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Eino Keskitalo

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Posts posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. Sounds like the basis for the song is quite solid, the arrangement structure, drums bass etc are in a pretty good place. It has some flaws, but I largely enjoy it.

    Biggest problem to me is that the piano lead is quite mechanical on monotonous as the lead for the most of it. Basically all the sections that aren't led by the piano sound really good to me. The second problem is some of the writing has a couple of things that hamper the flow of the melody.

    0:26 the "other" piano note/chord sounds strange, like it was too close to the lead melody note. I like the backing piano 0:30-0:37. Maybe the "lead" piano didn't need to play that little bit of the melody (or it could be played by another instument). The way the lead piano is used from 0:43-1:07 sounds good. The off-scale note on the piano 1:10 sounds really ulgh to me.

    The wind instrument writing in 2:07-2:37 bothers me a little; the way the melody starts (every four bars) on a little higher note than expected (man I need some better vocabulary to express this). It feels like a good idea but maybe the backing chord doesn't fully support it? I think it sounds the nicest after 2:22 when the synth comes in to double it (and the sound is really nice there too).

    Generally there's some jumpy intervals in the melody writing here and there, which sound a bit like forced (instead of natural) variation.

    I could agree that the drums are a little bit stiff/blocky. The main snare seems slightly high-pitched/could have a "darker" EQ/could be slightly lower in the mix so it wouldn't punch through the mix quite so eagerly. There's some woody percussion during and after the wind instrument solo that sounds good but would improve a lot with some velocity humanization. This really nitpicky though.

    The intro is a bit sparse, esp. 0:08-0:22. Not that everything needs to be filled up, but there could be something, like the bass could build up to a cool bass fill in the end. (Could also perhaps jump to the next section at 0:15 already). Generally the soundscape is really nice. You have some great support synths/lines going around the mix. Looking at the judging of the first iteration, you've improved the mix well in that front. It still has a kind of solemn, spacious feel overall, but definitely not empty. I liked the ending!

  2. Cool track overall! I like that the lead sounds have a "robotic voice" kind of quality to them. It's very appropriate. The melody, in fact, has a mechanical feel throughout, which is also appropriate, but I could stand to hear a bit more changeups, variation etc especially rhythmically and velocity-wise here and there. It gets a bit monotonous as it is.

    I don't like some of the turns of the melody, some bits feel aimless. About 1:18-1:21, 1:33-1:36 & the corresponding parts in the later chorus, 2:53-2:56 feels quite random. 3:07-3:13 is better, but still kind of "ungrounded" in the writing. I like the part with two voices in between.

  3. Super nice work. Usual Tetromino tightness, but I do think I enjoyed this arrangement from them the most so far. There's tons of variety in the arrangement, my favourite is the ominous synth + heavy drums and bass section. I did think the ending was quite sudden, I was fully expecting a coda to wrap things up when that happened. In any case, a tight, super enjoyable version of a classic theme!

    (btw the "Download MP3" box shows an incorrect length on the ReMix page)

  4. I really like the combination of the acoustic sounds & the delay in the intro. The feel is very airy and pleasant. However, for my ears the harmony and melody don't work together at all at several points, making a good portion of the tune feel very random. Particularly the chord choices for the acoustic guitar don't seem to support the melody on the piano. This is too bad, the sound and feel of the arrangement are really great. Intro and outro were really nice. Looking forward to future work for sure!

  5. I've been a fan of Bowie since about the age of five, and he's always been the most important musician to me. He even did some VGM for Omikron: The Nomad Soul (not just the songs which ended up on the ..hours album either). Really sad he's gone.

    I don't have Blackstar yet, but the stuff I've heard (especially Sue) really hits the spots for me. Sounded like they (Bowie and Visconti) weren't happy with thinking outside  the box enough when making The New Day and were able to break that down on the new album. Experimental Bowie is the Bowie I like best so I'm sad there wasn't more to come in this vein.. but most of all I'm just thankful for so much great music and inspiration.

  6. Thanks for the replies! Indeed, I should check the Finnish law as well. The Tetris case is a good point too - the nature of the source itself limits its usefulness I have to say.

    One thing I can add myself is that some of the rightholders may well have licenced the music with a Creative Commons licence. Such is the case with Shovel Knight (scroll to the bottom). It's a rare case, but I think this is good information to add to OCR database at some point.. ?

  7. Wow, I totally missed the replies.

    The project in question would have been a freely streamable non-profit video (by a not-for-profit instance)  on Vimeo. I was wondering if tunes with Capcom sources are ok to use (according to Capcom) in non-OCR context. I believe OCR has an explicit right to post rearrangements from Capcom games. The question is, do usage rights transfer to third parties.

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