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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Okay, something more project related... Rainwound just joined. Who is Rainwound? Also, changed the list of available tracks a bit. Still accepting remixes, still hoping everybody will finish their tracks, still recruiting... Still saying the progress is slow, but that's not really true anymore. Not the past two weeks. Now, where's everybody else?
  2. You're welcome to join if you can convince me you'll do a good enough track in keeping with the project direction. Unfortunately, if you're only now starting to familiarize yourself with the programs, i would suggest you hang out on our originals and remix feedback boards, post some stuff you're working on, hear what ppl think of them, and improve. That takes time, even with critique and support. You can PM me when you post something on the wip boards, I'll let you know what I think. If you want to get on the project, you gotta convince me you can deliver, you know.
  3. This would go into "Workshop". Can't answer, tho. Mac, not Windows.
  4. Everybody uses their own. Personally, I use Logic. Dunno how old you are or what your music experience is but from the questions you've asked I'd guess you're fairly young and haven't done that much music, at least not on computer. Correct me if I'm wrong. I don't really understand the relevance of the question. Are you thinking of joining so we'd supply you with a copy of the software we use? That would be inconvenient, counter-productive and unnecessary as most ppl who make music have their own programs... And illegal. Besides, it takes time to learn the program, so it wouldn't be a good idea to get people with no experience on the project since they'd need help all the time. I think you'd be better off practicing and playing with demos of software, hanging out in Workshop and learning both writing and mixing. Check out the guides and tutorials, free software posts, etc...
  5. We don't alter mp3s. Most of us write midi, then play it with software instruments with effects applied. Sometimes, we record guitar, sax, voice or other real instruments and include those. Wrong forum. OCR has some guides for this (more guides here), and then there's google. Anyway, this is what we use.
  6. Either I fail update, or I'm confusing it with Innocent Water. In any case, if I said it's yours, it's yours. Pads are fine. We seem to be on the same page about the sound. That's good. Looking forward to hearing them. -- Everybody else, gimme wip, gimme wav, gimme poor excuses... Last week was awesome. Let's top it.
  7. That explains a thing or two, like why everybody on irc were talking about the size of Larry's female parts when my track was playing.
  8. Everybody's doing Innocent Sea. All right, they're yours. Focus on Return to Forever, tho. We're going for a kind'a non-electronic overall sound, so if you were planning on something unts unts beep beep, show me an early version and I'll let you know before you've gotten to far whether it'll work on the project. We do make occasional exceptions when we think the track will work with the others. FF4 had everything and the kitchen synth, we've got a more narrow focus. Drop me an early version by email or PM or something so I know what you're going for and I'll let you know how it'll work on the project.
  9. Was throwing darts at... with my brother, and noticed I had the 0:45-0:52 part looping in my head. As I said on irc before, I'm most impressed by the various modulation effects used here, but it's pretty much your typical blind mix in the sense that it's pretty much made of awesome. It's got an amazing groove, great sounds. My only issue would be with the voice clips, not who they sound like but that they're there at all. Just a personal preference tho, on the whole the track is amazing.
  10. Sounds interesting. Please elaborate, like whether you're talking about snes-era FF, PS1, or Ps2-present; how many tracks you have in mind, if you want loopable tracks... I can't say if I've got the time to do it or the necessary skill and samples for the orchestral stuff you probably want, but I'm definitely interested. More info plz. Sensitive/non-public info you can PM me.
  11. I know you subbed it, I know, thought I'd drop a line anyway. Lotta bass... well, I like it. Feels a little too heavy, dunno if it's my sound system, my personal preferences, or something about the mix. Could be overall compression levels, not sure. Source is there. After hearing the first 30 seconds or so that was really my only concern. Sounds like RESUB, Y©, or Y stuff, I thought only source might be an issue, but it's undoubtedly here. Great track, I wanna hear more stuff from you on ocr.
  12. No source link, no source comment. Can't tell if this is a good source or if you've done a good arrangement for it... or both. In any case, I kind'a like it. This sounds really raw, as in unrefined, unprocessed. best advice I can give you is to listen to similar songs and remixes and compare their sound. Also, take a backup, play with the effects if you don't know what they do. If you do know, start using them. Reverb to give space and ambience, volume to bring out the right tracks, EQ to separate them and also to bring out the right tracks and to subdue the ones that don't need to be foreground. That's really all the mixing info you need: listen and compare, change volumes, change EQ and/or add reverb where necessary... Good luck with it.
  13. So far so good, newbie. I was expecting the distorted synth in the 1:14 to transition into the lead melody (like around 1:32), but no. That would probably be more interesting. I don't mean to take a dump on your creative choices, so don't read it as that... but you do need some more variation in what you've got. Also, where are your lows and mids? This sounds pretty hoarse, in lack of a better word. I mean, it works, but a little more meaty mid frequencies would give the track more beef (which certain judges like). Drums could be a bit stronger, too, at least during the 1:14-end part since that's the most intense part. Some fills would be nice to, they signal a change in the track which is a way of making the track change in intensity. Creativity ok, but needs more creative touches. Arrangement ok, but needs more variation. Source use/interpretation ok, tho could use some additional references of source here and there. Frequency balance ok... but needs more mids and lows (don't overdo it, tho). Mixing ok, but needs more meat. WiP ok, but needs more W and P.
  14. More MMX Chill Penguin. Hmm, have I heard this source before...? Arrangement is really nice, great way of backing the source melody. I'm a bit concerned about how you're following the progression of the source. it can easily turn into a medley (ocr doesn't want as much the A-B-C-D kind of medleys as the Ac-Bcd-Ca-Db kind), and you're gonna have to make sense of it if you don't go the medley route. Iwould suggest cutting the source in half and sticking to the first part for a little longer before moving into the second. Actually, cutting it up in a lot more than two parts is probably better. You can make a lot out of just the 9 notes between the first and second parts of source, which you also had on piano in your intro; and there's lots of pieces in the source that can be used in different ways. The sounds need work too, no matter what you're gonna do with the arrangement. The samples sound ok, just need to handle them right. Velocities, changes during sustains, reverb, EQ. For example, the piano+cymbal sounds lame tbh. The right note stuff and effects could make it much better. Go for the gold, make this awesome, you've got a nice start already.
  15. I'd say it needs more _interpretation_, not original material. Nothing wrong with original sections, solos, intros, stuff, but it better be tied into the source well enough. It's also more fun to hear bits of the source in parts you didn't expect that bit to appear in. In any case, I think you need to learn to _mix_ better and pick the right sounds for the right parts. You have a lead melody that I can barely hear, and a backing part that takes the spotlight. Sometimes mixing other ppl's midis is the practice you need. Sometimes writing originals is the practice you need. Dunno what exactly you should do, but imo you should practice something. Nice start. Enjoyable, some creative touches... For someone who's never done any remixing before this is pretty good.
  16. Needs more polka. Sounds ok, but could be better. Take it to #ocrwip. If you say it's metal or rock or guitar, you stand a better chance at hearing from snappleman, sixto, tensei-san, or one of our fellow finnish guitar remixers, they know this stuff better than most of the ppl on the wip board. Tho I can say I think the drums aren't loud enough... or rather, the guitar is too loud. Not much, but I think the drums should punch through a little better. Ask the guitar ppl. From what I can tell, it's pretty cool, tho I would like to hear a different guitar tone for some of the time, it gets old to have just this same one. With the the same part of source repeating a lot, it easily gets old. Sixto did it well in this remix. Tho he used a synth, I think it illustrates how a different sound makes it more varied. A hardpan effect like his intro could also work somewhere in your remix. I can hear Smooth Criminal in there, but it fits so well that I'm not sure I'd notice it if I hadn't read it already. Source is undoubtedly there too, tho I think it could be more creatively handled. It's got a lot of repetition, but changing the chords underneath the melodies could make a huge difference. MI needs more love. This track has potential. Good luck with it.
  17. Just so you all know, _I_ am not on vacation (or at least I'm not gone during vacation). Get back to making today a great week, everybody.
  18. We're so not friends anymore, Will. This is beautiful. Unfortunately it clips, and is pretty heavy around the low-mid area. Despite that, it's one of my favorites from VARIAtions, so much emotion. Reminds us that not everything on OCR has to be orchestra+guitar+a dozen different synths+sidechained to six layers of bass drum+three levels of EQ per channel+kicthen sink... He also did that with his last controv... I mean remix. Beautiful, dude.
  19. Something sound a little like Mega Man, dunno if it's the arrangement, the melodies, or just that I'm associating this kind of music with MM. Kind'a short, but better too short than too long. 1:58 is probably my fav part of it. Just what happened at 0:50? I'd say this is your best so far, at least my favorite... so far. It's got loads of energy and drive, a great non-stop rocking remix. Awesome work, dude.
  20. Flowers in Heaven was a track I was thinking about remixing. Now I'm not in a hurry to do so. What happened at 1:22? Feels like ending a sentence in ALLCAPS AND THEN FORGETTING PUNCTUATION not really the smoothest transition. Overall the soundscape makes up for it. Not as good as Alpha and Beta, but it has an epic soundtrack feel, perhaps more a movie score feel than the other two as they are written and mixed to be more foreground music while this is more ambient, more background. Like most parts of a movie score. And that's not a bad thing.
  21. Just becuse it wasn't received well (by me anyway) doesn't mean it's a waste of time. You learn from it, and from how it's received. At least, you should. Everybody should.
  22. For "electronic" sound, try frequency modulation, or granulation, or use a flanger, phaser, or chorus on them, or add a delay at just a few milliseconds, or slice them, or apply a filter with a lot of resonance and then open/close it, or pitch them, or just reverse them. Lotta ways you can mess with the sound. How many "wrong" effects have you tried on them?
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