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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. http://www.change.org/petitions/ubisoft-entertainment-s-a-keep-to-the-original-rayman-legends-release-date-for-the-wii-u#share i hate petitions but if it works i'll be happy.
  2. i would say no, given that while you indeed must buy your own copy of the game, you can download, install and play that game on any computer in the world. not to mention steam consistently has the best prices, and huge sales.
  3. and quite honestly? probably to the game itself. rayman origins sold TERRIBLY on 360 and ps3. the likelihood of a 2d platformer selling well in the face of the september launch window is slim to none. good work ubisoft.
  4. how would you know that (not that you're wrong)
  5. i'm more optimistic than most of you that it'll happen given nintendo's new outlook on importing japanese games, but frankly unlike most every other case, why? console mmo's don't really... work? yeah. if it were a new *non* mmo dragon quest i'd be more excited.
  6. no worries! also, i will change the thread title accordingly because i would like to hear you opinions on 'where's good to start,' what series are 'under appreciated but worth your time' etc. etc. i'll come up with better questions later
  7. It is a question directly for him but other people probably would want to know the answer too don't you think? So why not just put it on the forums.
  8. Is there a good, consistent digital distribution platform for comic books (primarily marvel and DC) and if not, why? I would be down on comic books so hard if not for having to buy magazines and collection books. Also, as a follow-up, what would be good to start with? I enjoy the movies but I know I'm missing something when it comes to these character's backgrounds and it makes me sad.
  9. is there a way i can separate real life friends and ocr friends? if not i'm not super duper interested. plus i can't use my wii u for another 2 months
  10. One of the WWE games for the gamecube. I thought I would hate it (it was my older brother's) but it was actually quite a bit of fun.
  11. this is a stupid thing to say, a) because why wouldn't they be excited, the last few zelda games made have ALL been critically acclaimed and well received by oh I dunno, everyone, and the gameplay in Twilight Princess was markedly different than any of the N64 games, and Wind Waker was even MORE markedly different. unless your definition of 'meaningful way' is turning it into skyrim, all you're doing is spouting filth and hyperbole from your mouth. like seriously. the only way you can tell me that's not true is if you say 'i didn't like (insert wolf/boat/new items/new dungeon design comment here), it wasn't meaningful/they should have kept it the same.' in which case you're just being a complete hypocrite. the reason things like this garner responses like this from me is you can't just throw out your opinion as the truth, and expect it to be acceptable, in any instance of life. clearly the zelda formula HAS been changed, in significant ways. if you don't like it, whatever. but you not thinking so does not make your comment correct or acceptable just because you said it as fact. that's what politicians do.
  12. how far along is this by the way? i know it's still 'in beta' as it were but most of the characters must be released by now right? i saw the 'least played heroes' game mode and got re-interested. also i apparently have an extra copy of the game to give out. edit: make that 6 copies..? i've been away from steam for awhile huh.
  13. In regard to this new Xenoblade.. can i just note that if they put it in a Nintendo Direct that's IN ENGLISH, specifically for the Americas/Europe, that the head of the company (who can't speak english very well at all, but tries very hard for us to read the script which i appreciate) is specifically showing you a trailer for, it's proooobably coming to the US.
  14. After playing the demo of Final Fantasy Theatrythym a few times, I'm pretty sold on buying it. Which I did not really expect. Also it's mostly because now I'm mad I have all these games in Japanese but WHY DO THEY LOCALIZE ALL THE COOL STUFF NOW I THOUGHT I WAS BUYING THE EXCLUSIVES. not that i can't play them in japanese but if i knew they were gonna be in english i'd have waited. in pretty much every case but kingdom hearts and fire emblem. those two were totally worth it. oh and rayman origins but that was very randomly released in japan first. EDIT: EX Troopers is literally like playing an anime. And the gameplay is somewhat reminiscent of Zone of the Enders on the ground, which is a good thing.
  15. could you also send me something? or you chimpazilla if you see this before he does.
  16. photoshopped pic of stevo's face over the mr. mom poster or it didn't happen
  17. Chords, scales, time signatures and the like certainly are scientifically based, even if they weren't originally discovered that way. But preference in arrangement, and the sounds actually coming out of instruments within those bounds of music are ABSOLUTELY preference and conditioning. Some people love distortion guitars. Some people hate them. There's no right or wrong about it. The same is true on a larger scale if you apply it to arrangements or even genres. If a composition is musically incorrect that's one thing. However, if it's not (and just about all good dance music, dubstep or otherwise, is) then you really can't be like 'it's not musical enough for my tastes.' You can say you don't like it, but other than that there's nothing for you to objectively stand on without coming off as ignorant. For reference: here is dubstep played on piano. Clearly not compositionally flawed.
  18. i wanted to come back and play this game but i don't want to come back to play pokemon all this hat stuff is pretty off putting to me
  19. there's approximately a zero percent chance anyone would be selling this but i'm looking to buy a copy of the metroid prime trilogy collection
  20. not exactly final fantasy designs are important to the games themselves. how the pokemon are drawn has absolutely no bearing on how pokemon plays. they could all be 5 pixels and the game would play the same
  21. everyone use backloggery.com. i wish more people on this site used this (and updated it) it'd be fun to have that resource where everyone can see who's playing what
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