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Everything posted by Zephyr

  1. This should be in a lot more places and in some stickies somewhere.
  2. Hard limiting is making your track more stereophonic? Anyways... you need to mix a few things to get your mastering just right. Compression in moderation is good, but don't use too much. Use a brickwall limiter at 0 or -.1db and then bring up the volume a bit. You shouldn't get much clipping if your limiter is set right. There's a decent set of stuff here: (pocket limiter, maximizer): http://hem.bredband.net/tbtaudio/archive/archive.htm
  3. If you were REALLY good I doubt that those interfaces would do the trick to capture all your awesome shredding.
  4. Not so easy when it comes to less secure programs.
  5. I wish there was an easier way to tell who's legit though, I'm skeptical of a lot of the traffic that comes through here.
  6. Guitar to midi output is difficult and experimental at best, don't go with that, try getting an actual midi keyboard if that's what you want.
  7. Tempo is definitely the hardest to automate because even if you draw a linear curve, it will actually end up resulting in a curved output because as the tempo slows down it moves along the curve slower, try using a tensioned curve where more movement takes place near the end. That will get it closer to linear, or you could try automating it by hand and move it down at a steady rate.
  8. No problem, I've been enjoying helping people out on here from time to time, it bothers me when someone beats me to it.
  9. Which soundcard interface are you using? (F10, then audio settings) Try ASIO4ALL then check again.
  10. If you're running the mic in through a mic plug or through your soundcard somehow then you should be able to simply choose the mic input from the IN list on the mixer track.
  11. ^Not that any of this is terribly relevant, but DDR is right, it adjusts the volume relative to one another, so you might as well just set the first one to noise than turn the other two off.
  12. Golden Gun mode is my favorite, awesome fun.
  13. Not sure about GPO specifically, but I'm assuming it does have a multi-outs option. Load it up, then on the Wrapper Menu bar go to compatibility and make sure that fixed size buffers are OFF. Now in the main wrapper menu check "Enable Multiple outs". Now assign GPO to it's own mixer channel. Inside GPO there should be some place where you can choose the output of the channel, each subsequent output should now output to a new channel in the mixer.
  14. I was just playing the game and awesome soundtrack, was it mainly your tracks Audix? Or how was it split between you and Basstronix? You die really fast in that mod...
  15. I think I might check out Goldeneye source sometime soon, a new beta is being released today so I figure it should be busy on the servers. http://www.goldeneyesource.net/
  16. Ouch $60? I can see that for maybe advanced students, but charging that for beginners is murder. I get them for $45 a month for a 45 minute lesson each week, it's crazy cheap and a great teacher. If that's the only place around there, that sucks, but I'm really not sure what I could recommend. Depending how beginner you are you could start going through some Alfred level books then make the jump to RCM later.
  17. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=20761
  18. Wow, sounds like fun, I'm missing out, I need to get my score up into the 10 range eventually! I'll be sure to take some time to play when the scout update is out.
  19. That new TF2 update made a lot of changes; interesting choices in relation to crits, now you get a bonus for doing well sooner, but a lower stock chance. I also find it interesting that they allow you to change your FOV (or am I mistaken?) because that would allow some people to see more than others. More damage on spreads now too. More ammo for the soldier was probably a good idea too. New client features Added Viewmodel FOV slider to advanced multiplayer options Added a hide viewmodel option to advanced multiplayer options Added custom crosshair support Added crosshair image, scale, and color settings to the Options->Multiplayer settings tab Moved HUD minimal mode & Disable Spray options into the Advanced Multiplayer settings [*]Added "open_charinfo_direct" command that opens the loadout directly to the class you're currently playing Replaced the "Open Loadout" entry in the options->keys dialog with this new command. Rebind / reset your config to defaults to use it New server features Added "tf_damage_disablespread" convar to disable the 25% damage spread on all damage Added class limit support to tournament modeSet the "tf_tournament_classlimit_X" convars to the max number of class X allowed [*]Added "tf_tournament_hide_domination_icons" convar, that allows a tournament mode server to force clients not to display domination icons over their nemeses Gameplay changes Modified critical hit calculation. Overall, critical hit chance is now much more recent-performance based: Base chance is now 2% (was 5%). Bonus range based on damage done changed from 0%-15% to 0%-10 Damage range required for bonus changed from 0-1600 to 0-800 [*]Reduced random damage spread applied to all player damage from +-25% to +-10% [*]Slight reduction (improvement) of the minigun's spread [*]Increased flare direct hit damage from 20 to 30 [*]Rewrote Natascha's slowdown code to be more consistent [*]Sniper rifle now supports Crit Boost state like all other weapons (i.e. Kritzkrieg makes all shots critical hits) [*]Stealthed spies are no longer able to pickup the intelligence. They must uncloak first [*]Increased soldier primary ammo count from 16 to 20 Bugfixes Fixed crash when running in tools mode Added UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() checks to several "physics_" CON_COMMAND scripts to prevent clients issuing the commands Fixed bug in teleporter logic that allowed engineers to build teleporters with HUGE health values Fixed matching teleporter not getting a health buff when the pair is upgraded (only the tele you were hitting got the health buff) Fixed Medic UberCharge percentage in minimal-HUD mode
  20. Argh, bested in the race to the referral link, you win this time Nutritious! As far as programs go though, Fruity loops is a good starting program and is one of the cheapest out there. I'd subtly talk to him about this sort of thing sometime and try and get some sort of preference out of him, because sometimes people's workflow just doesn't line up with the program.
  21. Axioms do have the habit of getting "stickykeys" but don't be fooled by the name, they just click the first press after not using them for a while. Mine is nowhere near as bad as that video, and I just press all of the keys once over with my arm real quick before making music, I don't even think about it. Don't let that be a deal breaker because It's not a problem at all. Actually, it's almost kind of fun to do, and after the first press they're fine.
  22. I don't find the problem with FL Studio's integrated mp3 encoder, I just use that with no problems.
  23. I hope the Harpejji gets popular, it looks cool and I want one. Bass player and guitar in one, with variable envelopes and note detection even. You could even wire that to transmit midi if you knew what you were doing.
  24. I've gotten the Brushfire achievements easily, and that should definitely be the next class update.
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