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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. oc remix: the movie? more like #ocremix the movie. Totally not feeling left out. Nobody has the beard to play me anyway. Keira Knightley as Willrock.
  2. Well congrats on using sounds that sound a lot like the original, then. A little too much, when it starts sounding lo-fi.
  3. Steam trailer says it's for mac too. I think you're safe. ...must finish mixes before buying, must finish mixes before buying...
  4. k then. Scalar run. (or the other response: ur mom) Also, dude, slight oversight: you forgot to comment on the mix itself.
  5. Super Meat Boy also for mac? Nice. And yes, it's totally off topic, but thanks Justin.
  6. 1. Find a plugin that you can use as a trancegate. Either that or do it manually with short notes or by automating some parameter in the synth. 2. Compare your mixes with others' in an audio editor like Audacity. See how loud it really is. Everyone has a problem with this. It's either not loud enough or it's overcompressed or something. 3. Best to use a combination, imo. If you're good you can do stuff with just samples, but not everyone has the skills it takes. 4. The net and experimentation. Find a simple, basic synth and learn its parameters. Then step it up to a slightly more complex synth. Keep stepping it up. Read up on the differences between different kinds of synths (subtractive, additive, fm...). Read up on the basic parameters, what they do. I tend to suggest ppl learn using a relatively simple synth with a good interface, like FreeAlpha or TAL-Elekt7ro. Read up on sound. Read up on whatever audio stuff you can think of.
  7. Lead and bass are too loud. Drums need some touching up to sound better (eq on everything, reverb on the snare, more click on the bass drum, subtle delay on the hihat, stuff like that, whatever works for these sounds specifically). Lead could use some variation in sound to be more interesting and not get annoying after a few notes. You have some nice stuff in here, like the rising synth sound (almost like a reverse crash, but more synthy and interesting) and the intro synth. Consider adding a pad to emphasize differences in chords and fill out the soundscape a bit more. Doesn't have to be loud. Also, consider adding a crash to mark the start of new parts or the end of fills/kickrolls. (Fellow critics, careful about giving exaggerated positive feedback, it's actually not as good as you think it is. And by "it" I mean the over-positive feedback just as much as the mix. Let's not feed ppl's ego and give them an unrealistic idea of where they're at, skill-wise. Work on your ears.) Sorry 'bout that.
  8. Yep, and as you can see, it got moved. Had I not forgotten the thread title while writing, I wouldnt have been distracted by your weird idea of posting a vgm remix in originals and talking about that. Everything is your fault. On to the remix, then. Original+guitar+drums. With the additions you've made, you could probably extend this further, the descending arpeggio solo is pretty cool. The sound effects and sounds from the original don't do it for me, they just make it sound cheap. The lead form the original is especially jarring in how it adds to the disparity between sounds, it'd otherwise just sound like a cover with sound effects as most of the other sounds don't make it past the guitar. As an additive mix, I guess it's ok, just not my thing.
  9. Well for one, you could use more than just kick+snare+crash+lead. The altered melody make the rhythms pretty difficult to follow. Adding the lead from the original, adding a bassline, adding chords; adding stuff should alleviate that without the need to edit the melody you have (unless you want to). It could also use some variation. I wouldn't vary the melodic content you have here much (as there's so little of it atm), but the drum rhythms could use some edits. Aside from adding a hihat or shaker or other high-range percussion/rhythm, using half-tempo for intro and other calmer parts would go a long way to make this feel less repetitive. it's an idea, use it if you want to. It's not a bad start, but it needs more of everything.
  10. He just said the team is already picked, so I can answer for him: No. Nothing's stopping you from doing Venom on your own, tho.
  11. No. If everyone posted their stuff here, there's be nothing else in Community. Sorry, you'll have to attract listeners some other way. Yes, Originals is underappreciated and undervisited. No, Originals is not the focus of ocr. In before move to Originals. edit: I read the post, not the thread title. somehow.
  12. Indeed, cool pic. Shouldn't take much to copypaste the important bits from the first matchup to the later ones. Removing color and adding an X over the defeated mavericks, or whatever, shouldn't be hard. Most trouble would be adapting it to the Zero bracket and final matchup, but I guess ace could adapt this one and hand you whatever assets you need. PS. Some Unsharp Mask on the X4+ mavericks wouldn't hurt.
  13. Nice pan effects, cool bass. Using a similar patch for the leads doesn't work quite as well. Many of the sounds aren't good, the electric-guitar-wannabe thing comes to mind as a great example of a turd of a sound. I'm fine with the altered melody, it fits the style well. the track needs more source tho, used in more ways. The arrangement is basically bass+drums+lead+backing synth (sometimes). Some softer ostinatos, transitional sounds, pads... stuff, would keep things interesting upon closer listens. Your rising arpeggios towards the end suffer some sharp resonances that hurt my ears. You could cut down on those with EQ or by lowering the filter resonance on the synth. In any case, careful with your loud aggressive stuff, they can easily just get painful instead of hard and loud. Not a bad start, keep at it.
  14. While I'm not as impressed with the last 30 seconds of source, there are definitely some ideas here worth expanding on, not just in the end but also elsewhere. Scale back on the loudness and work on the sound. It's currently pretty harsh. Work on the mixing, you've got a weird sound balance throughout. One of two problems with remixing the source is that it's 3/4 and most ppl trying their hand at remixing don't know what that is. You've at least adapted it to 4/4, making the rhythm make sense, and the track as a whole a little less interesting. The other problem being that the source is short and repetitive without a lot to draw on, so you'll have to take more liberties with it to make it interesting enough in a remix. I'd suggest experimenting with scales/modes to get some ideas of what you could do with it. Also, my mix of it might give you some idea of what, apparently, worked for ocr. Fix the sound, expand on your ideas. Good luck.
  15. This is the worst thing ever, and you should be ashamed of yourself for posting it. Seriously tho, this is not what I expected, and it took a while to figure out what it is. Rain, hard electronic kit, jazz, funk, disco, vinyl sounds, sax, whispers...? Channelling a bit Joshua Morse, are we? And... a few other things? Careful with the voxpad, it has a pretty mid-heavy, harsh, resonant sound. Actually, the whole thing sounds forced a step too loud, wrecking the smooth vibe you'd otherwise be rocking. Funky but overproduced. Ease up on the harmonic exciter or whatever and let it be a little smoother. It's not supposed to blow anybody's brains out with volume, so STOP DOING THAT!
  16. Spakku (dude, don't make everyone use google translate) is right. This isn't gonna get posted on ocremix. Not in this condition, at least. The sounds are ok, but they could be processed better. Not sure why you're using sounds from an acoustic drum kit in an electronic mix. Could work, but I'd say a straight electronic kit would work better. The snare has a lot of bass, making it interfere with the bass drum. And man the track is loud. Surprisingly, I don't hear any compression problems. The arrangement is, as Spakku already stated, a bit too close to source. I'm more concerned about the transitions, a lot of them are abrupt and come with no warning. A good arrangement handles those things more fluidly, even when it's supposed to have hard and fast changes to it. So that needs work. Cool start, but needs some more work. Also, welcome to ocremix.
  17. Rough indeed. Clashing notes and ugly sounds. The percussion sounds like it could be fine with a touch of reverb and some EQ, the rest of the sounds are pretty ugly. Some of them could probably be salvaged, but it'd help to step away from the instrumentation of the original and approach this anew. The arrangement is pretty much a midi rip of Brinstar Green cut up with insertions of xmas tracks. The source is well known and easily identified in most of its adaptations so you could take some more liberties with it to avoid clashes. Seems to me like most clashes here are clashes between the source and the xmas insertions. The bass, btw, is an octave too low to sound good. Missing the last note, btw. Would be cool to have it there at the end, after a bar or so, swelling and just ending the track big. It's a cool idea, keep working on it. Don't be afraid to rewrite parts, change chords, move stuff around to make things fit better with the idea. Good luck and have fun.
  18. I said no such thing! U think u no what I think? What if I h8 composorz? *ahem* Also, welcome. Or is this a stunt to get us to remix your songs?
  19. You should be three happy, or at least one happy and two partial happies. Not rock tho.
  20. Indeed. And then join the project!! (shameless, I know. project lead's prerogative ) On topic, I'm now officially putting the sega genesis sound on my list of things that are cool and that I should investigate more. Or perhaps even more on topic: I'm a big fan of source-appropriate and think the chiptune sound trend needs more of the real chip stuff, but some of the haters on neogaf are hilarious.
  21. If I was serious, I would write it like this. No smileys. Just as a response to the attitude that learning from a book is ok but if you're serious about music you shouldn't. Which is an exaggeration, I know, but when it's been suggested twice I gotta call it. Book=good. Ears=good. Book only=bad. Ears only=slow. Anybody disagree?
  22. Isn't that a good reason to just drive instead of a getting driver's license? Seriously, learning new techniques is a good thing whether you're in the beginner or expert end of the spectrum. Stop telling ppl to not learn from others.
  23. The 4/4 drums and the 3/4 source doesn't really work together. Not saying it can't be done, just saying you haven't. Either adapt your drums to 3/4 or the source to 4/4. Or both. Needs some work on the sound design. A generic flutey sound with way too much reverb doesn't really sit right with the dry bass. Not sure what makes dubstep dubstep, but the snare could stand to be harder, the bass drum more defined, the instrumentation less reverbed and the overall sound clearer. For ocr, you'd also need to expand on it, creatively, whether that means writing new material or just adapting the source for length without making it repetitive. I get that it's not for ocr, this version. Just saying, for later mixes. Not up to ocr's standard, but not bad. Keep mixing.
  24. Really? Can't wait. ...or actually, I can wait, and I kind'a don't have a choice anyway. Slowerclocked.
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