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Everything posted by Chernabogue

  1. Feel free to have a little extension for VV3. I know you're busy, so don't worry about taking a little more time. :) (And you exactly had 2,000 posts when I wrote this message, congrats!)

  2. I prefer to ask remixers specificly. I'd need to re-read OCR's policy. Thanks to everyone! I'm not I'll be able to use everyone's music, but the response so far is awesome and I'm very happy to be able to have a huge selection!
  3. Thanks a lot, guys! Much, much appreciated! Keep 'em coming! Once I have more time for myself, I'll try to write a little something about VGM remixing and copyright/law. I think it may help a little.
  4. Just played KH1 on my good ol' PS2 at my parents'. So much fun and memories. So yes, KH3, please. Even if the scenario starts to be non-sense, games are fun (DO WANT the HD collections).
  5. Thanks, Rozo. That could be interesting to do indeed, I might write a small thing and wait to be graduated (next year maybe!) to write something more in-depth. I'm focusing on French law for now, but will try to see how things work for Europe/worldwide.
  6. That's a good question, and I'm able to answer! I'm asking musicians/interprets to use their OWN arrangements/pieces, which is different from asking the composer to use his/her work/piece. The arrangement is technically owned by the remixer, even if (and especially for commercial works) some royalties should have been paied to the original composers/societies. I'm not a pro in terms of copyright, but I begin to be comfortable with the European system. --- Thanks to you all BTW, much appreciated. And worry not, you know I'll credit you all!
  7. Here's some backstory before the real request: I'm currently working to get an optional diploma for my Law degree, which is about computer/Internet law. Only a few people are taking it, so it's a great bonus for me. We have an exam in March but we also have to do a project (to be done in April). My project is to do a series of online videos about the "droit d'auteur" ("author's rights", which is the French/European equivalent to the Common Law copyright). I'd like to use some instrumental music in those videos. I won't have the time to write down music for those videos (fiming and editing will be long). So I'm asking remixers who'd be interested if they're okay with me using their music (from OCR) in my videos. Of course, everyone who participates will be credited and I'll put links in the description to your artist profiles on OCR. So if you're okay, simply post here or send me a PM/Tweet (@Chernabogue) -- no real genre restriction, so I'm open to all artists/tracks/genres (even if I doubt I'll use death metal or dubstep during my explanations xD). Thanks in advance to all people who'll give their authorization, it means a lot to me. (Yeah, I'm asking because if I do videos about copyright and stuff, it'd be a shame to use music without authorization LOL)
  8. MIDI PLZKTHXBYE Thanks for sharing, it's interesting to see how it was written.
  9. A little update: next Deadline is Dec 22. I'll be out of town for a few days (like being on the other side of France lol), so if you want a small extension, you can wait until Dec 28 to send your WiP in. Get those WiPs in. People who already sent a small concept or a longer WiP may skip this deadline. Thanks.
  10. And it seems the Metroid series comes back to BadAss, with a nice arrangement focused on Dark Samus, from newcomer SkyRiderX! Dark electro? Much yes!
  11. Well, still nothing today. Unfortunately, I'm leaving my city to see my family for the holidays, so I'll see if it arrived in 15 days. Stay tuned.
  12. Finally took the time to listen to this one from A to Z. And that was quite a wild ride. Arrangement and production are really top notch. Bravo!
  13. Palpable's solution worked perfectly. Going to try on other programs that have some problems as well. Thanks to everyone, you really were helpful!
  14. Oh I tried on 10 instead, silly me. It's indeed here in 11, but doesn't change anything. Well, I'll try to adapt to that resolution. Thanks for the help.
  15. My last point is "Don't allow keyboard focus". I also have "Invalidate plugin editor" and "Check properties on display change".
  16. Found the gear options, but what is exactly DPI? Can't find that option. (I should retry after sleeping too, haha, that may help )
  17. This album will be incredible. You guys have no idea how good it is.
  18. Well, video driver seems to work normally. I tried to install FL Studio 11 (demo) but it was the same. Any idea?
  19. When I had friends sleeping over in my room, I always put some metal as my alarm.
  20. Send me a WIP, and we'll see how it goes. EDIT: And The Coop steals the final track! If other people still want to participate, contact me, and watch for the tracklist (eventual drops, etc.) However, I cannot guarantee anything.
  21. My current alarms are: - 7:00: - 7:30: - 8:00: The only problem is I always wake up waaaaaaay before my alarms. Too many times...
  22. Nice! Glad it arrived without problem!
  23. Still nothing this morning. I hope to get it next week before I leave for the holidays. And I want to see Kenneth's pics!
  24. I'll try that when I have the time and will to reinstall stuff. Thanks for the answer.
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