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Everything posted by Lunahorum

  1. The only thing I don't like about FL is the pattern selector. It is sort of stupid how their are different patterns to select from. I usually just write the whole thing in one pattern anyways.
  2. hmm. all right. Maybe they will be ok with turning their stuff down. The drummer probably won't want to play soft though. I am really the only one complaining about it I guess. Rather not ruin my ears though. Ears don't grow back when they are broken as opposed to broken bones.
  3. I went to play guitar with few guys last night. It was in a really reverberant room though and they turned their amps up way way way too loud, and my earplugs ($.30 kind) weren't cutting it. The bass was still way too loud. Are there any earplugs that block out bass as well as treble? I was thinking about buying a pair of these http://www.zzounds.com/item--HEA211 There are another kind called the vaters too http://www.guitarcenter.com/Vater-Safe-N--Sound-Earplugs-104229588-i1170172.gc Thanks. I already have peltor 105 earmuffs and regular earplugs, but they just don't cut it for bass reduction
  4. He probably told you that because he wanted you to buy something. They really pressure you into things if they think you don't know much. Just try reaper. It is very easy and you can customize the controls to make the piano roll easier. (The first thing you will want to do is change the insert note from the insert button to your left click) edit: That midi cable will work assuming it does what it said it can do: convert midi to usb.
  5. Who said it couldn't use outside sound recordings? So much bullshit information out there from people bsing out their asses. Try out the program and don't listen to other people's bullshitted advice. (Did bluefox tell you this lol)
  6. notice that guitar rig 3 has a HQ mode. Your should record the clean signal and only use live feedback through GR3. Then when you render, click HQ and make sure your clean signals are going through it. Cheers
  7. which one are you trying? I have silver and I can run it fine in Kontakt 2. I think I had this problem before and you get around it by running the stand alone first then loading it in kontakt 2. Do you know how to search using kontakt 2 and add the multis to whatever it is called (database?) If not then I don't know what to say.
  8. ya that's it. Are those not in v8? And you could always record to an automation clip. Record to event editor then convert to an automation clip.
  9. I don't understand how that is different from the pink lines fl used to have in version 7???
  10. I thought you could always see them??
  11. no experience in that area, but I assume the answer is practice. Everyone sucks when they are starting out.
  12. Make the notes twice as long and twice as far from the start of the track. Hit ctrl a to select all notes. Hold shift and drag one of the notes to double its length. All the others should do the same. you may need to make a temporary note that starts at the very beginning and select that one too in the CTRL a part. Then delete it later. If i remember right that should "Make the notes twice as long and twice as far from the start of the track."
  13. what is slip edit? is this it? If it is then cool beans!
  14. if it sounds good it is fine. If it doesn't sound good it's not fine.
  15. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  16. I really like the intro. I think the snare sound needs to be more prominent. I like it though. can you give me / tell me what that anvil sound is in the beginning. I really need something like that. Thanks.
  17. let me post a quick mp3 of my guitar playing plugged straight into the sound card. I think it sounds fine, but maybe the clean tone will suffer. I read that high impedance is most noticeable for high frequencies which means the clean tone I guess. A distortion tone gets its high frequencies from distorting the strongest parts of the signal anyways. Or at least I think. I am just bsing this whole "logical thought" and I really don't know. But I will put up some recorded clean and dirty parts and maybe someone who does have a good impedance matching system can do the same.
  18. you write the song in one pattern? Yea I guess I do that too when I don't already know how the arrangement is going to turn out so I can see the other notes in the piano roll.
  19. I have tried plugging into my amp then running a line out from there into the sound card. There is more noise doing it that way, but I can definitely adjust the sound level to come in higher (-10dB instead of -24dB) if that's an advantage? I'll check out the GTR3 interface SM thanks. I can't tell, does that thing have a digital output or an analog output and does it have a preamp? (it says on the site it has a "transparent preamp") thanks!
  20. I love hoboka (ps let's finish that dark underworld song up)
  21. I have an m-audio 2496 sound card and a standard guitar with passive pickups and a 1/4jack out. I am just using a 1/4 to rca converter to record guitar/bass into computer and I have been doing so for years. Is this a problem due to the impedance differences (whatever that is?)
  22. I really love the pads going Gm, E, Bb, F (I think) I loaded up a piano patch and had a great time improvising over this song. Thanks - really enjoyed it
  23. quit being so picky (ha ha)
  24. The bass is kick ass. I am digging this. Just too much noise. And needs drums mixed in there. A galloping rhythm guitar a la edguy, kamelot, ect metal with heavy distortion playing 1 e and a 2 e and a 3 e and a 4 e and a 1 would sound sick I think. If you don't have a guitar I could play that for you.
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