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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. My bad, Emunator. Misread your post. My sick made me do it. If you want to try tho, we'll provide feedback along the way. If you can't mix it, we can take your arrangement and put our sounds on it and mix it for you. Thanks Alex. I'm feeling better, and my fever is going up. Immune system operational. Head, throat, sides aching. The doctor (not necessarily a qualified physician) might prescribe wips and wavs, gentlemen. Help me out here.
  2. Well, there _are_ three open tracks on the first post in the thread. If those won't do, any requests on what kind of tracks you're interested in doing (ie town, boss theme/battle, area with monsters to fight)? Also, pm me something non-electronic (as in not techno/dance/chip/synth) you've done. Feeling better already. A little.
  3. I'm soon gonna open a few tracks claimed by remixers we haven't heard from in a long time. Not today. I'm sick, and don't want to do anything. In a related story, I'm sick and miserable and atm don't enjoy breathing. plz send me wips and finished tracks to cheer me up. *cough*
  4. neblix, leave the man to his reasons. The above quote suggests the discussion is over and the thread could be locked. meteo, mods?
  5. I've noticed that you can select all notes of a specific midi channel even if all midi channels are grouped into one region. I'm sure there are ways to do that in other DAWs as well. Anyway, you should probably download Reaper and try that out. Its midi tools aren't the greatest (or then I just haven't usde them enough to like them), but if you already have a midi you shouldn't have any problem imprting it and setting different VSTi's to different midi channels and/or tracks. Reaper works for free, so it's a good starting point.
  6. Having a scroll ball instead of a scroll wheel is the only good thing about the MM. I don't usually have a problem with right-clicking with my MM, but that scrollball gathers lots of crap and stops working from time to time, and there's no sensible way of opening and cleaning the mouse. Also bothers me that you can't lift the mouse while clicking without holding the side buttons with thumb and 5th finger... which is not ergonomic. Apple's mouse during the 333MHz iMacs took a while of getting used to, too. APple should be a little more utilitarian and stop being so design/innovation-oriented. Nothing wrong with design or innovation, except when there's something wrong with the design or innovation. As for the keyboard... yeah, stupid. You can get a full-sized keyboard for the same price tho, but you have to specify that when you order the machine. Also, getting an FW400 hub to plug into the 800 port isn't hard... but it's more work. Even tho Apple is awesome , they're not awesome at everything.
  7. Dunno about collaborations but you can post your wip on the appropriate feedback board and ask if anyone's willing to help out. That's what I recommend doing, alongside making friends with ppl that are helpful and knowledgeable. You can also use the remixer database to look for people with the specific skills you feel you lack (such as recording guitar, writing lyrics, mixing/mastering etc), altho there's no guarantee they have time to help you, or even that they know what they're doing . And btw welcome to ocr.
  8. Got Omnisphere today. Spent half the day installing the frickin' thing, but man my track is gonna be amazing. Or at least a little more sonically interesting that it otherwise would have been. Haven't yet started on the track tho, too many projects...
  9. Sweeney, you're missing the point. You're not being asked to never use a "repeating musical idea", you're being asked to step up and bring at least your B-game to the submissions, not leave the drums on a loop. A few fills and a softer loops for variation is probabnly all you need. Larry said "this is honestly kind of lazy and you're better than that", and I have to agree. To be frank, you're now being a whiner. You don't like the standards, you don't have to sub. You don't wanna change your arrangement, that's up to you.
  10. Bass plus ostinato melody... You're gonna need more than that to have the track sound rich enough. Your drums are raw and pretty weak mixed, some reverb would help the tracks blend together better, coupled with some EQ to make them each stand out on their own. For something that makes up most of the track so far, something playing solo in the intro you need to make the drums sound good. Listen to other ppl's work, listen to the drums in remixes posted the past few years, and compare. Then think of how you can make yours sound better. Even if you can't buy samples, there's a lot you can do with just effects. Just listen to your own harp track, which sounds cool. Nice start tho, sounds like a good song for practice. See how good you can get it, hard to say in this stage how far you can take it, but I reckon with the right work it could get on ocr... but it's way to early to say. Better to just treat it as a practice track. if it turns out it's great when it's done... welld one. if you've only learned stuff from it... also well done.
  11. The problem with the flute is that the sustains are dynamically flat. Dunno what kind of flute you're using (soundfont, exs, kontakt, raw sample...), but there are ways to get it a little more interesting. For example, you can run volume and/or cutoff through an lfo and an envelope so that the lfo starts moving the volume/cutoff during the sustains, giving them a more varied sound and masking sample loop points. Another things would be to use the track's expression channel to draw some dynamics curves. That's tedious, frustrating work, but it pays off. Additionally about the flute, the notes seem to overlap, either just the release tails or the actual notes. Neither is good. If you want long releases, consider doing reverb tails or delays instead of release, they won't clash as much, hence making it sound more real. Overall production is very raw, not hearing that much processing. There's quite a disparity between the pad-like bass and the raw drums. The claps and snares are especially raw and could use some processing, like EQ, reverb, compression, overdrive... all depending on the sound you want. The flute is a little raw too, and I hear an ugly noise in the sample. The pads are good, some of your background drums seem overly processed (at least compared to some of the other instruments), piano is dry (10-20% of reverb should fix that)... Basically, find a sound and get all the instruments to fit that sound. Careful about empty bits like the 1:35 part, it really exposes how raw your piano and drum sounds are. Your "guitar" is another one of those tracks that wouldn't stand up to much exposure, it doesn't sound right mixed in with everything, and definitely couldn't hold its own. Hope this helps your production a bit.
  12. Oih, lots to respond to... EQ is really just about making it a little more clear. DarkeSword is pretty conservative about EQ, while zircon says to do drastic stuff. Different philosophies, but also different style and sound. You don't need to do drastic things with it, or do EQ on everything, just use it to make it a little more clear. Cut the frequencies a track doesn't need. Lower some of those it's fighting over, do the same on the one it's fighting with but on the other half of their common frequency band. "Real" music, as in live, performed music isn't EQd at all when it comes out of the instruments. Especially drums. All the frequencies in the samples and recordings are there for a reason... some are just not as necessary as others. Cut what you feel you need to cut, leaving the 2kHz area on for cymbals shouldn't hurt. Just use your ears. If it's still messy, move the cut higher. If not, success! The frequencies you've posted here look pretty good, but as with everything it's not an exact science. Note about the piano tho: A piano in the midst of things can work when cut like that, a more piano-centric track would need the piano's lower frequencies, those from around 400Hz an up. A sax+piano track would need the piano mixed quite differently from a piano+bass+drums. That's what you get for working with a versatile instrument with a wide range. -- Giving up after you've learned something means you don't get to implement those things on the track you learned them on - which is a great opportunity to put them in practice. Starting a new one every time you learn something means you'll never finish anything. Finish what you make with your old skills if you new ones get in the way, because finishing a mix is a lesson in itself, and not only do you have the opportunity to learn MORE in those last stages of the mix, but you also produce something complete for us to hear. And we want to hear it. As for your guitars... If you can't make them sound real, make them sound good anyway. "Fake" can be two things: failure to make it real, or a stylistic choice. Treat it like a distorted synth, or an organ, or like a sound effects or something. That it' fake doesn't mean it's bad, just that you need to approach it differently and make up your mind about what your plan with it is. A to random Q: cuz ppl know 145 are so common and they try too hard to be different. Seriously tho, 167 works great in minor, no wonder ppl use it a lot now that everything is supposed to be minor in music. 145 is more universal, it works in both minor and major, which is why it's used much.
  13. Cool. Watch the volumes, your brass is kind'a hard to hear over the piano. The left-panned trumpet sounds fakey, something about those samples or how you use it, especially in the part before 1:00. Right panned brass sounds fake around 1:30. Dunno how well it works to have the bass that high, you might want to bring it down an octave for some parts. Source is there, undoubtedly interpreted. I can't foresee any problems on that area for a sub. But man this is a cool take on it. More solos? Awesome.
  14. Much better. Now fill it up with awesome. Like bass and more elaborate writing (like two-handed piano), rhythmic pad...
  15. Have to call you on this one, PD... The whole thing is ARGHLOUD! Not just the piano. Bring down the volumes on everything say... 5 dB each, and put a limiter on the output. That should be enough to get it down to a much prettier sound.
  16. Oooh, update. Aaah, ARGHLOUD! Seriously tho, it's hard to judge stuff when you have to turn it down so the clipping don't tear up your ears. You're doing yoruself a favor by doing some basic end-stage You should do something a little more at 0:49 when the drums have come in, like adding a bassline. The piano writing could also get more elaborate there. Cool as what you've got so far is, I don't think it'll hold up to a whole 4 minutes without getting a bit more interesting in some places. This has serious groove potential. Keep at it.
  17. Dude, your guitar work is great. Give the drums a fraction of that attention and you shouldn't have much problem getting a mix on ocr. As for the completely sampled stuff... care to give an example?
  18. Anyone interested, I've posted my thoughts on the album on my blog. Brief comments on every track on the three main discs. Yes, I'm totally ignoring the bonus disc.
  19. I could probably do a track or two, but we'll kind'a need more information when you guys are ready to let us on board. Like, style of the music, how remixed you want the music and of what sources, if it's stage-based music and if so the desired sound of each stage... I recommend you pick someone to coordinate the music. One person that you guys talk to, who then directs ppl to mix their stuff so it works with the rest of the music. But you're not quite there yet. Well, you know where to find us.
  20. There's the Russian ReMix Roulette on the front page, giving you six tracks random tracks. If you want it fully random (and not choose between six random candidates), pick a number between 1 and 6 and refresh the front page. Click the corresponding randomly chosen remix. Not a bad idea tho. Shouldn't be hard to implement since the RRMR already exists. It's up to djp tho, his choice and on his schedule.
  21. DJP or whoever's gonna fix it, see this thread. The site thinks there's 153 mascots. That's one too many.
  22. Most of theory is utterly useless when mixing, but ReMixing like here at ocremix involves composing your own arrangement of the music, and that's where theory is important. Personally, I have little or no formal theory, but I've learned what sounds good and what doesn't. There's theory in there, but it's stuff I've discovered and not things I've been taught. If the music sounds good, it _is_ good, and probably utilizes a lot of theory, whether the composer/arranger knew it or not. If you can play (as in "not just elbows on the keys"), you probably know enough to write good music even if you don't think of it as theory. Short answer: yes and no. -- There might be better threads for this discussion, but that's for the mods to fix.
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