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Everything posted by Zephyr

  1. Just start making junk, all I can say... start joining competitions and stuff.
  2. Or, y'know you could just read this topic which explains everything... And no, you can't change registers, but FL hardly has registers anyways, just quantize to different settings for 3/4, 6/8 etc. Also, I'm sensing a pirate if you have both 7 and 8.
  3. I've heard good about Adware, and Spybot.
  4. Whoa, I didn't know bonzai hosted this... Who knew?
  5. Nice, I'm glad they finally fixed all of the tele particle effects. Interesting that they removed the dispenser tail to invisible spies too. Map-makers have been waiting for the HUD thing for a while too. I look forward to the scout update.
  6. "I told you I'm not easy!" -GI Joe for the nes upon dying
  7. Like DDRKirby said it sounds like you may have put a compressor on the master channel, don't do that, send your drums to their own insert and put the compressor there. Also it doesn't sound like you really know what you're doing with a compressor. For simple volume level (to flatten out the sound's dynamics so you can make it louder without peaks) you should lower the threshold to the value where most of the sound is, then tweak the ratio and attack until it's limiting the volume flow properly. Then bring up the gain to get the volume at the level you want.
  8. What you're talking about is a frequency sweep. Place a Lowpass filter effect on the track you'd like to do this with then mess with the resonance knob a bit. Finally record automation (or use an automation clip) of you going from a low Filter cutoff to a high one. I'm typing this up real quick before lunch, so let me know if you're confused by it.
  9. I love this game, I love this music, do a good job, no, a GREAT job. Quality control should work night shifts, and 24/7 hours. I look forward to its completion.
  10. Load up an instance of Garritan in a new channel. Now set the port number (top right of plugin window) to 0. Now load up your instruments in garritan and take note of the midi channel numbers that each instrument is matched with. Now in each midi-out's settings change the port to 0 and the channel to the instrument you'd like for that channel. Now Garritan should play those sounds. I'm assuming that Garritan accepts midi messages on different channels.
  11. Just set it up yourself, you have more configuring to do in FL Studio than by using midi, as a matter of fact you can't set anything up solely with midi aside from the transport buttons. Set it up using "link to controller" then save it as your new project template.
  12. Weird classes have been around for a long time. I have no clue where a credit like this would be useful.
  13. Don't play nice with FL? I've haven't had any trouble nor heard of anyone else having trouble.
  14. The directwave stuff that they give away for free is logically not their best stuff, and I'm personally not a real fan of DW. I'd recommend trying out squidfont and if you're interested in orchestral, maybe some orchestral libraries.
  15. Haha, I lol'd.
  16. Why do people not update their first post with the latest mix! We have to wade through the entire topic to try and find the latest non-broken download link.
  17. *Sigh* You aren't using the playlist! Hit F5, that thing that pops up is the playlist, you organize the song and patterns in there! Click with the pencil tool in the horizontal row of the first pattern at the left side of that row. Now do the same with the second pattern and line it up with just after where the first block ends. Now make sure the light in the transport bar is "Song" and hit play. For editing patterns change the pattern selector LCD to the number you want.
  18. ? Are you not using the Playlist? You draw in the patterns into the playlist, if you have more than one then you play them one after another in the playlist using pattern blocks. I don't know what exactly you're confused about...
  19. Top left of step sequencer, LCD for "beats per bar of this pattern". Make it as long as you like. Or you can send your sequencing to piano roll and make it as long as you like. OR you could go to the playlist and clone that pattern then make variations.
  20. 10% off if you want to get legit, there's no reason not to, and free updates for life. You'll have a tough time getting any support for FL5. http://affiliate.image-line.com/BDJJJAJ495
  21. Yes, I'm not terribly confident in my skills or my likelihood of finishing it, so basically treat it as if I don't exist and we'll see later on.
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