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Everything posted by Chernabogue

  1. Version #2: Eevee "Its genetic code is irregular. It may mutate if it is exposed to radiation from element Stones." -- Pokédex Entry (Red Version) ==Bio== Eevee may be one of the most interesting creatures to roam the Pokémon World. Evolution is the process by which a Pokémon changes into a different, usually stronger, creature. While more conventional Pokémon only evolves a maximum of two times, Eevee can transform into eight different creatures. Moreover, all of Eevee's transformations require different preconditions, leading to the most exotic Evolution tree the Pokémon World has ever seen. Elemental stones, location, and time of the day are but a few of the factors a Pokémon trainer has to take into account to make Eevee evolve. Eevee's new forms most notably include the swift Jolteon, the mysterious Umbreon, and the newly-discovered Sylveon. From these more advanced creatures come Eevee's greatest strengths, as it is a relatively weak Pokémon in its basic form. Being of Normal type, Eevee has few weaknesses but also few exceptional strengths. A Pokémon trainer may prefer to raise its Evolution(s) instead, as they all possess different abilities and types. One should pay attention to which form Eevee may change into as it is said that only a few Eevees are still alive, and Pokémon trainers may not encounter such a creature in the wild. To its trainer comes down the choice to make Eevee the trump card of a powerful Pokémon team. ==References== Official Pokédex Website Bulbapedia Article: Eevee
  2. Translated the Submission page in French: Google Docs I'm planning to do more in my free time, I hope it's okay.
  3. Unfortunately, Hat has to redraw from the project, his music interface died yesterday. We still have time for someone to claim the final track. If noone shows interest before the end of the week (I need someone that can work fast and good), I'll do it myself. Thanks.
  4. Guess I could write another one after Alucard. I'll try to do Eevee. Don't know if it's good so let me know Eevee "Its genetic code is irregular. It may mutate if it is exposed to radiation from element Stones." -- Pokédex Entry (Red Version) ==Bio== With Evolution being a unique feature in the Pokémon World, Eevee may be one of the most interesting creatures to have roamed its lands. Evolution is a process in which a Pokémon changes into a different species of Pokémon, usually getting stronger in the process. While more conventional Pokémon only get one or two Evolutions, Eevee can transform into eight different creatures. Moreover, all of Eevee's evolutions require different preconditions, leading into the most exotic Evolution tree the Pokémon World has ever seen. Elemental stones, location, and time of the day are but a few of the conditions a Pokémon trainer has to take into account to make Eevee evolve. From those Evolutions comes Eevee's greatest strenght, as it is a relatively weak Pokémon in its basic form. Being of Normal type, Eevee only gets one weakness, but doesn't show any potential advantage, nor exceptional stats. A Pokémon trainer who gets to train an Eevee may prefer to raise its Evolution(s) instead, as they all possess different abilities and types. One should pay attention into which form Eevee may evolve as it is said that only a few Eevees are still alive, and Pokémon trainers may not encounter such a creature in the wild. To its trainer comes down the choice to make Eevee the trump card of a powerful Pokémon team. ==References== Official Pokédex Website (Just saw the Mascott page has references, but I thought a more "official" one would be better ) Bulbapedia Article: Eevee
  5. djp wrote the limit is now 300 -- however, I seem to have around 500 PMs right now lol
  6. OK. Then I'll wait for the solo, so I can try to finalize the track and the mixing.
  7. Should I send an update before May 1, or wait for Callum's solo first?
  8. Did we just got back 5 years of deleted PM's? So there's no limit to the number of PM's you can send/recieve?
  9. Thanks for the in-depth reviews, guys. It seems the more serious issues are still the same than the ones the Judges raised. Will try to do my best to improve this and upload a newer version.
  10. VV3 Deadline: June 1st -- get crackin'!

  11. LOL --- When you're on your profile and roll out the menu (About, Forums, etc.), some options appear over the menu. Guess a picture is better than my English:
  12. Thanks everyone! Feedback was sent! I'm expecting more WiPs this evening, yay! Next deadline will be here VERY quickly (June 1st), so be sure to get to work!
  13. DEADLINE is almost here! I got some WiPs but will send feedback once I'm done with my exams.
  14. New version: LINK Sources: - DK Escapes! (heard at the very beginning of the video)Judges' Decision: HERE Basically trying to get it on OCR. Feedback me!
  15. Don't be disappointed, your little princess started walking, that's awesome. The forums can wait a little longer.
  16. Interesting idea/concept. Why not VG women in general as well? FF has been pretty heavily remixed, and some games/women deserve more remixes.
  17. Waiting for Furilas' bass and Tuberz's final solo and the track will be done.
  18. Looks better IMO. Good luck with the migration.
  19. If you're also into Action-oriented RPGs, I'd recommend Kingdom Hearts 3D. A bit different from the other entries in the series, but I actually liked it a lot.
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