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Everything posted by Chernabogue

  1. Here's how mine goes: Chernabog from Disney's Fantasia (love the Bald Mountain segment) + Bogue (French term for "software bug")
  2. Just wanted to congratulate the video editor, it was a very nice and effective trailer. And the samples/demo sound really good.
  3. Should I send my mix to the panel now, or do you plan to have it in the mixpost when the album releases?
  4. Indeed. Considering my own albums gets 3 DL total, I don't see a problem. LOL
  5. RoeTaKa has to drop the "Ending" track, leaving an open spot. If someone's interested, please contact me asap, thanks. EDIT: Tuberz has the final track, woohoo!
  6. The next deadline is in two weeks or so. I'll have exams a few days before the exact date, so feedback may be a little slow before April 22. I'll need at least a concept this time, or a more advanced track for those who turned in a short WiP last time. I know this may sound strict, but the final deadline will be here before we can even think about it, so I prefer to be able to plan ahead. Don't be afraid to PM me and talk with me, even if you prefer to drop your track, so I can mange things and find another artist. Thanks.
  7. Once again, Lourd would only be useful if you intend to generate money/profit from your remixes/cover. A free DL remix album on Bandcamp should be fine.
  8. I'd add my two cents by saying that as long as you're not generating money with covers/remixes, you're quite fine.
  9. Voted for Simon Belmont, even though I doubt he'll make it. Would love to see Isaac or King K. Rool!
  10. I'm may not be doing techno, as it's written on my two remixes, but I still have Killer Studio Chops. I should try technomanga next.
  11. https://soundcloud.com/chernabogue/recuring-nightmare-poison-mind Source: Enjoy.
  12. One month before our next deadline, and for me to impatiently wait in front of my cinema to see Avengers: Age of Ultron!
  13. As the title says, I found a guy re-uploading some OCR albums with money-generating links. He also posts his links on forums like FF Shrine, which is known for album sharing. His website I spotted Maverick Rising and Chrono Symphonic. His links (from linkbucks or something like this) generates money each time someone clicks them: it's basically someone who's making money on OCR's back. Though this could be important.
  14. 9 hours of sleep later, I feel way better Will catch up this night's TB.
  15. While I could show up, my body is telling me I need some sleep, ugh.
  16. You can send an update for your VV2 track that will be included in the re-release. Eino and Gario sent updates. And I'm looking forward for the final return of Nick Cage!
  17. Just got the final authorization to get VV1 and VV2 re-released on OCR! A few small details to work out, and it should be fine!
  18. Quick question: who gets all the authorizations from the consent form for OCR Projects? And is it possible to get access to it, or to know who signed (and who didn't)? It'd be quite useful. Thank you.
  19. My thoughts exactly. Let's try something new. (Smash Bros.?)
  20. Not familiar at all with the original soundtrack, the first remixes blew my mind. Also, the videos with the sheet look incredible. I'm put to shame lol
  21. Holy hell, it sounds awesome. You really got that DP vibe, and your playing is great too. Nice job
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