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Everything posted by Lunahorum

  1. you are better off getting some soundfonts or maybe you should shell out for prominy LPC or something like that. Zircon, Sixto, and Wilbert are coming out with a guitar library soon.
  2. I think it stems from the misconception of people thinking there are things that can't be learned. If someone else can do it, it can obviously be learned. Now of course there are many things that truly can't be learned, but in general, if someone else has done it, it can be learned. One that comes up a lot is "I wish I was born with a good ear". How ridiculous is that?!?
  3. holy crap 50 gigs. No way I am getting that unless I get a new computer. And then again GVI is good enough for me.
  4. I finally found an answer to my question. It was in the revalver mk III user manual found here http://www.peavey.com/products/revalver/index.cfm
  5. Cool guys! Where did you and Wilbert go to record the samples for the sitar library? And who is Joshua Morse? Does he do web design or does he program the kontakt patches? Looking forward to the sixto library demos. I bet they will sound cool.
  6. anyone can learn it. No talent necessary.
  7. Everyone who does music can do this Or maybe I should say everyone who has been doing music for a while.
  8. can someone re-up the guitar impulses? until then - type in hack guitar impulses into google. Some guy called hack made some pretty good ones. http://www.guitarampmodeling.com/viewtopic.php?t=1172 here is a direct link. Not sure if they are all here, but this is all I have check out this demo!! http://www.peavey.com/products/revalver/index.cfm
  9. With the virtual amp on super high gain, there is no "noise" until I specify an input. Then there is noise even without the sound card plugged into anything. Maybe it is from magnetic induced currents? Ok well now I plug my guitar straight into the rca cable. Same noise still until I play a note. Now I get a nice pure note, but as the note dies away, the noise comes back. I don't really know much about it. Is this the sort of thing a DI box fixes? I have been using a multiband expander with some success as a noise gate, but I would like a better solution as there is not very good sustain (can't hold a pinch harmonic for more than a second). I am going to try my friends pod ux1 thing and see if that works any better. Thanks for the good suggestions everyone. I'll upload an audio file soon so you can hear it if you are curious
  10. So i have audiophile 2496 right now. There seems to be a lot of noise coming out. When I play a note on the guitar, the noise goes away. What gives?? When there is no actual signal in the wire, is there induced signals that can be heard in mega-high gain setups? I testing playing a really high note and the noise went away (Visual EQ confirmed). Is there a way to get around this noise problem? I don't think it is a "noisy amp" as it is no longer noisy when I play a note. Is the thing that fixes this called a DI box? thx
  11. yes of course. Thanks for the clarification zircon. I see how my post was misleading.
  12. On the left instrument, make sure the sustain is lower than the decay? I have no idea. It doesn't sound like a flanger/delay, but turn that off just to check.
  13. I thought kontakt was a sampler. Can you really load vsts into it? edit: maybe use multiple outs and run the instrument you want through guitar rig
  14. getting rid of noise. Any programs out there that are good for dealing with noise? I am plugging my guitar straight into the computer, but there is a good deal of noise with high gain amps. Is there any way to not get this much noise? I tried audacity's noise removal, but it didn't work that well (mind you I took the noise out before the distortion stage) Or looking for some kind of box or something that makes it less noisy. Maybe a DI box to ground the soundcards inputs properly so they aren't picking up everything so I've tried audacity and reafir (reaper) and they aren't good enough.
  15. hmm for some reason I thought synful was free. Maybe I am thinking of something else. Maybe it was called squidful orchestra
  16. what do you use to silence the whole thing. Volume automation on master fader? :30
  17. I don't know anything about proper exercise, but I have been doing 2x40 pushups every day.
  18. besides fl studio doesn't clip anyways. It has an automatic floating point thing. But on the final mixer track, don't go above 0dB.
  19. have you tried synful orchestra? I think it works good, but maybe not if it is going to be playing the lead. Maybe you will need something more expressive then.
  20. have you tried the different 64 point sinc, linear, or 6 hermite like I said?
  21. copy someone else's rhythm but change the notes copy someone else's melody but change the rhythm
  22. yes I guess that might have been a warezer
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