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Everything posted by Red9

  1. Originally it started as metal gear and then metal gear 2. The "solid" series started when konami introduced the franchise into the 3d world on the psx. MG, MG2 nintendo and i believe the msx or msx2 MGS -psx MGS2, MGS3 -ps2 MGS4:razz: -ps3 understand? YAY!
  2. especially with bloody mess....i love the rocket launcher in vats after getting that perk. Everything just flies everywhere:tomatoface:
  3. it's the company that made half life's program management application. Like windowslive or w/e it is.....only it's better and generally accepted
  4. This is deffinately a sleeper hit..........i need a cup o' joe after listening to it for too long. I like it.
  5. the missle launcher "miss" launcher...is in ft independence
  6. Andale is I believe in the north west region of the map....and it's a quest but it doesn't show up as a quest....just go digg around in the basements if you wanna do it. There is no spread, the weapon is easy to repair because of the commoness, the ammo is cheap and common and it's patriotic! (YEAH American Made!) If I can't change your mind then why not take them both?
  7. Behold! I am Red9, the finest handgun in RE4, the oddball Red Squadron Pilot, the 8th variant of the color red and the Greatest Pisser Off of People the world has ever known!. Ask me whatever you wish!
  8. I got damn lucky and crit shotted every damn thing in that town with a laser rifle. Just piles of ashes all over the general area.....very reassuring if ya know what i mean lol.
  9. i got a ps2 if you want it. pm you adress and i'll send it to ya. i got a ps3 with backcomp. so it's of no use to me now.
  10. i hate to say this but i've finished every quest, gotten the unique version of every weapon, collected all of the bobble heads, and all of my skills are at 100. over 40k caps, 5 fully repaired copies of each non unique weapon and i'm neutral standing. i can't wait for that DC to come out on PN. it brings a tear to my eye. and i'm about halfway through the game on no-weapon mode. (not an actual mode but very difficult indeed)
  11. where does that quest start at?
  12. the dart gun? anybody? get most ghouls (not glowing ones) one shot? the plans you can buy at tenpenny tower and consist of radscorpian poison (easy), toy car (minefield houses), surgical tubing (my first infirmiry or clinic in megaton) and a paintgun (anything underground). cripples both legs and poisons. deathclaws, ghouls, yao guai and anything that attacks is primarily melee can be walked away from while festively spewing hot lead. also a great money idea....sell the ammo for guns you don't use and always grab any ammo lying around. it doesn't weigh anything! (a missle....weightless >.> ) finally a personal observation is that the weapons shoot a little below the reticule, aim at the top of the head for an excellent nose job..... prolly should send this to ign or something....
  13. ....so....i like that remix...
  14. the queen/sorcerer from battletoads. just try and beat her...
  15. i've been listening for the whole damn day since you posted and I ain't heard shit! lol
  16. at .24 i got up and danced a jig and thought i was dancing with skeletons because of the stuff i've been drinking that has a snake in it and the clicky noise. one breath. a good solid mix though, it seemes a little short to me:!:
  17. My buddy's mom bought it new, didn't like the 8.9 inch screen after a while, sold it to me and bought a desktop.
  18. well i picked up for $100 a laptop. centrino 2ghz (800mhz bus), 1gb ram. should i be good for a while? (i have fruity loops 8 right now)
  19. i have two things to say. 1st. wow 2nd. nothing says i'm a profession than an excellant track and some quality software, it shows some initiative. that vocal set idea is very creative indeed it comes acrost very well and sounds very orcish to say the least
  20. link? i sense not
  21. the only things i find need work would be at about 2:48 after the drumroll it seems like it's building up ....... into a weak transition back to the main theme.....and then again with the ending that just ends. perhaps fade out with just the piano and bells? kind of a creepy fade or slowed ending maybe. but the rest of the track is excellent listening especially here at work
  22. well it's not to say that I want to spend 2k on a machine, it's more of thats my limit on the system itself(monitors, periphirals, speakers). also is the i7 920 processor too much for this type of software or would it be better if i did get that?
  23. what exactly do you have in mind? like an orchestral rehash? i'm thinking like a jazz/blues slowdown
  24. i'm in the market with a good solid 2k for a machine and 500 for some startup software
  25. My album is free, I'll even ship it to you free. It's fifteen (WOW 15! ) tracks of nothing but silence. It's so quiet you can't even see it in the case! Excellent for sleeping to or even just relaxing or meditating! Takes up minimal room on your hard drive or portable media device , is non-lincensed , and is actually promoted by the record company to be shared via your favorite p2p file sharing program ! Order today! do I win yet?
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