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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. the point i made is that steam is not mandatory to the games it houses whereas xbox one is. but i guess reading is pretty difficult
  2. so zircon what you're missing here is that steam is a *free service* that people can use *or choose not to use* because you can still buy games at a store in a box and install them separately. xbox one is a *very not free service* that people *essentially must buy if they want to play xbox exclusives* and there are *no other options or workarounds* because xbox has to have an internet connection. because fuck everyone who doesn't have an internet connection. people who don't have internet connections don't use steam. people who don't have internet connections... CAN'T USE XBOX ONE. don't and can't are really, really, really different.
  3. anyone else find it funny how they were like 'integrated TV experience!' and everyone jumped on it like this is a new thing that Wii U isn't already doing huh
  4. yeah pretty much this even before i learned japanese i preferred subs because the intonation was infinitely more believable, even though i couldn't understand the words. saying 'i don't get it' is a lame coverup for 'i have no interest in trying to pay attention' real talk
  5. i agree with you in some cases but it takes a special type of crazy to mastermind an earthbound game it wouldn't be the same if they just slapped some familiar names on it and said HEY MOTHER 4
  6. *not trolling*
  7. says the guy talking about the importance of EA in the gaming industry. i legit don't see any issues with the LP shit. and having no games on wii u sucks. that's pretty much it.
  8. not seeing it
  9. at the very least something that doesn't take ANY time to figure out is that EA gets nothing out of working with nintendo because they a) put out bad ports of average games and call it '3rd party support' which everyone subsequently ignores/doesn't buy, and they make a killing off of yearly releases of shooters/sports franchises etc. on xbox and ps3 and would rather just do that indefinitely.
  10. it was on nintendo direct so yeah it's pretty clearly real. i am also fairly excited about nintendo's 'exclusive partnership' with sega. sonic team obviously is not good in any way but if IPs start to get passed around some really cool things could come of it
  11. http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=amb_link_376709962_2?ie=UTF8&docId=1000716161&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=hero-quick-promo&pf_rd_r=025JB209E01JPS9BDGXW&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_p=1557145342&pf_rd_i=B000056OYO long url, SO MANY GAMES FOR SUPER CHEAP DOWNLOAD.
  12. donkey kong 3d comes out in like a week posting that here because i know it took me by surprise.
  13. except that's not true in any way shape or form http://www.zeldainformer.com/news/does-the-wii-u-upscale-games-yes
  14. imagine them speaking out loud and having set emotions in place in CG you'd hate it because it actually is cheesy and your brain just let you get away with thinking it wasn't due to imagination even if it *wasn't* cheesy the voice acting wouldn't be as good as you wanted it to be, the main reason why anyone thinks most of these newer stories are bad/worse/not just as bad as the old ones
  15. pretty much this 10, 12 and 13 (yes, even 13) are all better games than their predecessors in nearly every regard but people don't really care because i don't know why i've been spouting this for years but nobody believes me.
  16. ummm that's not true at all. i'm on a 45g of carbs a week diet (aka: two granola bars on tuesdays) and lifting 4 times a week and working out every day i'm pretty sure if i was 'energy free' i'd be dead by now
  17. i am not still in japan so it'll still be 9pm haha. i really should change my location
  18. when do you guys normally play i've had a good amount of free time lately
  19. if nobody's said this yet then whyyyyyyy
  20. To expound on that, saying sexist games temper people to be sexist is just as ridiculous as saying first person shooters temper people to be killers. And we all know that's ridiculous.
  21. that's a shame. i am sorry you didn't appreciate my constructive criticism.

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  22. there's a difference between 'conformist attitude' and mature, reasonable post etiquette. unlike most of the internet, OCR has a userbase that will at the very least be respectful and make well thought out posts. i'm not telling you to change your opinions; i'm suggesting you think about how you post and how it sounds. if i'm to be blunt with you, putting bleeps in written word is something that children do. so is putting half a sentence as a title and finishing it in the first line. i have no idea how old you are but there's no reason you can't start sounding like a mature, reasonable adult now.

    i've got nothing else to say on the matter. if you don't like my advice, don't take it. but i'm telling you in the most respectful way possible that posting like that makes you look childish. have a nice day.

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  23. 1. Kamek 2. Arthur 3. Crimson Viper
  24. i'm fairly sure they're not having conferences at the same time where they battle back and forth so no it makes no difference. i see what you're trying to say but it has no direct relevance. the WORST thing that could happen is some Xbox rep making a 'oh nintendo's scared' joke and nobody caring at all.
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