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Everything posted by derako

  1. So November has been a pretty unproductive month. I'm sorry I haven't posted much lately. I have made some progress, finished the Viola's now working on Cello and Bass. I suspect that a demo should be ready within a couple of weeks. I'll keep you posted. Cheers, -Derek-
  2. I finished up the Violin runs for the 1st half. Having issues bouncing tracks in Sonar X1 and with PLAY but I have work arounds.. Be warned, if you want to upgrade your system from Windows XP to Windows 7 64bit make sure there are good drivers for your existing hardware. I've had to put a lot of money into this project due to driver issues. Anyways stay tuned, -Derek-
  3. Ok so this week wasn't too productive. I wasn't happy with the how the strings were sounding... They were sounding a little muddy so I started over with them and added "close mics" and it made all the difference. So I'm just going back over and messing with controllers, volume, etc to get it where I want. Thats about all for this week. -Derek- UPDATE: So I've restarted the strings with the close microphones mixed with the main mics and that seems to be a good mix. The String runs are perfect, clear, smooth, precise.
  4. This week, being done with the brass for the most part, I focus more on the Strings. The 1st and 2nd Violins to be specific. Man, I can't believe how powerful of a computer you need to have to run this stuff. Hollywood Strings is a monster, thats for sure. That being said the quality and the progressions you can pull off with it are amazing. They also blend and stand out against the brass which really says alot to the quality and realism of the patches. Cool stuff! Thats all for this week. Slow goes it but I want to do this right and this is a huge piece of music. -Derek-
  5. Thank you for your kind words. It was a disaster that the storm wiped out my data and that I couldn't really FINISH the piece. I thought that it was pretty good too but Jeremy hadn't approved the final version yet and he had wanted to change a few things. Minor things but nonetheless we didn't feel as though it was appropriate or fair to our fans to release something that wasn't approved and finished to the best it could sound on OCRemix. So I released it on my webpage. And it's not like it has been forgotten, there is a big following of the entire Cantata on youtube. Over 135,000 hits for Mors Ego Sum Mortis alone. Thanks again, -Derek-
  6. This week I was able to finish the brass. So it's done for the most part. Jeremy will give it the final stamp of approval and I'll probably have to change some things but it's all good. Just an FYI, The brass sound excellent. If you like epic brass clusters you will like this piece. I got to work with the strings a little this week before going away for the weekend. it's going to be beautiful. Hollywood Strings are going to make this piece shine. Thanks for reading, -Derek-
  7. This week I was able to work closely on the trombones which was a real challenge. The way that the hollywood brass trombones were recorded, it made it difficult in terms of velocity and volume in certain parts. I believe I got it down and I was able to get through the first half of the piece. This week I'll be working on the tuba. I don't suspect that this one will take that long. After brass I start the real challenge which is Hollywood Strings Diamond. We'll see how long that takes Thanks for reading, -Derek-
  8. This week I wasn't able to work on as much as I had hoped but I got the French Horns about half way done. They sound amazing along side the trumpets, I can't wait to post a demo. At any rate I should be finished with them by next week and plan to move on to the Trombones which will be the biggest challenge of the piece in my opinion. Nevertheless, things are progressing. -Derek-
  9. This week I finished the Trumpets. As this is the first time I'm using Hollywood Brass and Hollywood Strings it's challenging my way of sampling. I've had to rethink my methods and adapt the samples in different ways. It's a good change and will be necessary for me to take my sampling to the next level, but nevertheless, challenging. French Horns are up now. Just loaded up the main sustain patch, awesomeness! -Derek-
  10. Ok so for update number 1. Just finished sampling the first half of the trumpets. Just have to say that Hollywood Brass, best thing ever made! !! -Derek-
  11. Sorry to clog the thread but I think this needs to be addressed publically. The 3rd movement never made it to OCR because it was never finished. I did sample it and Jeremy did finish the composition but a storm wiped out my entire DAW infrastructure and I lost all the audio data I had produced for it. Since the audio data had taken me months to create I didn't have time to redo it. Fortunately before it happened I released a beta and it's all thats left. Currently it's on youtube so search for "Also Sprach Kefka" you'll find it. -Derek-
  12. Hello Kuolema,

    Thanks for your message. The 3rd one never made it to OCRemix because it was never really finished. I sampled it but there was a terrible storm here a couple of years ago that knocked out my entire DAW system I had in place. I wasn't able to recover the audio data so I abbandoned it. but this was what was done.

  13. Hello. Just to answer this no we don't have a title for it yet, that will come later but stay tuned because I'll be updating this weekly. -Derek-
  14. Hello OCRemix!! It has been WAY too long but I wanted to announce that Jeremy and I are officially at work on the fourth installment of the Cantata For Dancing. We're both VERY excited about this piece for many reasons. One reason in particular for me is that I've completely upgraded my hardware infrastructure and have installed a 64 bit OS on all my DAW's. I've also invested in new, higher quality sample libraries that will make the difference in this piece. As always Jeremy has put significant thought and energy into this piece of 12 and half minutes O.o We'll keep you posted as we progress through the production process. Thanks and get ready!! -Derek-
  15. Nobuo was my first classical inspiration. His music transcends anything I've heard otherwise to date. My only dream and goal is to be a fraction as good as he is at making beautiful music. Cheers Nobuo!! -Derek-
  16. Very impressive indeed! This arrangment excites me when I listen to it which says a lot about the production quality as I'm a stickler on that. I love the pallette of instruments you used in this piece and how you integrated them, mixed them, etc. I also liked the use of EWQL Symphonic Choir in regards to the childrens chorus at the end. There were a couple moments when I could tell the strings weren't real but they're not, it's a sample library. I'm sure if you listen to my work you'd say the same thing. Again very impressive work, I look forward to your future contributions to OCREMIX and/or in general. -Derek Oren-
  17. What we wanted to portray was the suffering of the people Kefka had effected. "Lord Have Mercy" is the translation of the bulk of the latin in this piece which is Kyrie eleison Since Kefka is portrayed in the game as a "God" we thought that this would ring home true to what everyone would pray for.
  18. Hey thanks for the plug. I just happened to be logging in today for the first time in a while. Jeremy and I are still working together and we recently released the 3rd installment of the "Cantata For Dancing" series. We haven't submitted it to OCR yet but I think we're still planning to at some point. Anyways if you want to download it go to my website: http://www.soundclick.com/orenproductions

    Thanks again and take care,

    -Derek Oren-

  19. Jeremy and I are revisiting a few moments in the piece that may need to be worked on before we submit it. I'll be sure to keep you updated on the progress. It'll be soon either way. -Derek-
  20. It's finished. Go to Oren Productions to download it.
  21. Surprise!!!! lol
  22. I'm pleased to announce that Also Sprach Kekfa is complete!! Please download from the link below Also Sprach Kefka
  23. I've posted on this in the past but I just wanted to say again how much I love this song. I just can't stop listening to it... when I go to play a song of off my playlist this one always seems to be the one I click on Thanks for the music! -Derek-
  24. I accidentally opened a new thread for Cantata for Dancing III. Sorry about that.

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