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Skummel Maske

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Everything posted by Skummel Maske

  1. In case you didn't already know, at least Dwelling of Duels has had a Gradius themed month. There are some very good tracks there.
  2. 6 hours of music? Seems the project is getting really heavy. I'm glad to be a part of this.
  3. Just chiming in to say I love the idea. When I saw the title I wasn't sure whether you were remixing the Ayreon album or something else entirely though.
  4. That's a really clever workaround! I remember having the same problem, but with FFVIII (I believe it was when you released Adel or something).
  5. While on this topic: Which DS Castlevania game do you guys consider the best?
  6. I still haven't installed the retail version, although I got my CE early. I'm hoping for the game to magically get better the next 6 months or something.
  7. Not failed per se, but I've stopped working on this even though it didn't pass the panel here at OCR: Gradius III - Stuck in the Crystal Maze
  8. Could be an idea. I'm not sure whether to start playing when I get the game in the mail or not. I hear some of my worst gripes with the beta (the slow UI and the lack of a hardware cursor) were fixed, but I haven't heard anything about optimized performance and such. The beta ran between 12 and 30 fps on my computer. I guess news about this will trickle in slowly now that some have gotten their CE editions.
  9. As many have stated, Portnoy is basically the link between Dream Theater and the fans. I wonder what will become of them.
  10. Harvest, that one's all clean, isn't it? Also, if you were to only do one Opeth song, The Drapery Falls is the only choice
  11. Me too. Which town, shell and name?
  12. Happy birthday, mate! Have a good one!
  13. The new design is really fresh! Looking forward to see the site unlock new features.
  14. Time to bring this post back up. Open beta begins tomorrow, I'm looking forward to this. Are we still doing an OCR linkshell, and if so, what server is everyone on?
  15. I've always been interested in trying this myself. But I think I understand what you mean, Luiza, the richer sound of the acoustic electric should have way more "undesired" frequencies that are also distorted.. Right?
  16. I was hoping someone had tried this game when I saw the thread. It seems there's no announced release date outside Japan yet, at least according to Wikipedia.
  17. For some reason, TF2 won't launch at all after the last update. Have anyone else encountered a similar problem? Deleting it and reinstalling didn't seem to work either. Also, all other HL2-based games seem to work fine.
  18. I was lucky enough to get to hang out with Uematsu in the hotel lounge after the Symphonic Fantasies concert in Germany. But more on topic: I've been hoping to get a beta invite for a long time. Do they let players into the closed beta in waves? And has there been any talk about an open beta yet?
  19. Finally I got to pick up L4D2 myself. This sale may be devastating to my bank account.
  20. Above 2500 is fine, 4000 should be more than enough
  21. Wouldn't it be awesome if we could get an OCR linkshell or something going in XIV? I sometimes miss Vana'diel myself, but I've got the exact same feelings as you. Two of my old classmates apparently started playing again this week, but as much as I loved the game-world, the general pace of the game is such a turn-off.
  22. I guess SoundCloud is a good bet.
  23. I see CDBaby can handle licensing for covers and remixes, do any of you have experience with that?
  24. When I first heard of it, I heard something about it being basically a new "traditional" Final Fantasy game. At least I'm sold
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