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Everything posted by TheHands

  1. If I owned either of those consoles, I'd buy this collection.
  2. A or E (DS). Either is fine. More games I enjoy on the DS, but if they'll upgrade my PC, then I'm all for it.
  3. I've actually been thinking about this for a while too, but I had absolutely no credit here to start it. I would absolutely love to see this game get an album. I'd be willing to do anything should this ever happen.
  4. Take it away from Rare then, I want to see this happen. Gunstar Heroes? I think it's time.
  5. Not a fav thread unless it's made into one. I just remembered Road Rash 3D for the PS1. I want a new Road Rash that doesn't suck.
  6. Doesn't need to be revived. Needs to be re-imagined.
  7. BONK, motherfucker. Bring back the bald bastard for a new generation that doesn't know the goodness of side scrolling cavemen.
  8. Old shit is old. I hate that it's being released monthly now, I've been dying for episode 2 for a long time. I can't wait to see how they do Link and/or Sonic.
  9. Qft. As soon as something's placed into a context, it doesn't matter what it's origin was. The swastika was a religious symbol used by many Eastern cultures (and many of the lesser known in the West) before the Nazis decided to use it, thus making it the universal symbol of hate. Now it doesn't matter where it came from, all that matters is that you think of WWII. Back on topic: I'm sad that it's not Zelda, but also relieved. I honestly don't think I want to deal with any more time-themed things in the Zelda series. If it's nonlinear/unconventional, then it better at least fucking make sense. None of this "you almost have a minu- FOOLED YOU!" bullshit.
  10. Have WiP. Will finish by deadline. Also, since I'm too lazy to look back to see if I remembered to, late grats to November's winners.
  11. Would be more interesting if you actually played as Zelda then if adopting Fure's theory. It'd be nice not to play as an effeminate elf, but the actual feminine one. Or, God forbid, another character all together. Still have it centered around the timeline/storyline/conga line, but make it not "Link finds sword. Link uses sword to rescue Princess Zelda and defeat Gannondorf. Hyrule is happy... for now."
  12. The page style of art is more likely for a Wii title, if it's anything like the game will be. If it's a main game in the series, then it will not be on the portables. Besides Link's Awakening and the Oracles/LA1.5, none of the Zelda portables have ever been exceptionally notable. Not that they're bad games, they just aren't as important or memorable as LoZ, Ocarina, Waker, and Twilight have been.
  13. Playing Gunstar Heroes on Genesis and getting to the final phase of the Red Barron for the first time. I thought it was the coolest thing ever to beat the shit out of Hitler wearing red. Played all day, for at least a good six hours until I could finally get there. I miss being young.
  14. Newest version, took a few things into consideration and started adding the sort of changes I want to the sounds to try to make it a little more full. Shorter intro, less ADHD drumming, and slightly more controlled mixing. http://soundclick.com/share?songid=7221359
  15. Your friend's voice reminds me of Freezepop.
  16. Saw them live once when they were opening for Coheed and Cambria. I had to leave the room for most of their set, it was just painful for me. To each their own though .
  17. Tasty ideas if Blood Brothers were ejected from the atmosphere. This seems like a good idea, and a project I'd want to do if I could remix better. I could record vox and see what happens?
  18. There are a lot of amazing games out there that deserve attention, but most will not get it. For the less popular games, it's usually better to try to find someone who's interested in the game and suggest it to them, or learn it yourself. You shouldn't have much problem finding a remixer who's interested in your game, Nintendo games from relatively famous franchises usually have huge fan bases, even if no one's remixed it yet. ...though I gotta say, Monkey's Delivery Service would make a sexy metal track if I were better with the software. Maybe down the line.
  19. So, after dealing with the family and not just seeing the fiance, I got a Sushi kit, a robe, lots of movies that I hinted from the $5 bin at Wal-Mart, a nose flute, and $50 for new boots. Gave an MP3 player for Mum, lotto tickets for stepdad, custom ping-pong paddle for brother 1, SkateItDS for brother 2. Not a bad Christmas, lookin' forward to boots that don't have holes in them. Edit: Just read Vivi's post. I'm glad she's doing alright, really bad time of year. I hope that Christmas itself was exceptionally happy for you two.
  20. Metalocalypse season two from my fiance. Writing a song for her, finishing it by the time I see her later on.
  21. The games you like and what you plan on using it for. Game wise, there's more "adult" games available, including puzzles, "edutainment," and non-games (Learn Spanish, Callorie Counter, etc.) There's also the option to download and play from/with friends. If your pal doesn't have Mariokart or MortalKombat, no problem. Most games have this feature, to some extent. While it is usually a mini-game that two can play, some games (like the ones stated) have modified versions of the actual game for actual pvp. The DS turns into a utility if you homebrew it right, including a notepad and an organizer, along with messengers. However, it's much more fragile, and when brewed is terrible as an MP3 player (not that it isn't passable, but it's not all that amazing). As far as home brew games for DS go, the biggest ones that come to mind are Still Alive (2D touch-screen Portal), Warcraft Tower Defense, and GeoWars. There are others that are notable, but those three are the ones that I feel anyone who plans on hacking/brewing should have. The big drawback for the DS is the size, as zircon said, as it's really ment for a much younger audience. You get used to it (you don't really have a choice). Also, for interface, it's very biased against lefties. With the exception of Brain Age, most touch apps/games pretty much require you use the right hand for writing and the left for trigger/D pad. This is relatively minor though, as most lefties are used to this sort of bias and become limited-ambidexterous. The conditional drawback is that if you want to hack/homebrew, you'll need a Flash-cart, which is only available through small shops, the internet, or Chinatown (here). That's minor though, as brewing isn't for everyone.
  22. This is a rock song with a midi pasted on top. It's not just the drums that feel like a rock song, the bass's tone feels like it's supposed to support something much more aggressive than the original instrumentation. This doesn't have to be guitar based (though Fishy's presence in the thread at all makes me want to say to go for it, even if it's just a point of information), a really angry synth could do it just as well. That's just one opinion though.
  23. I keep finding all these threads late. Congrats to both of you, good luck and happiness, etc. There's too many well wishes to wish them all, so just assume they come bundled <3. OCR = Electronic Gaming Music Dating Site?
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