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Everything posted by Chernabogue

  1. Forgetting to put one boss in the trailer: check.
  2. Sorry for derailing a little the thread with my joke. However, even if I think Soundwaveification may sound a little annoying (no offense, man, but all your posts are from this thread asking for updates), it'd be great to have some official updates on this project (and some other ones). I know staff and project directors may have busy times, but taking 5 minutes to say how things evolved "last month" or so (for example) would be great. Not blaming anyone in particular, but when you see the first post was edited for the last time almost one year ago, it can be a little frustrating for some people (and even people who are working on/for the project). We all know OCR albums take time to make, but sometimes it gets ridiculously long. Even if you guys are working in the shadows, I think more transparency on what happens behind the scenes would benefit the project(s). Sorry if I sound rude, but several projects seem to suffer from lack of updates (not speaking about activity, which is different) and I think staff/project directors could take a little time to update the first posts (or even simply post a message and say "Hi, we're gathering the last few things etc.") Just my 2 cents.
  3. December 2016 to be precise, along with the Assassin's Creed Movie.
  4. And on other news, I'm making progress on that trailer.
  5. That's indeed sad since guifrog participated to VV1 and VV2. But Sam should be able able to do something nice as well! Thanks Tim! You're the man!
  6. Sam Dillard claims the final battle track! The tracklist is once again complete! Let's make sure it stays filled now!
  7. Sent all the notes for Sturm on the forums. I think we're done!
  8. ONE MONTH before next deadline! Be sure to have something for me by Feb 22!
  9. Wishing you all good luck. Very curious to hear the finished product.
  10. Not familiar with her work, but damn, 44 is still young. RIP.
  11. You can already credit Tuberz and Furilas as part of my track. It's going to kick ass!
  12. If you guys are doing one this Friday, I may stay up late and show up.
  13. It's maybe not worth mentioning, but my track from contest #1 (Rhapsody of Madness) is covering "Gogo's Theme", not "Umaro". Tjanks for keeping those online!
  14. Congrats to zircon and to OCR for the release!
  15. FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX. /troll ---- I sent a PM to Tuberz and Furilas. We'll how it goes!
  16. Join me and together we can rule the digital world. Oh yeah, and we'll invite Furilas, he's cool.
  17. Hope you'll record/upload it somewhere, so we can watch it later. Very interested in watching this.
  18. Alright, mark me down for Digimon World 3/2003's "Wild Battle" track. Gotta go prog on that one.
  19. I like that! Nice job! And I thought I was good at MoF XD
  20. I was hesitating, but that decided me to do a Digimon track. <3
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