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Everything posted by Lunahorum

  1. what the hell? edit: directed at hoboka
  2. everyone's first songs suck ass hard. Cockos reaper, synth 1, and then everything else on here that looks good. http://www.kvraudio.com/ratings/11.html There is also a good free drum samples site that I use. I forgot what it was, but just search google.
  3. gladiator is a pretty cool synth. Maybe go with Komplete?
  4. I think you have a good shot of winning over the judges with this remix at overclockedloadupamidifromvgmusic.comandreplacewithpresets.com lol. I did like your last one a lot though.
  5. I heard about nuendo and cubase in the protools thread. I looked on the steinberg site, but there was no clear explanation. I thought maybe nuendo was a mastering program, but then I saw it also had midi and audio tracks. Is nuendo a step up / step down from cubase or are they different products or what? Thanks.
  6. what's the difference between nuendo and cubase?
  7. ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION like it PRODUCTION good Snare is great. How did you do it? STRUCTURE I love the fills. Very good leading into next parts. PERSONAL COMMENTS (positive feedback, specifics on checklist criticisms, any other thoughts) I liked it
  8. definitely a huge series of steps forward from when I first met you. Were you the guy I was talking to on MSN messenger about a year ago?
  9. The harmonized melody sounded tight. Are you still using broomstick for your bass? The timing of the guitars was a tiny bit off at the end. Excellent job sounding sick. How do you do that guitar effect at 1:00. Is that a whammy bar on the low string? Edit: I also can't hear the kick drum very well.
  10. ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION [x] Too conservative - sticks too close to the source PRODUCTION [x] Low-quality samples [x] Drums have no energy STRUCTURE [xx] Lacks coherence overall (no "flow") [xx] Not enough changes in sounds (eg. static texture, not dynamic enough) [xx] Pace too plodding PERSONAL COMMENTS (positive feedback, specifics on checklist criticisms, any other thoughts) [write here] needs to be more repetitive. Seemed to be plodding along. Maybe incorporate some automation or have some interesting synths in the background.
  11. hoboka could you upload it in a rar or zip or maybe change the file extension so I can download it? I think the internet is throttling mp3s right now (lame!)
  12. Hey hoboka thanks for the feedback. The choir chords are supposed to be playing a suspended type of chord. Not sure if mine is the right one, but it's fairly right. The bassline is straight off the original soundtrack except for some spots near the end. The piano and arpeggio are different from the original although close.
  13. my ears must be tired. I'll come back later
  14. Well The bass and kick look in the center. My little stereo image vst confirms this. The problem was the piano soundfont I was using I think. It should be ok now. I panned the piano to the left to mono then panned it back to the center so both sides are the same now. first post updated
  15. hmm. it says it is dead center in my mix and it sounds centered to me.
  16. probably not sorry. The next one is probably the lands of lore as those tracks were more appealing to me.
  17. try clicking on that link. error 404 not found
  18. Get some sick vst plugins with a good keyboard you can stick in front of your computer.
  19. Snapple just out of curiosity, do you have any links to your musical tracks or do you have a website?
  20. hoboka check out my toad's turnpike song I've been working on!
  21. Ok I am almost done working on the requested remix. Go here to check it out! http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=408850#post408850
  22. This is a song I am working on from the request part of the forums. Please provide me with feedback. There is something wrong with the overall sound. It sounded fine before I mastered it, but it wasn't very loud. Well Take a listen and please help me out. Thanks Most recent version on top Version 2 Version 1 I have been trying to compare this to my premaster and I think there's something different with the lower midrange.
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