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Skummel Maske

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Everything posted by Skummel Maske

  1. Doesn't the 'hold position' command only work for the entire team? I haven't gotten it to work for single characters. For the bisexual elf (I assume, he's the only elf I know of), he's only available after a cutscene which comes after some major plot event, for me it was finishing Redcliffe.
  2. I've realized that the best way to keep a melee character stay put is to be in direct control of him. In fact, that's the only way I've found (so far).
  3. Of course you are.
  4. So I just encountered my first "real" dragon, on the mountaintop during the urn quest. It dropped a good deal of items, but I'm disappointed. I'd expected some proper magical items, instead I just got a couple of full regular tier 4 armor sets?
  5. Mm, I was almost growing skeptical to the game after hearing very mixed opinions, but after spending two or three long nights with the game, I can only say that I love it. I hope there's more to the Origin stories than just an intro though, I'd like to be able to follow it up by returning to my home castle (human noble origin story) and reclaiming it. This is pretty much a next-gen Baldur's Gate/NWN mashup, which is what I've been waiting for the last X years.
  6. Hmm, basically what Archaon said about Dragon Age. Still, though, after trying Borderlands for an evening I'm not very impressed. I hope DA will be more interesting
  7. It sounds great. If you're planning to use in-game samples, can it still be posted? Wasn't there some regulation against that? And is the music from the main menu of the game? I can't remember if there's music anywhere else. Zircon sappin' mah sentry!
  8. I was incredibly hyped when the first screenshots popped up, but after hearing that this works best in multiplayer I kind of lost interest. Is single player mode really boring?
  9. Sounds like there's some kind of interference. Try what the above poster said
  10. I just use Kotaku. All news seem to come through there, so it does the job for me.
  11. I used to like Lacuna Coil some years ago. I didn't really know they're still around. So I'm going to see Dia Psalma tonight. They're coming to my hometown instead of playing in Oslo like most tend to do. I'm really looking forward to this!
  12. I've been waiting for this game ever since the first trailers emerged. I love the art style. Also I prefer my FPSes to be on PC.
  13. I'm glad to see this initiative, and I hope it works out this time. I miss VGMix. I've finally reached the web applications development section of my studies (which is what I've wanted to work with from the very start), so I've been thinking of trying something like this myself. If there's any need for novice skills anywhere, let me know There are many small sites with this concept starting up nowadays though. Is this going to crash with e.g. ThaSauce, or will all the sites fit together?
  14. I believe the Cubase upgrade would be worth it, Cubase 5 has some pretty nifty new features since version 3. I made the jump two weeks ago myself, and I don't regret it. One note about running Cubase in 64-bit though: Most 32-bit VSTi's won't work anymore. After reading their forums I've realized that their "bridge" isn't very reliable. I use several small and old VSTi's myself, so I ended up going down to the 32-bit installation.
  15. You're using the JBL Creature PC speakers? How are they working out? We've had a set of those lying around the store for ages, but never actually hooked them up Love the Aperture poster
  16. Hmm, seems this is a good chance to upgrade my Guitar Rig 2 to v4. Do any of you know how that works in stores? Do they have separate upgrade and full package boxes? Is there a separate upgrade licence?
  17. You know, I've thought the exact same thing. On the other hand though, it's quite awesome as it is.
  18. Happy birthday, mate! Have a great one!
  19. Almost here? My neighbour has been playing it religiously for at least one day already. Are there different launch dates in Europe and the US?
  20. I'm pretty content with AD myself. It does the job, although alot of the presets apparently are close to useless. By tweaking a bit, you should be able to get a pretty good sound out of it. If you've used the demo, you should be pretty familiar with the interface, and that's got to count for something, right?
  21. Total Annihilation is still the only RTS for me.
  22. empty visitor message? o.O

  23. I attended this as well, and was lucky enough to get to meet all the composers at their hotel later on. My girlfriend has had her DS signed by them all now! So, the guy who came on stage in between the sets and talked german.. Does anyone know what he was talking about?
  24. Title immediately caught my eye. Awesome combination Would you mind sending me the preset?
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