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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. did you ever send in the miracle matter mix?

    i hope so. its great. and would be the best mix for evers.

  2. No of course not. its called true evening of grief though so by association i was like "shit sucks" i'm sure its a fine song when i first posted i legit thought this was the word association thread. you can imagine my confusion when i look at the page and its all songs
  3. Shit sucks. edit: WTF this isn't the word association thread. fuck. The Valley - Stuart Chatwood and Inon Zur, Prince of Persia 2008
  4. This is really cool, though he looks a little bit hobbit sized
  5. Who thinks this is fake outside horribly HORRIBLY stupid people? They clearly did the demos up on the stage, and they worked just the way they were supposed to, minus the hiccup with cujo's avatar being funky. Even that proves they were doing it real time, you don't put a mistake into your presentations just for shits and giggles. Even the PETER MOLYNEUX project was on display for real people to use later in the show, and while it didn't have an enormous vocabulary, it did everything else it was supposed to admirably. IGN called it very impressive. So how would this be fake in the least?
  6. I'm excited regardless, but part of the charm of Golden Sun was the massive detailed sprites. But the games were sweet so I think it'll be great all the same.
  7. stop acting like everything bleck says is clearly meant to infuriate people. his original statment wasn't exactly a superflame.
  8. anyone gotten through? the countdown ended and now it just doesn't load anything except an error.
  9. i can't tell if this is a joke or not.
  10. The kid did look creepy but so does everyone in the Fable games so it doesn't surprise me. The paint presentation was basic, but even that shows what can be done with the whole voice recognition and basic motions parts, and there's sure to be more ideas where that came from.
  11. This Xbox Natal thing, if its what they say it is, is absolutely mindblowing. It outclasses the Wii in every way, and the Molyneux demonstration was INSANE. I already can't wait for this.
  12. Can't, sorry. Also its still showing an 8 even though the hour went down to seven. So I dunno bout that.
  13. and the sun came out. its now displaying an 8 that just sits there the whole time. maybe to match the hour? There's 8:25 left after all edit: the mask has music now too! ring a bell to anyone?
  14. scratch that. it ends tomorrow at like 6 i guess?
  15. I didn't realize you posted in my bday thread!

    Sawwy. You're the best too. But we all already knew that :D

  16. my bad i haven't read the whole thread any idea what this lord of shadows business would be about?
  17. has anyone noticed that where the "kojima production" sticker used to be there's now a link to a flash picture of a mask? it looks like it could be something different entirely
  18. OR MGS 5 happens in between MGS 3 and 4, and Snake takes the duty of Big Boss and is dictating to Raiden before he turns into old snake. Not likely but a maybe.
  19. Forgive me for not understanding, but what were the ZOE games? I've never played them myself. The only thing I know about them is ZOE2 had the MGS2 demo on it.
  20. Meteo that is repulsive. Also, Happy birthday rama!
  21. Clefairy is a sweet tag. You're officially cool in my book
  22. yeah they probably just made a typo that big 5 was supposed to be a 3 but yeah, all around more mgs is never a bad thing.
  23. This doesn't really strike me as funny at all. The cat looks awkward and its pretty much (someone doing something) WHILE I PLAY UNFITTING MUSIC like has been on youtube for awhile now.
  24. i've found that if i'm having some sort of terrifying dream, where something awful is happening, i can force myself to open my eyes and wake up by (in my dream) closing my eyes really tightly and opening them as hard as possible. also, when you become aware of your dreams you can make really cool shit happen.
  25. post pictures of course, so we can all see some of your stuff

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