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Everything posted by Lunahorum

  1. I got a message in my lower right hand corner wanting me to upgrade to Windows XP SP3. I am on SP2 right now. Is SP3 an improvement or what? Because as of now, I am happy with SP2. On the other hand, if SP3 is more efficient and not a bloated upgrade, then I would switch. FL, Reaper, etc still work with SP3? I read on KVR that GVI Piano (that free sampled piano) doesn't work with sp3. I don't think I will install SP3 because I have had no problems with SP2. I would like to hear you thoughts - thanks.
  2. I almost always drums in one pattern and instruments in the other. Then I put automation stuff in the other patterns. Just the way I prefer to work. I like seeing everything in one piano roll. I guess if FL could have multiple piano rolls open at once, then I would do it in multiple patterns.
  3. Go to your options and you will see generic midi controller [active] generic midi controller 2 [active] For some reason you have the same controller turned on twice I think.
  4. FL doesn't have to be loop based though. Try writing the whole song in one pattern for instance. Reaper is awesome, but maybe you should go with Sonar 7, it has more power user features such as groove quantize (not available in FL -- at least not like I want it) and audio snap. Or maybe look into cubase. I would highly recommend using reaper as it works great and does most of what professional DAWs do for free ($$ for commercializing it). Maybe after a year or so, you could blow some cash on a professional DAW.
  5. Ah I listened to it on my monitors and noticed the difference. Yay. I guess my $5 radioshack headphones aren't good for this stuff. You would think they would be good enough to hear a difference, but I guess not. Also my ears aren't very attuned to this sort of thing so that could be the issue.
  6. hmm I don't know then. Sorry
  7. Click off the metronome - Hotkey ctrl m
  8. To get movement from the pads and such, the common approach is to sidechain their compression to the kick drum or a ghost channel going 1 2 3 4 over and over to the beat. However, I recently opened a tutorial file on how to side chain, and the threshold on the compressor was set to move with the kick amplitude. I always thought I was supposed to chain the post-gain knob to the bass. Or does it even make a difference?? Thanks
  9. it sounds great. Maybe put some distortion on that bass part and lower it by an octave. It sounds really weird to me. The kicks and snaps are kicking serious ass
  10. You should attempt to re-create a song you like. That would be beneficial.
  11. I would recommend fooling around with FL demo or reaper with synth1 for a while. Try out sytrus in FL. There's a lot to absorb so don't worry about "not getting it". Open up a demo project and get a general idea of what is going on.
  12. Yes I am having the same problem with my analog synth. It keeps getting picked up as "Access Virus". ah I lie...
  13. That's a little harsh. He hasn't wasted any of my time. I enjoyed looking at his graphs whether or not it mattered.
  14. highly agreed. Except my next door neighbor's system has a sub harmonic gen for sounds 10hz to 20hz. It's this huge square box that rumbles haha. It's awesome. Anything around 20hz isn't tone either I don't think. I could be wrong on that though.
  15. Where did Dragor get his one shots? Like his CoolClap_01C CoolBD_12 ect Thanks
  16. wow thanks for the dragor links
  17. Dmaj7 = dmaj with a major 7 on top. So C#. Yes I don't know why I didn't hear that haha. Here is a list of some 7th chords Cmaj7 = 1 3 5 7 = C E G B C7 = 1 3 5 b7 = C E G Bb Cmin7 = 1 b3 5 b7 = C Eb G Bb Cmaj7b5 = 1 3 b5 b7 = C E Gb Bb Cminmaj7 = 1 b3 5 7 = C Eb G B Cdim7 = 1 b3 b5 6/bb7 = C Eb Gb A/Bbb Caug7 = 1 3 #5 b7 = C E G# Bb Caugmajor7 = 1 3 #5 7 = C E G# B You can probably find the rest online google it.
  18. The guitar thing is playing a bass note then the other two notes of the chord up higher. For instance first chord - D/A This means D major over an A note in the bottom (A D F#). Of course there are lots of different sounding voicings that could be called D/A. You could also call it D and not worry about the A because the A is in D major (D F# A). The creature specifically plays A then D and F# at the same time rhythmically Then he plays D on the bass. See if you hear the bass going A A D D A A D D.
  19. I can tell you the chords and you can do the rhythm? Edit: The beginning melody goes D E F# C#. I think the melody should be easier for you to figure out so that's all I am doing. First chord D/A - 2nd chord Em/B - That should get you started. If you can't figure it out, let me know.
  20. is this it? - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lg3_YtxbWbI
  21. I was sort of curious about this stuff today, so I tried to find a site that would play both versions of the same file. http://mp3ornot.com/ I would have liked to hear the 128 vs the original wave as I could not tell the difference between the 128 and 320. I don't know what to listen for. I guess when it gets down around 32kbps (I did a little testing of my own), I for sure can hear a noticeable difference: the lower bit rate is "crumbly" or "telephone-like" I guess. I also read that mp3's of any bitrate cut off sound above 16khz. So does anyone know of an mp3 vs flac or wav listening test? It's not really a big deal at all, I was just curious... Oh edit: If it makes any difference, I got the answer right on the website, but even after reviewing the correct one with the incorrect one, I couldn't hear the difference. Knowing which one is a higher quality leads me on to believe I am hearing things, but I can't pinpoint what the difference is, if there is any.
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