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Everything posted by Lunahorum

  1. ya i know where it should be. It's not there lol. It shows up off and on.
  2. My first remix was a zelda song. I had about 3 newbish compositions (not remixes) before I worked on this. Made it in one long long night on FL demo. http://h1.ripway.com/max97230/995922-untitled.mp3 This one was also in my folder. I am almost positive I don't remember making this and I am wondering how it got there. http://h1.ripway.com/max97230/76748-untitled.mp3 This was when I got a keyboard. JOY!! Too bad I am in college now and I can't place it in front of the computer. Next term break, I am going to try to rearrange everything so I can fit my keyboard in front of the monitors and screens. Right now, it's only good for practicing piano, not for mixing with. http://h1.ripway.com/max97230/woohookeyboard.mp3 I am working on a dark world remix from the zelda game right now. It's pretty bad ass (I think lol). Has some power riffage on the guitar.
  3. Make sure Enable Multiple Outputs is on --- What if this isn't showing up yes I know where it is SUPPOSED to be, but it's not there??? I click the upper left of plugin window and look for check enable multiple outputs, but I am simply not seeing it. Did I accidently change something in the options?
  4. Download a sequencer. (like reaper) Download some VSTS (use search function or go to the free samples thread (it's stickied at the top)) Don't worry about not being good enough. Everyone starts out in the shits. Lol. As a matter of fact, I am still in the shits. Have fun with it
  5. I was browsing through the presets of a synth I downloaded and it has the following acronyms on the presets and I was wondering if I could have some help figuring them out. arp - arpeggio totc - ? (it comes at the end of the preset name) tc - ? (again at end of name) mc - ? (again at end of name) va - ? (again at end of name) dj - ? (again at end of name) atm - atmosphere atmo - atmosphere bas - bass gate - gated sequence kbd - ?keyboard? key - ? organ maybe? led - ?lead or solo tone? pad - pad same as atmosphere I think rym - ?rythm? What's the difference between this and gate? sfx - sound effects syn - ?synthesizer? This isn't very important at all and is not a big deal. I was just curious and couldn't find the answer in the guidebook or google.
  6. maybe the velocity curve is turned off. I think you want the 1:1 velocity curve for most purposes. EDIT How do you route the same channel to different mixer slots? Say I have a chello and a violin loaded up in the kompakt player. Chello is on midi 1 and violin on midi 2. How do I get the sounds from midi 2 to go to a different mixer track than the sounds from midi 1? (because I want to process the two instruments differently) Thanks
  7. are you using kontakt 2, kontakt 3, or the kompakt thing that comes with ewqlso? Anyone know if kontakt 3 is any good? I was realy thinking about getting it, but it is a load of money and I don't know if my computer can handle it. How resource heavy is it compared to K2?
  8. it's from some torrent i downloaded. I figured it out btw. Fruity keyboard controller owns all. Route to formula controller then to eq frequency with the appropriate ratio (experimentation) and whoala. HEHEHE o yea. Let's see cubase pull that off. edit: is there a vst that can do the equivalent of the fruity keyboard controller? Cause that plugin is awesome.
  9. yea. That would work definitely. Take way toooooo long. Unless someone good with programming can write a script that goes through the 30 megs of waves editing each one with a specified EQ. I guess I only have to edit the ones I use but still... it would take too long.
  10. Some synths have a midi keymapper so the eq changes to fit the sound (subtractive synthesis) How do I do this with a marimba sound font I found? It has some nasty overtones that I have located with band pass filters and now they are being notched filtered, but it only works for 1 or two notes. I want it to work for all the notes or at least enough to get a melody through. This idea is similiar to keymapping in subtractive synthesis I believe where the filter changes depending on how high the fundamental midi note is. Does anyone know if there is an EQ out there that will do this??? I thought about layering the marimba and a synth to the same midi notes and somehow turning the oscillators off and running the marimba through the synth's keymapped filters, but I am not smart enough to figure out how to implement this. If it helps, I have demos of live, fl, reason, sonar, traktion, and I have reaper.
  11. Sometimes when I EQ the tracks, I end up thinking I made a lot of difference in a clearer mix, but after comparing to the previous version, it's only louder. So yes, louder does sound better.
  12. well I only have 256mb of ram. I think that is the problem. The demo in FL studio has a lot of ogg files where the demo in reason has lots of live synthesizing. Even from a blank sheet though, it seems like FL is faster
  13. on my computer reason seems to be a hog. I have the buffer set at 50ms and everything asio, but it can't even play the demo song. I can play all the demo songs in FL studio/reaper just fine. I have a sonar, traktion, and live demo too, but I haven't messed around in them very much. From what I could tell, traktion and FL studio seem to own the crowd in intuitiveness without sacrificing power. Only problem with FL studio is that you can't view multiple piano rolls at once, but if you compose all the tracks in the same pattern using ghost notes, it works great.
  14. here you go fixed
  15. Wouldn't vst support make it way better? Right now it's only good as a rewired synthesizer. And I don't care to go out and buy refills.
  16. It is completely true that louder does sound better. Turning up the volume on the speaker is a better solution, but since most people keep their volume locked, the loudest song will sound the best. Just read some of dave moultons stuff on his site. He has some great psychoacoustic articles on there as well as other learning gems (golden ears, platinum playback, ect)
  17. hmm ok thanks. I have also read that boosts in EQ changes the sound phase and cuts don't. My question then is as follows: without a loss of generality, what is the difference between a boost at 4khz by 2db and a cut by 2db everywhere but 4khz with a gain of 2db? I was also wondering if there was a difference between parametric EQ, graphic EQ, and the other types. Are there different algorithms being used in each one that colors the sound differently or do they all use digital fourier series approximations? And as a sub question, how many eq instances does it take to noticeable degrade the sound quality mixing at 48khz? I guess that's the advantage of mixing at 196hz before a final dithered, anti-aliased mixdown to CD quality because the fourier series takes way way longer to build up humanly perceptible approximation errors? and Just while we are on the topic of sound quality, does anyone know of any sites offering a blind test or showing the difference between lossless and lossy? I searched and found a bunch of morons claiming they could hear (more like imagine) subtle differences when they knew which was the lossy and which was the lossless, but I didn't find any site with a "hear the difference" audio file to download and listen to. cool beans thanks
  18. Louder sounds better. Unless the sound is so loud that there is no dynamic content. As an artist, it is at your discretion where you draw the line. To make things louder without clipping the peaks, use a compressor with 0ms attack, a ratio of infinity:1 and a release time of whatever sounds good on your particular compressor (generally somewhere around 600ms. Set it around 20ms and hear what happens). A compressor with 0ms attack and a ratio of infinity:1 is also known as a limiter. What the hell does that mean? All a compressor does is change the volume or amplitude of the waveform. It is very hard to hear compressors working so mess around with the extreme values of the compressor to get a feel for it. Attack time - how fast the compressor lowers the volume once it goes over the threshold (or raises it if the ratio is less than 1:1) Release time - how fast the compressor stops lowering the volume (ie it raises the volume) once it stops going over the threshold. threshold - this is the point at which the compressor turns on (or partially turns on - see knee). Some compressors are activated by any frequency band amplitude going over the threshold, some are activated by the average amplitude of each frequency band going over the threshold, some are activated by any frequency band amplitude in a range of frequencies going over the threshold, some are activated by the average amplitude in a specified range of frequencies going over the threshold, and I am sure there are many other variations. The two latter designs I mentioned are known as multiband compressors. As you may have already guessed, EQ is useful before and after compression. The first EQ is used to change how the compressor reacts, and the second EQ is used normally, to shape the frequency spectrum. knee - this defines the transition range going from 1:1 to your ratio starting at the threshold. I believe there is a good picture of it in zircon's guide. ratio - pretty obvious gain - also obvious
  19. I was on pandora and this popped up. Yay for zircon.
  20. Ok well I think I am going to wait. I just found out about hard drive cables and how my hard drive is incompatible. How am I supposed to copy everything from my current drive to my new drive if I can't connect them both to the same motherboard? Or do I have to reinstall every little ****ing vst I have collected over the past few months? Thanks
  21. Ok what does it mean when a drum is from a "different kit" I don't see what the big deal is when a drum is not from the same kit. What is a kit?
  22. http://www.propellerheads.se/news/articles/index.cfm?fuseaction=video I learned how to use reason just by watching those videos. I learned to use Reaper by dinking around, and every other program(DAW) is exactly the same. Maybe it has different work-arounds, workflow, and such, but they are all the same in the sense that there are instrument channels, a sequencer, and mixer slots (also called effect channels). Edit: FL is one of my favorites, but it is shit for automation. Reaper has way better automation. FL's automation gives you the knob % which is useless unless you want to do the math to convert it to units. Reaper tells you the exact number of the knob it is controlling. For example, if it is routed to a filter cutoff, the automation clip will tell you what hz it is at instead of what %. FL also has pattern clips which is in my opinion retarted. Should be able to put everything in the playlist like every other sequencer out there.
  23. You can read this or you can skip to the last paragraph *** I wanted to build a faster computer, but I don't know where to start. I googled around for some motherboards and didn't get anywhere. I want to get a core 2 quad or something really fast and 4gb of fast (ddr3?) memory. My budget is $500. Maybe a new power supply if my old one can't cut it. I don't know what it is though. Right now, I have a hard drive, usb 2 ext hard drive, use 2 usb bays (keyboard and mouse), one monitor, and one pci 2496 soundcard. My current memory is 2 512 ddr for a total of 1gb. I wanted to upgrade my processing speed and ram. I am assuming my current motherboard is too old and I need a new one to load a faster processor into it. So I need a motherboard compatible with at least two usb 2.0 bays, a dvd/cd drive, 4gb ram, fast processor, and pci sound card. *** Do all motherboards fit the cases or do I have to cut the backside of the case off for the pci slots to line up right on the new motherboard? I want a new motherboard with fast processor (duocore/quad core/whatever is the hot market item) and 4gb of ram, and hopefully compatible with everything else I already have. If it exists, something that could be used to go dual monitor would also be cool edit: forgot to say thanks. I realize you people have better things to do than to help some moron upgrade his computer Oh also if i get the 64 bit processor, do I have to change OS's? Is there a free upgrade from xp32 to xp64? And are there problems with 32bit applications on 64bit machine or does it notmatter? I want to be able to still run all my vst stuff. Thanks. I did some more looking and this one looks good for its price - Intel® Core™2 Duo processor E6300, but I've heard amd is better for desktops? ok so I readthat you need xp64 edition togo up to 4gb ram. Ok now I am thinking about getting the amd 6400, bio mother board, and 2x2ddr2 ram. It's considerably under my budget $500 and would like to go quad core if possible or are those not good? like the phenom 9600 and 4gig memory would be awesome, but I am having a hard time finding a cheap compatiblemother boardwith pci for my soundcard. THANKS EVERYONE I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE A FAST COMPUTER. I am also considering one of those $100 500gig hard drive,but I think I will wait on that. Ok thanks again. wow I just read that the 9600 is suck compared to intel core 2 duo. meh this is confusing I am going tobed. Plz help.
  24. agreed. And no more telling us noobs to google it damn it.
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