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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. no just for wii motion plus being worthless and not wanting to buy it for the last game of a dying system i really love zelda games but not 80 dollar zelda games
  2. usually not that long
  3. ..... get flash and flash when they do how hard could that possibly be
  4. you're also making the assumption that in a 2v2 lane you're getting the last hit on every creep every time which is retarded. you're also assuming that ganking an opponent doesn't do something like i don't know push forward towards a tower which gives everyone *on the team* 150 gold and allows for more efficient farming in lane for a period of time what you're also forgetting is that this is a team game and when one of the opponents gets killed early on (from ganking) a level discrepancy as well as a gold discrepancy *because they're not getting any while they're dead* comes into play which makes two or three early kills incredibly worth it also counterganks are very possible they're just not as simple as 'oh noes my teammate died lets all teleport over to where it happened so we can kill them' you actually just have to react fast and position yourself well enough to do it
  5. really? maybe if you play ubercarries like yi all the time. rest of the time no. also no
  6. yea not really tensei if anything you get chip damage on the opposing tower from creeps and map control also i love using zilean but i hate how no one gets how to work with him watching my team be like 'wtf zilean why weren't you attacking' when the only attack i have is time bomb and its already been used is obnoxious
  7. even though you're like tripleposting in this thread keep doing it i would forget to watch these otherwise
  8. so far so good
  9. So I just found a veritable treasure trove of vinyl albums in my basement. I have no use for them but I'm sure a collector somewhere does, however. Does anyone know where I can find an honest estimate on the worth of things like these? If so your help would be wonderful. Also, I'd be happy to sell them to people here once I figure out how much they're worth. I'll post a list of what I have if anyone's interested. Thanks edit: one of them was Kind of Blue which I found funny given the recent controversy over it here
  10. i keep wanting to call galio garion i wonder why also i want him really badly this week will be spent saving up for him so i can play him all the time.. he farms creeps like crazy so by endgame you're guaranteed to be invincible
  11. YES i just went 5/2/16 and it was awesome
  12. adding ocr peeps to my friendlist if you see my name do not be afraid
  13. just buy a new one noob <3
  14. slight numbers modifications doesn't necessarily mean super bad, with good lasthitting he's a beast even early to midgame so its not such a bad thing also i'm back to playing this now its TheDerrit someone come please play with me
  15. so we've all been doom and gloom but what announced games ARE system sellers? i'll start paper mario 3ds
  16. this is bad and you are bad for liking it
  17. whoever runs this thread if you could add The Derrit to the list of usernames that'd be cool i won't be playing for about a week but after that i'd love to get in on some ocr games
  18. i started playing this when i was banned im about lv 14 and use fiddlesticks a lot
  19. ok piece by piece here. A) mvc3 is a GREAT game which ironically showcases how many successful franchises capcom houses that aren't megaman. disparaging mvc because it doesn't have megaman means nothing more than you're butthurt because it doesn't have megaman. no one who thought about buying mvc3 for anything other than stupid fan loyalty hinged their buy on whether or not megaman was in it. plus zero is anyways. street fighter 4 regardlesss of its 3 iterations is a major part of the reason that fighting games, and the fighting game community, still matters in america. and think about why there are 3 iterations. because people asked for MORE. these updates don't get made just so people can grumble, its because its what the people want. note here: outside tekken and soul calibur, capcom practically owns fighting games, and that community is huge. several times larger than the megaman fanbase. a recent west coast fighting game tournament had over a million people watching a livestream of mvc3 C) resident evil 4 was hailed by everyone and their mother as the best thing out of anywhere ever when it came out. up until then the franchise was respected greatly as is. resident evil 5 was apparently average but if that's called 'driving a franchise into the ground' then anything with a sequel ever should probably be shut down. there is no substantial series in any medium that doesn't have one book/movie/game a cut below the rest. i can't think of a single one. point being calling resident evil 'dead' is stupid. D) asura's wrath looks sexy. but isn't it a shame when people go creating new ips with when they could be making megaman games instead? the nerve. okay. so far so good. E) would capcom exist as it does without megaman? no. more importantly who cares? sega wouldn't exist as it does without sonic but that doesn't mean we need 5 new sonic games, or depending who you ask any sonic games ever again. when peak talent leaves, or in this case a head designer, making a shitty game becomes a real possibility and frankly all you people would have been just as pissed if it came out and was bland and boring. capcom is megaman is an incorrect statement. the correct statement is: megaman is capcom. more precisely, a part of capcom. if you only like capcom for megaman games be my guest and boycott them to high heaven; it sounds like you're not buying anything but megaman games from them anyways. but seriously acting like this game was 100% gonna be the saving grace of videogames is foolish. that's cool. tons of people are. to put this in perspective for you there are tons of capcom devotees from fighting games and devil may cry and the retro side scrolling days like final fight who don't give two shits this game got canceled. i understand that 'tons' is hardly objective but you're mistaking 'true capcom fans' with 'people who really like megaman' and its an important differentiation.last of all read this its for you http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FanDumb edit for mirby: i can appreciate that, if this is truly the end of megaman through cancellation then its a large impact on the industry, that's just how it is. but as stated above the situation surrounding this game doesn't necessarily mean the end of megaman and it DEFINITELY doesn't mean capcom is now a bunch of dirty bastards who hate their fans
  20. i can already tell i don't like you a) ill give you some credence that putting it on 3ds isn't the best idea but honestly the concept of the legends games is based in outdated mechanics anyways so it would have felt old on console too. i mean go back and watch those games on youtube i can't see a good way to make that formula fit in a modern setting without feeling dated CAPCOM IS NOT SETTING MEGAMAN UP TO FAIL JESUS CHRIST PEOPLE c) that is the worst analogy ever. if halo 4 were on vita, vita would sell til the world ends because halo 4 SELLS SYSTEMS. it sounds like legends 3 would have done the same for some people around here but anyone outside the already established audience for this game (megaman fans) wouldn't go out and get a 3ds for it. it doesn't have the pedigree you all think it does.
  21. hey everyone megaman legends 3 isn't the last game to come out ever jesus christ. im sure everyone at capcom collectively said 'oh lets spite our fans and not make this game' and quite frankly megaman games aren't top sellers anymore, there might have been massive support from within the fanbase but lets face it the fanbase ISN'T THAT BIG. if you all want to talk about how shitty capcom then feel free to lap at each other's balls but seriously. nobody sinks money into a development just to cancel it unless there's a freaking really good reason like irreconcilable design issues or the fact that the game isn't likely to break even im sick of this shit literally all the time on this site someone's like 'oh nintendo is dead and their games are worse than shovelware' or 'final fantasy is the worst series of all time since 7' or 'capcom is the devil because they're canceling a game they clearly put a lot of time and effort into' and its just stupid. ESPECIALLY in the case of capcom. capcom's community was literally helping make this game you don't get any closer to catering to your audience. canceling this game did not line capcom's pockets with gold. stop acting like they got away with something.
  22. south's face was surprisingly really realistic i thought
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