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Skummel Maske

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Everything posted by Skummel Maske

  1. Hopefully related to the subject: What about Spotify? I remember there being a discussion about it some time ago. From what I can see, most people (at least here in Norway) nowadays listen to music through Spotify rather than from the hard drive, avoiding the hassle of having to download and store the music themselves.
  2. If I haven't said so already, great job with this track God of War is such a metal game that it really needed this!
  3. That's brilliant, man! Are you coming over to Norway too?
  4. Rainbow's version. Not the best sound on the clip, sorry about that. A friend of mine was practically addicted to Stratovarius' version of it.
  5. I've been focused on this very subject myself lately, along with general branching stories and gameplay (think Arcanum, if you ever played that). Very interesting perspectives
  6. Like this? Flying the colors as often as I can
  7. I approve of this. This soundtrack deserves some remixer love, but it seems pretty hard to remix as well.
  8. Dual Dragons doing Storm Eagle? Hell yeah!
  9. I really love Hellion Sounds, but I don't think the guitars sound fine. The obvious "fakeness" of it is a turnoff for me.
  10. I just thought the same thing the other day. It's a great track already, but a remix could be even better (some of the choir-parts annoy me somewhat). Where did you find the translation, by the way?
  11. I never got this to work. It crashed Cubase every time I tried rescanning the plugin folder. I tried both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions too. Am I the only one?
  12. Have you tried holding ctrl and scrolling the mousewheel? I'm not sure if that's just a shortcut to one of the functions you already tried, but hey, it should be worth a shot
  13. I was a real nut for Pokemon red/blue back in the days. I used to compete alot with my neighbour and cousin. There'd recently been a Nintendo event in Norway that gave us our first opportunity to get Mew without cheating. It wasn't anywhere nearby, so I had to send my cartridge by mail to actually get it. In other words, I finally had 151. I had a huge selection of lvl 100's as well. One day, my little brother stole the game and brought it to school. I think he was about 8 at the time. Unlike the later games, the first games didn't have any safeguard for saving new games over old ones. I suppose you can all guess what happened. It pissed me off immensely.
  14. So.. Uh, what to say. My first trip to the US in general. I'm still blown away by it all. It was great meeting all of you! Hopefully I'll get to hang out more with the OCR crew next time.
  15. Thanks, I'm sure I'll find you. There won't be *that* many people around on new year's, right?
  16. So, quick question, is there anyone who might let me crash in their room from the 31th to 1st?
  17. Hm, in the vein of the earlier Fallout games there's Arcanum and Planescape: Torment. Oldies but goodies.
  18. I'm also a definite attendee.
  19. Vertexguy also has one.. http://www.vertexguy.com/music/tributes/CPK-dukejam.mp3
  20. I'm not quite sure to be honest, I've been focusing more on how to get to the US and back so far
  21. I haven't been looking at this thread much, but I've got my plane tickets confirmed now. I guess I'll arrive at the hotel with SnappleMan (and other NY-based crew?) on the 31th. New year's party, oh yeah
  22. There might possibly be someone else who has already done this, but don't let that stop you! I think it's a great idea, and a logical expansion to what you already have.
  23. Alot of the combat in the game has felt that way, but not the bigger fights. I just fought the six-tits demon in the Deep Roads, and that might just have been the hardest fight I've seen. It wouldn't leave my casters alone. I think my game is sort of bugged though. I installed the addons after I'd started a save, that might have to do with it: The "free items" show up in my inventory, but I don't get the map markers for places like Warden's Keep and wherever the Golem is, even though I talked to the quest givers. I guess I'll start over later on, and see if that helps.
  24. From the very moment I saw this track in the submissions queue, I knew it'd be posted. There's no doubt that this is my favourite metal VG arrangement. Great playing, sound, arrangement and mixing.
  25. After the "meeting", yes. I'd done the mages tower before though, so it might be triggered after completing two "events".
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