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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. By the time this project is done, I'll hate this game. Anyway, I have a short list of ppl I should be contacting. Again. By the time this project is done, I'll hate ppl. In other news, I finally got a wip from Karth with an awesome version of his track. Goosebumps-awesome. And he's gonna make it awesomer. By the time this project is done, I'll... um... something.
  2. Nowhere does ocr say you have to use the entire source for a remix. However, yours is overcompressed, so that'll be a problem if you sub it. Source usage, imo, wouldn't. Bass drum is waaay bassy, and the cause of the pumping. Dunno how intentional it is, but you might wanna be a bit more selective about what tracks you duck under it. Too much pumping. Not gonna download and check, but you could have a lot of subbass in there that's screwing with the compression. Worth looking into. Arrangement doesn't really take advantage of the melodies you've dug out, this could be way more epic, even without a lot of edits. 0:27-1:00 with drums, followed by a long break, we don't get the trance beat back until much later. The breakbeat is cool, but feels like it's still a breakdown. That makes 1:00-2:19 all breakdown and build-up. Your source is stronger than that. And I hear some melodies in the more droney rest of the source that could be used for a lead if you don't think you can reuse the first part. Nice work, but make it epic; also, cool outro.
  3. Some random track-related thoughts: Yep, lead is too loud, and I'm not sure that harsh sound fits the rest of the soundscape. 1:42 a thin high-range synth dueling with a thick mid-range one? Needs to be balanced. 2:20 note clash. Check the volumes on them all, leads and bass are too loud, drums not loud enough. Glitchy lead in the second half is cool, but feels a bit too thin. For fixing things related to thickness/thin...ness... use EQ, the synth's settings, layering, overdrive and similar effects (subtly). Fat is in the mid range, clarity in the high range, and punch in the low range. EQ according to your needs and the available frequencies. I agree that the lead gets boring towards the end, needs to feel more expressive. Can be done in the suggested ways, as well as with syncopation, pulse width changes via envelope or automation, etc.. Listen to some random ocr tracks from ppl that do leads well, try to figure out how they do it. Also, the transcript better not be from #ocrwip. This track has come a long way. Still stuff to improve tho.
  4. I can hear the kid in a candy store thing. Good sounds chosen tho, they fit together, could be tweaked a bit to fit even better. Bring up the drums a bit, add some arpeggios or some rhythm thing to it to fill it out more. Careful with the amount of distortion you use on the guitars, sounds too much like a heavily distorted sample atm. Careful with the reverb too, a <15% delay can fill out the sound more smoothly than shrill reverbs, and finding the balance between delay and reverb is even better. It's a good start, just needs more... more.
  5. Gonna be lazy and just proof-read ncocs' crits. Slow attack on the lead synth combined with a simple bass waveform and some other retro sounds gives it a nice retro feel, but some of those choices could be tweaked for a better sound. Bass, btw, is too loud. Not hearing clipping, but it sounds a bit squashed. I guess that's the bass' doing. Could also use some more highs for clarity and air. Listening on semi-quality speakers, hard to tell stereo separation on them, but the snare sounds like there's filtered noise added separately to both channels. If they were shorter they'd sound more like an artistic choice rather than a happy accident you're afraid to screw up. Overall, I can tell ncocs isn't wrong about the stereoscape, there seems toi be some weird stereo effect applied to half the tracks in there, like you inverted one channel or something. Not gonna comment much on source, besides that I can clearly hear it's there, and don't think (after two quick listens to source and remix) that ocr would accept an arrangement like this. Not sure, too tired to really analyze it. Any artistic choice should sound intentional. Your stereo thing, the percussion, the slow attack on the lead and the other issues here, they're all things that could be intentional, but they don't sound like they are. They sound more like accidents that happened and that you liked the sound of. Make it intentional or fix it.
  6. u stoles my avatarus, i hates ur ermix nao!! No source link? Then I I won't compare to source. I wouldn't be surprised if the source is very similar to this, sounds like it'd fit in the game. Some decent sound choices but they could be EQd better to each have their own space. Would further help to fine-tune some of their individual envelope and filter settings, but I won't get into that now. Too tired to care atm. Not sure about the levels mixing, snare and bass dominate the soundscape, and the slow bell melody and the hihat seems disproportionally loud as well. After 2 minutes, it runs into some problems with repetition. gets boring with jus the same thing over and over, and losing the bass doesn't help much. When the hihat cuts out it gets better, then there's a sense of ending. Turning the drums to half-tempo when the bass drop out could help, but they sound all right once the hihat is out. Perhaps turning the hihat into half-tempo is enough? Doesn't take long to find it when you look. User CP -> Edit Options -> scroll down to Thread Display Options ->Thread Display Mode -> set to Linear - Oldest First. And welcome to ocr.
  7. You're expecting a reply within an hour? Keep your sense of entitlement in check, buddy. You might wanna look into a better host, that one is pretty cluttered. The player there doesn't really stream smoothly either, at least not for me. Might also be a good idea to limit the number of tracks you're posting to the one you need the most feedback on. ppl generally don't wanna crit a whole lot of tracks and would rather not comment at all than comment on just one of many. I listened to the Zeal mix, it's a midi rip with passable sounds but terrible mixing. Terrible. Volumes are out of control, it clips so the overall level is way too loud, and there's obscene amounts of bass. Listen to a couple of mixes from ocr ('05-present), then to your own works. Listen mainly to how the instruments are balanced, how loud they are in relation to each other; also listen to the frequency balance, how much bass there is and which instruments it's coming from. You've got some creative additions in the later iterations but it ends up being a clashing mess. Don't let the instrument choices fool you, it's clashing. If you switch all the instruments to a piano or something you should hear it better. This is something you should train your ears to tell, and your mind to not write. Practice your ears and your mixing, you'll improve a lot faster that way.
  8. Seconded. I recently got my dad's old iphone, and the site takes a bit of zooming to navigate.
  9. The short version: 1. DAW. Something to write and mix in. 2. Instruments. Either real or virtual. The longer version: What you should get depends on your budget and platform. On mac, there'd Digital Performer, Logic, Cubase, Live, and if you're cheap you should be ok with GarageBand for a while. if you're on Windows, there's Cubase, FL, and a slew of others. Some of them are cross-platform, some aren't. Get demos or go to music stores and try them out. Do some research. Then you need instruments, probably virtual. Komplete gets you decent stuff, but it's a bit pricey if you're just starting out. VSL and EWQLSO are worse in that regard. Then there's stuff like GPO and Synful... And if not else, you can just get free soundfonts and learn to use those. You'll have to learn whatever you get anyway. Komplete also includes electric guitar, bass, drums, and amps. If you don't get Komplete, you can find passable amps for free on the net, guitar, bass, and drum samples as soundfonts. ideally, you'll record guitar for real, since it's the hardest of these to imitate with samples. There's also standalone products for all of them, like Addictive Drums, Superior Drummer and EZDrummer, Shreddage, Trillian, but without knowing your budget I can't recommend anything. Except Komplete.
  10. Not sure about this one, it seems to stagnate. Altho beautiful it doesn't really go anywhere. It takes 3:50 to get to a point that doesn't feel a midi rip (altho production, sound design is way above most midi rips ). Not sure about the volume either, but can't listen at my usual volume atm so can't really tell. It's a cool track, captures the source well, but I'm not sure it has a clear enough direction to pass the panel. On a related note, why aren't you a posted remixer yet? Haven't you made awesome stuff before?
  11. Man that's a loud bass, it'll make the mixing difficult, so cut some lows from it or reduce its volume. There's some other volume edits you should be doing to get the track overall more balanced. Yep, I can barely hear the drums over all the loud synths, you gotta fix stuff. Think through your levels mixing. A bit minimalist, but I think it's a creative take on the source. Arrangement has potential, tho using the same source over and over, in more or less the same way, gets repetitive. Finding another melody from the game to incorporate should make it easier to vary the source usage. Ending is way too out of the blue, needs to transition better into it even if it's supposed to have a big impact. I kind'a like this track, but it needs a lot of work in the mixing department.
  12. Something about the electric guitar tone around 1:30-1:1:43 seems off, and I'm not a guitar man enough to tell what. That aside, this rocks. Even the car sounds don't bother me, great work man.
  13. Nicely written, nicely executed, it's great fun until somewhere in the repeated choruses where it just repeats and ends. Needs another verse. Moar plz!
  14. Ahem, yeah, someone should. More ppl should join, actually. VHD had a great mix going a while back but unfortunately didn't have time then to finish it. Dude, when you do have the time... Anyway, impressive work from VHD as always. Easy to get lost in this track, partly because it's a bit long, partly because it's a bit awesome. Hard to think of anything else to say, as when you stop to listen you're just carried along. Excellent track, highly enjoyable, has a flavor of epic.
  15. Anso has been moving towards weirder and weirder instrument combinations, and those sound choices can get a bit detracting imo. This track seems like a random sound experiment until the break around 1:10 where it kicks into a more focused gear. Vocals are expressive and processed in a really cool way, impressive work guys. I oughta steal some ideas from this track. This is a lot better than what I expected from just reading the lyrics tab.
  16. I used that word intentionally. Might have been a little sloppy with how I used it, but I still stand by my choice. Whether we like it or not, we have a bit of an elitist attitude when dealing with non-posted remixers, critics, everyone. Not that we consciously go around thinking that forum veterans who aren't posted remixers suck and how the Workshop is populated by n00bs with a grip on the terminology, I mean more in the sense that it's a convenient excuse to disregard their expertise when you disagree. Much like my first encounter with SnappleMan posting on a remix of mine saying "good ideas, the execution sucks" and not offering helpful advice. Or my first sub which wasn't unanimously accepted for the genius it really was (at the time). I went for whatever excuse I could come up with to treat the feedback I disagreed with as less valid. If you're getting tough feedback from someone who isn't a posted remixer, it'll be so much easier to ignore it. So not only is it something the elite has to deal with (and like it or not, it is an elite and you're part of it ), it's also something the aspiring remixers have to avoid falling for. Anyway, Arcana had be fooled as well. Until I saw his name. I actually read those fields.
  17. The reason it's not working is probably because the audio is too complex. In a single note, there's loads of frequencies at different amplitudes (volume) that behave differently as the note decays. In a song, you've got loads of notes from loads of instruments, and they're processed with various effects. It's like a few dozen semi-transparent pictures on top of each other. It's difficult to tell what belongs to which picture. It doesn't help that mp3 is a compressed audio format, basically a low-quality snapshot of the real song. Can't give it back the detail by converting it back to wav. For complex audio, you kind'a need that detail if a program's supposed to understand the difference between the fundamental frequency of a note and a frequency that's an overtone, resonance, or otherwise not a fundamental. You don't have to understand this all, just know that you'll get better results from training your own ears and practicing transcribing that you're gonna get with programs. Most of the time. After some practice, it's not nearly as difficult as it is when you start out. If you can hum it, you can write it.
  18. You're better off transcribing the parts you need by ear. Any audio->midi tool will get distracted by all the notes in there, and their different timbre, and all the effects, and it can't really tell instruments apart anyway like the human mind can. There are audio->midi tools, but they tend to work best with monophonic (as in only one note at a time) materials, and even then they get stuff wrong. The exception would be software like Melodyne, but I'm not sure how well it tells instruments apart and what quality of audio it needs (a 200kbps mp3 might not be accurate enough for it to really discern the notes).
  19. Get on AIM, then. :P

  20. This kind'a merits its own thread, but I'll just latch it on here: dannthr, Yoozer, Gario, and other helpful and supposedly* knowledgeable ppl without a posted mix on the site... Do you trust them to know what they're talking about? Cuz I catch myself thinking "no mixpost, how convincing" whenever I read something of theirs that I disagree with. Not that I don't get that they might know what they're talking about, perhaps even be right**, it's just that having a posted mix makes some of us something of an elite that know the craft and have something to show for it, whereas those who don't... well, don't. Hiddened message: make remix, get posted, stop being picked on. * ** except regarding parallel fifths
  21. Just woke up. Dreamt about realizing there's a 5/4 track towards the end of the sd3 soundtrack. Which I'm pretty sure there isn't. Stupid dream, now I have to check. (note to self: air drumming 5/4 is probably not gonna impress SnappleMan, so why dream I was doing that?)
  22. I seriously reserve goofball Rozo, mostly, for rl.
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