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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. V is for Virtua Tennis.
  2. P is for Paper Mario
  3. hey also you can take me out if that makes it easier, i realize now i won't have nearly the time for this i thought i did going back to school and all.

  4. Is there a way to get a high res of this? or even a poster, i'd put this on my wall
  5. i hate to be the sound noob but do you have mp3 stuff or does ogg run on a standard music player? i'd like to listen to this
  6. we're sorry not everyone lives in a fantasy world and can't stand being reminded about the real one. i don't mean to flame for the sake of it, but i know nothing about this game and i reject your opinion outright just because of all of the dumb things you said. metroid doesn't have a story outside of "go there. explore." and you have no idea what kind of stuff happens in this game because there's an 150% chance you HAVEN'T PLAYED IT. think before you speak basic facet of life
  7. i guess no one noticed this? some misses but there are a few hits in here too, look at it at least people
  8. I'd love to hear the rest of this story.
  9. these are all wonderful ideas i <3 paper mario i wish someone would do some of these they're all sweet songs
  10. I will also take you up on this I play that game hardcore all the time. But its not single player so I didn't realize it counted
  11. both of the paper mario games (super paper mario doesn't count) i've played the 1st five times and the 2nd twice through.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5Je6tQAoss Sky area

    Challenge Mode

    Most of isn't on youtube. Pissin me off. I'll see if I can't find more.

    This is Yoshis Touch and Go stuff btw

    OH and if you wanna do a sweet ass metal remix consider this



    i mean shit you could just put that into FL Slayer and it'd already be the tits

  13. hokay will do
  14. I'm sure someone will say "oh isn't that just yoshi's island" but you are WRONG. all the songs are of the same style but are definitely not the same songs. and some of them are beauutiful. deserves some attention.
  15. i still kinda do stuff like that, with various games i like sizing up my surroundings and being like if i were ______________ what could i do to get where
  16. This is true, but in a way its in the same vein as (go with me on this) teenage drinking, its illegal, but as long as its done in a setting where it doesn't bring harm to anyone else AND NO ONE SEES IT, no one gets in trouble. So if i mod my xbox and then keep it to myself and use it for my purposes, no one is going to seek me out, or find out most likely. Its when he goes and sells them to people that it becomes trouble for him. Seriously.
  17. My big issue here is that I live in New Hampshire. So i'm not really near anything by a long shot lol i don't think there's much of a dancing culture here. but you never know til you look!
  18. i would also love this
  19. haha i honestly don't expect to but it would be kinda nice. either way i'd like to get some sort of base of knowledge or at least a place to find it and yeah, i'd say i'd like to learn liquid/this type of thing the most, and then if i could pick up bboy along the way
  20. haha i'll take your word for it. any idea of where to get started, online or otherwise? i'd like to surprise my friends with this when i get back to school
  21. this is good, i like it
  22. so i've been looking into it and i'd love to learn some liquid stuff. i'd also like to bboy but i'm way too tall and long legs are awkward for that sort of thing.
  23. hey, i'm not trying to mix anything. or make music. i want a pair of great headphones that i can listen to music on. i've been looking at the A40 by astrogaming which apparently does an amazing job of both a headset and great sound quality but i'd like to hear from you people
  24. So I've coincidentally been finding a lot of interesting dance videos online, and I was thinking that it would be great to get into some sort of hip-hop/general club style dance, or at least have a rudimentary knowledge of what to do on a dancefloor. It could come in handy someday. I noticed that HalcyonSpirit had commented that he was a dancer, but does anyone have tips/pointers for where to go to learn this kind of thing on my own time? There's only so much you can pick up from imitation, and a great chance you're gonna do it wrong anyways. Also, feel free to share just sweet videos of dancing, funny stories, etc. I'll start: This is a video from Genesis (the huge SSBM/SSBB tournament that happened mid-July), apparently some of the melee players can bust some moves. I was thoroughly entertained, its not great footage but its cool to see smashers doing other things too.
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