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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. I don't use FL either, but it should be all about the limiter's (ahead and gain values. That's what I get from the screenshot anyway. Read up on it, you should understand it better than I do, as you're an FL user. Scrap Brain sounds like your Zeal mix, decent sounds but bad mixing (needs more mids, more balance). Seems like the output is panned right, there's very little in the left channel. That could actually contribute to the clipping issues you have, depending on how FL does panning. Your drum writing could also use some work. Still got some stuff to learn.
  2. Haha, this is great. More of a cover than an arrangement, but I don't care. Way too conservative for ocr regardless of it being a video song, but that shouldn't stop ppl from enjoying it. Monkey Island needs more love. If you're aiming for ocr, your arrangements are gonna have to be more creative. Listen to the past few years' remixes and you should get some idea of what ocr is looking for. Soundwise I don't think you'll have any problem. Would be cool to see, yes see, a more elaborate arrangement.
  3. Intro sounds too sequenced for the guitar, sustained strings should have more dynamics to them (cc11 - expression), especially as it goes on for a while before the drums and bass come in. Phaser on the lead synth doesn't really sound that good, just sounds like a weird panning/phasing effect there to mask an otherwise too simple synth patch. Drums aren't sequenced very interesting, and their sound is way too simple to hold up when exposed in the simple writing. 2:40 sounds a lot better. Way too much reverb, but it's still a step above the rest of the track. Strings around 3:25 sound pretty good. And then along comes that same synth lead, now hurting my ears with some resonances. And then we just have a repeat of previous parts. I was hoping for something that'd kick my ass. It didn't. Not an easy track to remix, but you're off to a decent start. Work on getting a more human sound, practice your ears (this board is a great place for that), grow. Next time you try your hand at The Extreme you might kick some ass with the track. Good luck.
  4. I want to say something nice. I really do. But it's hard. It's pretty disjointed, has rhythm problems, is very simplistic... idunno, maybe you should take a break from arrangements and instead focus on originals, improving your understanding of harmony and rhythm; and midi rips, improving your sound design. Maybe. Feel free to hit me up on aim to pick my brain if that'll help.
  5. Main issues are noticeable compression and a really cluttered sound. To deal with the first, turn down the volume. You should also compare its frequency balance to that of well mixed tracks to see if you're giving it too much bass (kick, bass, cello, and pads tend to get more than they actually need). To deal with the second, compare frequency balance, but also decide which instruments are important to punch through, which ones are just supportive, and which ones are pretty much superfluous. I'll elaborate. Foreground, middle, and background, decide what's what. Check the frequency spectrum of whatever you decide is foreground in a part. Then carve those frequencies out of the middle and background tracks. Doesn't have to be much, a 2dB cut can do wonders for clarity. Let's then deal with volume. Mute the ones that are far background and pull down the volume on the foreground ones. you should now only have the middle ones there. Raise the volume of the foreground ones until they punch through. EQ if necessary. Then bring back the background stuff, and lower their volume if necessary. You should the have a more balanced sound. I hate these complicated sources that I'm not at all familiar with. Sounded like the source, but I'm gonna leave source/arrangement comments to ppl who know the source better. Hope this helps.
  6. Yup, rhythm problems in the B-part. Not using drums or any other kind of clear rhythm instrument makes it easy to screw up the rhythm, there's currently nothing indicative of the beat or even a time signature, the timing seems arbitrary and failed. Nice sounds tho, get your music skill up to the same level and you'll do all right.
  7. Yup, just go join the group and vote. FOR ME! Devastus...
  8. Experimentation is fun. I actually tried a few non-audio samples back in my tracker days, before I had any real music skill. The results were never this good (no skill). It has a bit of a chippy sound but takes it to another level with the oddball samples. The result is a more distortive and glitchy sound that adds to an already high level of quirk. The game with the worst music? The remix gives no indication of that. 8 years since posted, and it doesn't sound bad at all. A successful experiment, a fun mix.
  9. Noticed it in Harjawaldar's SMG remix thread on the feedback board; he doesn't have an ocr artist link under his name. Oops?
  10. Count midi in sub panels? Droned in one part that's extremely different? Source midi instrument replace? Other fun... metric? A a midi cover lol Ok seriously, re-read your post. btw Mads, your OCR Artist profile isn't in your post header under your name, I'm gonna post in Site Issues for you.
  11. Well it's kind'a like how I spell kind'a kind'a irks Dafydd. Deal with it.
  12. Thanks ppl. In response... No cake. I don't like cake. Screw your demands! Ate lots of ice cream tho. A plethora of ice cream. And suddenly becoming 200€ richer has me thinking about the merits of digital currency. What am I supposed to do with that kind of money - in cash? Were it digital I'd just buy myself more instruments. Now I have to spend it on bus fare and stuff. Oh well. Not a bad birthday.
  13. Thanks guys. Damned: I'm more of the third than the second. Also, perfect opportunity to kick this cool idea into gear.
  14. No he doesn't. OCR isn't about source+new stuff, ocr is about arrangement. Still, could be too coverish for ocr, methinks. Might still pass, it's got some creative guitar writing over the source, ending is also good with me. On the technical side, it's got disproportionate amounts of bass, especially the bass drum, which makes it sound lacking in the mid range. A more balanced frequency balance would improve it a lot. Really cool take on it. Sub it when it's fixed up some more, ocr needs more SMG.
  15. Cool source, has a bit of a Mana series feel to it. The abrupt tempo change feels weird. Perhaps shifting it towards a more compatible tempo would alleviate that. The gradual tempo increase works fine. Overall, the track sounds like a series of varied dramatic segments broken up with pauses and breakdowns in between. Not sure that's the best arrangement strategy, but it's a lot more interesting than midi rips and covers. The aggressive, distorted, grainy, noisy sound you seem to be going for make it sound like it's clipping. Not gonna check if it actually is clipping, but the volume is certainly loud enough. You could probably relax your volume pushing a little. Cool.
  16. Sounds like not all the lead recordings are entirely in tune. Lead synth is thin and mixed too soft. If you want it ocr, you might want to give it a more creative spin for either of the iterations of the main part, some more variation between the two. Cool mix tho. Has the appropriate amount of asskickery for a metal cover of the source. btw, the double bass drum parts brings to mind F-Zero X's soundtrack, which is definitely not a bad thing.
  17. Darke, will you post the mixes even if there's no competition? Would still be cool to hear ppl's thoughts on the tracks. It also makes it more fair to the next competitor who might not otherwise have a clear idea of what he's up against.
  18. Due times in GMT plz Darke, it makes it easier for those of us who have to think twice before counting what time in our time zone it's due. Counting to/from GMT is much easier than to/from your obscure colonial time. Noon GMT is much better than a long list of time zone: 1900 Finland, 18:00 Svenland, 5 PM Mean Green Time... btw, not every country out there use AM/PM either.
  19. Hey about all these birthday threads, not that there's anything wrong with well wishes and caaaaaaaaaake... but when it's the birthday of a posted remixer, why not post a few reviews too? I mean, it's not like ppl here can't write what they think about stuff, there's just not much to prompt a review after the mix is no longer the most recently posted one (except December). I'm gonna start doing that, it's a little more lasting than a "+1" or "caaaaaaaaa-" or "nice bday" and stuff. So, birthday remix reviews? I toooooootally have nooooooo ulterior motive with this suggestion. Seriously tho, it's a good idea imo. I'm gonna do that.
  20. I know Will and I have both sent ours. Devastus is apparently also in. That's 3/8. Rashad's late but in if Darke wills it. OneUp is late, may not have sent anything, dunno. 5/8, if they're both in. Ralphis idunno about. 6/8, _if_ he's in. Seems like Capa is out. Enigami is apparently not around, hasn't been since the 18th, so no PM to Darke... unless he's sent his entry by email or other means. That's all 8 of us. So next x bracket rounds will likely be Will/Devastus vs OneUp (if in, if Enigami's not in), Rashad vs me, if Ralphis and Capa are out.
  21. Ok seriously... What!? (also, zero bracket matchups: Gario vs. Sixto, hm.....)
  22. For your previous question wolf, just remember it's not about medleying the source with something else, it's about arranging the source your own way. If you haven't done much original music it might be a bit more difficult to figure out what to do with it. Not a judge.
  23. I'm finding all these time issues ppl are having kind'a funny. For myself especially, in retrospect at least. Spent Thursday-Sunday working at a church event, running around on stage with a camera. Plus regular work on Saturday. Add to that the stress of trying to get transportation everywhere I needed to go and it's a mess. Got the track finished before it got too crazy tho. Gotta start early.
  24. Finished my track last night. Might still fix stuff, but I like how it sounds atm. X bracket, consider your asses kicked. By me.
  25. Trust me, he didn't miss it. he's just saying Brandon didn't include any cool ppl in the list. Except Stevo.
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