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Eino Keskitalo

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Posts posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. Circus table from Psycho Pinball!

    Part of the source used in the intro

    Part of the source that was used in the other parts

    Full source


    WIP (2019/08/04)

    Nothing like coming back to old nearly finished stuff.

    I didn't really do a lot about the ending. Shortened the intro a little. Maybe it's passable anyhow. Chiseled the middle quite a bit and made the bass filtering more interesting.


    WIP (2016/04/15)

    Mixing improvements. Close to finished I think, I need to consider the mixing of the bass end, I'd be interested in thoughts about that (and the mixing in general).


    WIP (2016/03/18)

    Some variation (such as start/stop shenanigans) for the "chorus" repeat before the outro, compression on the hihats & snare  and maybe some other tweaks. The big bass drum distorts the mix here and there (definitely needs some attention), and the bass is kind of plain (but maybe ok?).


    WIP (2015/02/15)

    I've been sitting on this for quite a while, some feedback would be nice! This is from PRC round 276. Love the game, not a fan of the circus music, but there was one part I liked and felt could use, so I used that part. I didn't find a video with just the music, but I think it all (or at least most of it) is played in the gameplay video above.

  2. Cool to see a SRA mix.

    It sounds "lossy" (like a low kpbs MP3). Youtube is possibly hurting your audio quality.

    Some of the percussion could be humanized more, varied in velocity and could use alternate samples (several samples for the "same" drum hits). The hand percussion in the beginning (and the same part used later) could use some velocity variation and some snare rolls and especially crash cymbals suffer from hearing the same sample played the same way many times. (Some of the percussion sounds just right with the drum machine feel though).

    The same humanization/variation criticism goes for the synth riff that is played first in the very beginning. It actually sounds all right in the intro itself, but when it repeats throughout the track it sounds stiffly sequenced, doesn't sit as well in the mix and I get the feeling I'm hearing the same thing as before. Listen to the riff in the original, it is much more lively.

    The production is better in the original track. Your mix (though again Youtube may be hurting it) sounds a bit thin, like the different instruments weren't filling up the sound spectrum enjoyably. Try to perhaps EQ your tracks or change some of your sounds to better fill up the mix. (Also, you have room to add some subtle atmospheric sounds etc to fill up the mix). The original also employs panning heavily (bit too heavily, but perhaps it's because of DS' speakers), which you could do more too.

    Arrangement-wise I like the long stretch at 1:34-2:13, I like how the bass is let go for a good while, and it's a good feeling when it comes back. The voice samples from the game fit very well.

  3. Star Voyager sounds like it has a pretty cool game concept.. I'm tempted to check how well it's implemented, NES' limitations and the year (1986) don't make for high hopes, but you never know! I can definitely hear what you mean about the piano, a ragtime-y take on theme would work very well.

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