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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. plenty of people have memories of boss music. plenty of people don't have musical experience. its a pretty simple concept
  2. Now I'm not saying that you can play thousands of hours and be BAD, but I do believe that you can play forever and not be good. Things like link combos aren't going to be randomly discovered during play, so you'll get better, but only with the tools you know and understand. If you only know and understand some of your overall tools, then you'll never excel at the game, and you'll never know all of your tools without external information.
  3. lets stop that right there. That is most certainly untrue. Its incredibly easy to be bad at SF, depsite playing it a lot. Now if you play that much, most likely you'll take the time to look up the information needed for you to play well. But let's say you didn't just for kicks. If you didn't look up information, you would probably never figure out, for instance, abel's mk -> forward dash -> whatever. You would never know that you can cr.mk xx Change of Direction. These are things that you need people to tell you, and playing a lot would never teach you that. That's just 2 examples from one character but there's plenty for each. The same happens in melee, a game which i played competitively (and still do when i get the chance). There are people who play that game for YEARS that I can wallop on with no effort at all. Their experience doesn't teach them anything, because its not on the proper level of competition. They don't understand why mewtwo is bad, or why short hop lasering is worthwhile. And unless someone teaches them (or they teach themselves) they never will.
  4. i someday aspire to be a part of something that gets me in a wallpaper like that it sounds like i'm joking but i'm dead serious. i wanna be in a community like that
  5. Oh we understand, but there's no reason not to drop them here for some possible inspirations
  6. Seeing as everyone is tossing out suggestions/ideas, I'll toss in some for inspriation. Paper Mario: TTYD (Doopliss) Metroid Prime Final Battle (Prime Head) Super Mario RPG (Fight Against An Armed Boss) Super Paper Mario (Bleck) KOTOR (Darth Malak) and the Great Giant Poo.
  7. thats. SWEET. gawd that's super awesome. for reals. congrats dude!
  8. Thank you kindly also does using opera for torrenting work around that? i use opera right now so that would make my life easier..
  9. i'm at college, no torrenting for me. Does anyone have a direct dl link?
  10. i always thought imitation was the best form of flattery or something like that also i didn't realize hoboka still posted here
  11. what nonsensicalalexis said

    whatup dude

  12. that's not really true, you can buffer it in moves like a sweep or roundhouse or (of course) a block, or in a forward/standing jump too.
  13. Speaking of strong music-to-game memories, I remember listening to Beastie Boy's "Hello Nasty" while playing Link's Awakening. The two still go together in my head.
  14. What's this now? Do tell.
  15. show me a way to it and i'm there
  16. DAMMIT someone beat me to it. Definitely true story. and I'm sure everyone will be like LOLpopularmusic but Usher: "Here I Stand" (single: Love In This Club) I love it love it love it. Great to listen to.
  17. I never played FFVII. I started Earthbound and never got past Threed.. I SOLD MY N64 FOR MONEY TO BUY A GAMECUBE. I'm gonna stop there. owait one more I've never played a mega man game. how did i even get here.
  18. I don't see why. Gen is the ONLY character who can combo the two (aside from dan but that's.. different) so its not as if anyone can just fill there meters and get an easy win cause they have ultra and super.
  19. all my friends were like "it was too preachy and super lame and stuff." i loved it. there's so many commentaries up for discussion its mindblowing.but no one to discuss it with on my block.
  20. YES YES YES YES THIS. It's so good. There are a couple tracks that aren't really drum and bass at all, but the drum and bass ones are excellent.
  21. uhhhmmmmm yeah. Send it in! Worst that happens is it gets rejected, and best case scenario (also likely from my standpoint) you get a mix and some publicity up on the site! There are some working producers around here and publicity is never a bad thing.
  22. damn. that was a huge ass bump
  23. not to mention when would you ever be put in the perfect situation to do that
  24. haha not quite. c. viper is S tier in japan, one of the best.
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