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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Welcome Chris | Amaterasu to the project! Dude had a wip.
  2. Seems to have a rather fluid tempo, but I don't see why you couldn't just transcribe the melody to a fixed tempo. It might be in 6/8, adding to the difficulty if you expect 4/4. That's at least how I'd write it. (could be in 7/8 or something too, if it even follows any particular time sig. hard to say with the long attacks and wavy tempo)
  3. Went to a review thread and clicked on the Tags link (also a header for a box of tags) below the posts. Was expecting to have to click on one of the tags and then nav back to the tags page, but no.
  4. Here. Took a few clicks to find it myself.
  5. update: WE'RE BACK! By which I mean I'm still here, and the guide is updated. Apparently, we skipped version 11, too. Here's the file, v12, and it's now a fancy shmancy pdf. Read the guide, give me feedback. That's the deal. I've written a remixing guide, and need some help to make sure I'm not just making stuff up, that it's intelligible, accurate, and useful, and covers all the basics and then some. Wanna help? Read it and let me know what you think. Questions, direct feedback, complaints, job offers, money: I'm probably best reached by posts in this thread, and also via PM here on ocr.
  6. Not gonna listen (lazy) but I wanna encourage you to learn to listen yourself. The better you can hear problems in your mixes, the less you need other ppl to point them out and the less mistakes you're gonna make. If you don't already, listen to what other ppl here post and learn from their mistakes - see if you agree with the crits they're getting, see if you can hear what the critics are talking about. This actually goes for everyone wanting to improve. Learn to listen.
  7. Clipping! Way too loud bass. Your guitar synth is terrible. An obvious synth patch run through an amp sim might work better. Actually, just run a clean guitar sample through an amp sim and you should already have a better sound. Getting a fake guitar to sound like a real one is pretty hard and/or expensive. You could try replacing the guitar with a sampled instrument that isn't as terrible, eg a single piano sample. Do some velocity edits on your off-beat snares (snares could use a bit more highs). Give the kick more click, I can barely hear it. Your delayed metal percussion rhythm is cool, if a bit too loud and the stereo effects are a bit excessive. With a flanger/phaser and a reverb on your strings/pad you can mask some of the poor quality, don't don't overdo it. If you have some tempo-synced filter effects, those are great of pad-like sounds. Guitar sound, snare sound&sequencing, lack of a traditional high-rich hihat/shaker/noise rhythm, and the lack of a kick are the biggest problems here, the rest is ok. You've got a lot of stuff going on in there that sounds pretty good, and some which isn't terrible. And then the aforementioned tracks with issues. Nice improvement.
  8. Your synths are terrible, and the whole thing sounds a little too slow. There's a timing glitch in the middle of it, and the repetition makes it boring. You should filter your synths to get a smoother sound. Those bitcrushed sounds don't really fit and raw synths don't really work well with trance. For that bass/backing synth you should filter it, and get rid of the bitcrushing. Add some reverb to make it more of a background track. The lead synth could use some delay as well as some filter automation. Dunno what your biggest problems are, new guy, but your sound is one of the things you need to work on. Play with synths, look at some presets and make some of your own from scratch, try some effects on them, see what they do. You have a pretty good source to work with, and those drum loops aren't bad. You just gotta learn to get your other sounds up to that same level (and beyonoood!). Dunno how long you've been mixing, but you'll learn this stuff quickly once you get a feel for it. Good luck and have fun mixing.
  9. Nice, it's a lot groovier now. The frequency balance is a lot better too, nice work. The looped shaker/whatever rhythm gets annoying fast, you could mix it up with a slower rhythm. it's a cool rhythm, but it's not a good fit for the track imo. Works as a fill or for the intro and other special sections, but for most part something simpler would probably fit better. While on the topic of rhythms and fills, write some fills for your drums, and avoid just dropping out the hihats like you do here. Piano and synth lead playing in unison is a bit redundant, the piano could do something interesting instead, like play some arpeggios based on the chords. Also check the volumes, the e-piano stuff is pretty loud compared to the rest of the tracks., as is the shaker thing (making it softer might also alleviate the speed disparity). The arrangement is still pretty vanilla, have you considered messing with the chords or rhythms to get more of those dynamics into it? Try it out (I recommend taking a backup before doing any big changes tho).
  10. Sounds like random notes without rhythm, a pad chord, and some drum loops. I don't get it. Also, what game is it of? And if it's isn't from a game, what's it doing in this feedback forum?
  11. Without totally random lyrics I can listen and enjoy Jill's screwed up voice here. It amazes me how much variety you can get out of the same voice sample with all these crazy effects. The compression bothers me somewhat, but not enough to prevent this from being one of my favorites on the album. Sweet groove, which is one of the things I like about your style, dude.
  12. Cool. Will it be taped or something? Somebody plz record it for the rest of the planet.
  13. Okay, here's what's in Komplete 6 (also in 7, plus a lot more there): Reaktor - modular environment for building synths and effects. Fairly advanced stuff. I like it. Guitar Rig - amp simulator, not an instrument. Kontakt - sampler, comes with a lot of decent instruments including world, orchestra, synth, and band. FM8 - fm synth, based on the classic DX7. Massive - synth designed for leads and basses. Absynth - versatile synth with a lot of different functions. Battery - drum sampler, comes with a library of drum sounds, some synth, some acoustic. You should check out the demo tracks and the freebies on NI's website.
  14. ...stupid 15000 letters limit... -- Michael Norris SoundMagic Spectral Multi Multiple effects. Most of these are tools to work with the spectral profile of the audio fed into them. No custom interfaces, but they're all specialty effects anyway. Except the chorus. personal notes: I've only really used the dronemaker, but that was an interesting effect. Could be used for a lot of cool stuff... bram @ Smartelectronics s(M)exoscope Waveform visualization Plots the waveform over time. Clicking in the waveform view displays the dB value of where you clicked. You can also freeze the waveform window, adjust the redrawing rate. Analyzes left or right channel only. Ported by apulSoft. personal notes: This let me adjust my layered drums and side-chained bass to gain a few dB more out of my mixes. Invaluable. RNDigital Inspector Levels and frequency display Frequency display, RMS and Peak meters, stereo correlation meter... It shows almost everything I imagine you'd need to see when finalizing a mix. At least on a hobbyist/semipro level, dunno about the really pro pros. Highly recommended. personal notes: Cool to have them all in one - for free. I use this on most, if not all of my mixes when I finalize them... and usually built into my project templates. Brainworkx bx_cleansweep Filter A filter combining LP and HP functionality into a single 2d control. personal notes: This is the kind of controls you'd prefer to have in hardware. Still, the filter works well. bx_solo Stereo widener For stereo width adjustment. Rather clunky interface but gets the job done. personal notes: So it's a gateway drug to bx_control (which isn't free, obviously). Still, if you don't have a stereo tool, it's useful, and the S Solo feature could be pretty useful. Pleasurize Music Foundation TT Dynamic Range Meter Levels display Measures Peak and RMS levels, which is useful when finalizing a mix. Only a display, but a decent looking one. Designed with an emphasis on displaying the dynamic range rather than just levels. personal notes: cleansweep might be cool if used with a hardware controller, but just in-DAW it's kind'a lame. solo works ok, but I still prefer the display of Flux's stereo tool. The TTDRM is pretty cool, but if I try to comment on it more I'll just complain about modern mastering practices and the loudness war. Let's say say dynamic range needs more love. Link available in this branworx list. Blue Cat Audio Multiple Multi If you don't have a mid-side processor, a flanger with enough controls, or a proper frequency scope you should pick these up. While not quite comparable to Logic's built-in tools, they should supplement GarageBand quite well. personal notes: I have Logic, so I don't really use these. No need. LUXONIX LFX-1311 Multi Built around a library of simple effects designed to be stacked in a row, this is a really versatile tool. While the number of parameters per individual effect might limit the tweakability of the individual effects, its versatility more than makes up for it. has a pretty big (albeit poorly organized) preset library too. personal notes: I mostly just use it to make parts of my mixes sound like old records, so the LP Noise effect gets the most use. mda Multiple Multi Uh... lots of effects, some of which do exactly what it says on the tin, some of which do... something. personal notes: Before Logic, I used Combo as a speaker sim, and sometimes prefer it over Logic 8's amp sim. Of the other effects, only Tracker feels like a useful one, and it's a pretty rare occasion thing anyway. I've run a bass through it, turning the bass into a saw. I have no place for that sound irl tho, and don't have a bass of my own anyway. Note: scroll down for the AU versions. -- Missing something cool that you use or know of?
  15. So... now it's suddenly a request? On topic, maybe Willrock's influences are, like, old?
  16. Uh, what's the question, really? With the exception of Reaktor and Guitar Rig, they're all ordinary instruments - two samplers and three synths. And why are you talking about 6 when 7 is available?
  17. lol Those play-asia ads are ok, but the google ads stuff is pretty irrelevant most of the time. How much does ocr actually get out of the ads? Would a "make ocr ad-free" campaign work? (I don't mean Ad-free, punny as that might be.)
  18. Great things from _both_ of them? Wait, lemme guess which two... amazingly talented... big-name... "ever-lovable"!? Thanks a lot.
  19. So... today is a pretty good day. I got a midi the other day and have been working on its sound. We consider it pretty much finished, just needs Usa's approval. I also got a supposedly finished track in my pm inbox. That makes two finished tracks, pending final crits and nitpick fixes and stuff. It's almost as if the project is actually moving forward! I'll update the tracklist later today. edit, not gonna double.. .triple post: I still want your emails addresses so I can remind everyone at once that I want track notes and a bio, ocr project terms, all stuff like that. Emails!
  20. I think this is the kind of fb game I would enjoy. I think I'll join. edit: joined, let's see what happens.
  21. As already suggested in the decision thread, use the wip board. I'm not gonna say you shouldn't collab, but this is something that shouldn't be that hard to learn once you figure out. I would suggest comparing your mix to well-mixed songs with a similar style. Is the bass as loud, are the guitars wide enough, is the bass drum too heavy, are the highs too loud...? If they are, fix them. The result should be something closer to what passes on this site. Listen and compare. Post on the wip board for additional feedback. You've come a long way between your two subs (judging from the decision threads at least), you shouldn't have much trouble learning this stuff now. If you need to borrow a pair of ears, hit me up on AIM. My forte isn't rock/metal, but I think I could help you listen. ...all right, back to being a recruitment/collab thread now.
  22. lol, you're clueless, new guy. Find demos or LEs of different programs, expect them all to be difficult to learn, try them out, see which one you like the most after you've learned the basics of how they work. I can't help you pick one unless you're on Mac, tho.
  23. Nope, it's still available to you. I'm still waiting.
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