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Eino Keskitalo

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Status Updates posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. Thanks for the review of Sadevakio! Thanks for the criticism, it helps future arrangements!

  2. Thanks for the review, I'm glad you're enjoying my Deus Ex arrangement!

  3. You gave good feedback on my PRC220 track about the structure - I've modified it a little, and put up a WIP thread here - it'd be great if you could give a listen and comment if it still could be more structured!


  4. Thanks for the review, glad you seemed to dig Sadevakio!

  5. I've put up a WIP thread for my PRC 220 track here, it'd be great if you could give it a listen and say if it still felt too short! :)


  6. Thanks for the props for Sadevakio, I'm glad it's posted now too. :) Thanks for the help along the way!

  7. Thank you for the fair review of Sadevakio!

  8. Once again thank you for the review! I'm glad you enjoyed Sadevakio!

  9. Thanks for the comment, much appreciated! I'll try you suggestion on the leads. I don't have much mixing experience, so it's very welcome!


  10. Thanks for the review! Very nice to hear such feedback. :) It was fun to hear it was surprising and stayed enjoyable!

  11. Hi CyberSkull, thanks for all the MusicBrainz work! I noticed that the year for Shell Shocked is 2001.


  12. Hi! Considering you have a WIP thread for both a SC2 mix, and a Little Big Adventure mix, you might want to check out and join the PCReMix initiative! Cheers!


  13. Many thanks for the mod review!

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