a large main gate which will be locked at the beginning, it's blue's job to get in from one of the small openings and open the gate with a switch from the inside. Then the gate is open for all people to attack the base and grab the flag and bring it back to their base. If anyone has suggestions or requests, I build these for you guys so just let me know whatever you want to see in the map.
  20. I'll have what your internet is having.
  21. Who cares if it doesn't make sense, I've played it before and it's a ton of fun. Maybe if we're lucky fastlane won't suck so much, but they better have made a LOT of changes.
  22. You neglect to think of the presumed triple jump ability of scouts that will quite possibly become a reality when they get the double barreled shotgun. Also, since these were leaked from a russian site the whole bunch has been translated over and so any inconsistencies with naming are void. Not saying they're legit, just that what you said about Well (cp) is irrelevant because of that.
  23. Supposably the achievements have been leaked, leading to the revealing of the double barreled shotgun. http://www.tf2blog.com/leaked-achievement-description.html I want this: http://www.fpsbanana.com/skins/59031
  24. There she is, since your friend made the text and the patch guys made the RPG and such I had to reconstruct them myself, but hopefully that fixes most of the problems, let me know if there's any changes.
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