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Everything posted by Nohbody

  1. A, the old person. For snes at least
  2. Firefox, and it works now, yesterday it was pretty weird though. I was exited out of all applictions and the songs were still playing... didnt mind though so does this thing have a name? THE SECRET INTERNET MUSIC PROJECT sounds too suspicious to make a banner out of.
  3. Check this out, you don't have to download from OC Remix. atomicthumbs has made an online OC Remix music player that allows you to stream, rate (omg) and download songs at rediculously higher bandwidths than OCR. The more users, the more awesome, so please register here. Thread here.
  4. Jeezus, thats good. Id rather die than be a Marine, and a 275 is one hell of a score. I need a 16 minute 2 mile for Army PFT, two minutes less than your target time for the 3 mile run. I'm also well over a foot taller than you. I one day hope to be as badass as you are now. /respect
  5. hey. so when I click the play playlist button, the popup doesnt come up anymore, but the playlist plays in order. I actually exited that tab and its still playing... fix plox
  6. I thought you nerdy types liked that game... from what I can see, its like oblivion without the hackneyed "oh i am the hero of avalon my breastplate of thor will kill ye" theme, better character design, wepons that dont just change color as they get better, and hopefully better AI.
  7. if you watch them all you will want the game bad enough to kill. a steam powered gun that shoots railroad spikes pickpocketing and leaving a live grenade on the person. a fist that ripps people to shreds with its force. a better oblivion.
  8. Schwaltzvald, watch. Are you sure you want to sell it?
  9. ill explain the best I can. OCR doesnt always accept submissions for remixes. When OCremix raised their standards in 05 i think, they got rid of some of the lower quality remixes. there are several spinnoff communities if OCR, and OC Removed is like a silly ocremix but with the "bad" songs. by the way, there is a song called "bad tuna", it was accepted several years back as a remix of CT's Millenial Fair. I wasnt here for that, but the song was absolutely crap Ill post http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-D874-BkEM you should add at least that song
  10. related artist and pure random havent been worikng for me, and sweet 1 - 1000
  11. id have to go with megaman 2 for gameboay, i stole that from my babysitter's car when i was a yungun
  12. march is so friggin far away
  13. here we go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIg3F6WLufg EDIT: Im going to go ahead and get this one stuck in your head so you can share my pain http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpOeC_hh_5Q
  14. you guys remember this one? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0A0DcI25QPQ
  15. Sporknight, P90s are dangerous, and the X is only compounding things. I say go at your own pace, but, like, faster. That way when you reach your goal it will be yourself you're swearing by. Doing this keeps it real for you and decreases your odds of giving up. If anyone wants workout advice then please ask, I'm not an expert but I've learned enough to be able to answer questions. So, my goals: To score at least a 200 on the Army Physical Fitness Test: keep in mind I am 6'5 please Goal weight: 205 lbs Current weight: 209.2 lbs APFT goals: 16:36 on the 2 mile run 42 pushups in 2 minutes 53 situps in 2 minutes Current status: 18:00 on the 2 mile run (shit!) 37 pushups in 2 minutes 42 situps in two minutes... crap So yes.
  16. twas a joke, i was one of the silliest noobs in irc, actually i still would be but i dont visit there often what injury?
  17. starla pretty much hates me
  18. pokemon????!!!!?! i am a firm believer that any pokemon after the original 150 is basically total bullshit. they have been milking this franchise for far too long and they need to put it to sleep. or go back to the original 150 ONLY who the hell is mudkip idk
  19. youre a faggot
  20. arek...let it go man. lol ima make a brawl video as soon as I finish GAY homework, prepare yourself for mediocracy later
  21. I love it when my smash reflexes cause me to press butons that dont exist when playing wiimotes. And sorry arek, i thought you meant nunchuk, cc wouldnt be too bad your arrogance was well founded
  22. fixed that for you
  23. yes its suprising how effectively staying down breaks combos. Either Im doing it wrong or this breaks my deedeedees chaingrab as well which is gaiy
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