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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. so you'll laugh when i send you this or be like wtf is this guy up to, but i love your kirby dnb mix. i guess you could call this a personal request, but THIS SONG:

    is a song that would go oh so perfectly in the style used in your kirby mix. it makes my cream my pants thinking about it.

    i just had to tell you.

  2. Is mario party really worth it? i liked the old ones but i don't know if the new ones are worth getting, seeing as they are kind of the same game.
  3. i've watched that trailer way too many times now. the music made me think of when you wish upon a star, and the cajun firefly = so many awesome things waiting to happen. <3 disney
  4. Where did everyone get the idea that ken is really good? he's not.
  5. Its her K shoryuken, she jumps up and can hit a few times before knocking you downwards. legitimate
  6. poor fix what do you think he has an iv for huh huh huh
  7. I would say "ocr tourney for funsies" but the last time that hapepened it didn't work
  8. i found a 7 hit combo that ended in abel's whirlwind throw. it was sextastic
  9. www.allisfighter.com OCR group anyone?
  10. yeah whatever. i happened to be listening to public adress 006 the other day when i read that so i was like jeahz anyways, my favorite as of right now is possibly abel. focus -> crouching hp -> EX air grab = mad sexy. forward mk -> dash into whatever is a great addon too you can do a lot of things with it
  11. me too me too i got all 150 in red. it was a crowning acheivement in my life i was so proud.
  12. GT! You posted! this is a glorious day for us all
  13. doesn't. afraid. of ANYTHING.
  14. OMG PRETZELPOST interesting you should say that about the loading times, they're really not too bad on xbox as far as i can tell. either that or i'm too patient.
  15. yeah well somehow i don't think he wants a japanese version soooooo yeah
  16. you're the man. seriously though props to this guy i love all his street fighter songs.
  17. lololololololol owait. this is about no flame wars no pun intended everyone has fanboys. ps3 less than most
  18. gawd i can't wait for my copy to get here... too excited. i wish i had live to play peeps on but i'm excited enough to play the game period.
  19. i want a t-shirt! anyways my copy is (hopefully) in the mail and i can't wait for it to get here.
  20. I love the new version to death as well. I especially love the new synth you put in at 2:55, but I feel as if it could be even better if it didn't jump around sooo much, at times its too quick to follow imo. it sounds great as is but maybe could sound even better, with a more strictly arabian scale.
  21. Quoted for emphasis. Also does anyone know where you can get Jazz Jackrabbit? I tried once but couldn't find a working version for the life of me. I really really want to play it so anyone who knows where to find a compatible version let me know.
  22. A birthday thread for me? Hooray! No lie this actually makes my morning, I seriously woke up and said no ones gonna make me a bday thread.. maybe I should make one for myself. But no need! Luke's officially a sweet dude in my book.
  23. This. Also in another sense, SSBM changed my way of thinking in a competitive sense. I've been an athlete my entire life, and many of the strategies and head games I learned from smash translate into other competition, such as getting by a blocker in football or finding an unexpected passing lane in basketball. Stuff like that, I use the strategy from that game in real life.
  24. SPLOOGE I know that's not a useful comment but this is beautiful in every sense of the word submit nao plz EDIT: there were a few spots in which it sounded like there was a little jerk/extra 8th note inbetween bars but it could be the system i'm listening on. something to check.
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