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Everything posted by TheHands

  1. It will still be better than the DBZ movie.
  2. WOAH. How did I miss that alternate ending?
  3. Survey'd. Best of luck, this isn't a topic touched as much as it should be in academics.
  4. That's alright, most of what runs through my head doesn't make much sense.
  5. Gannon should never look like the fruit in a Corona. Ever.
  6. 4 is a good number, it allows enough competition to make a fair contest. I like the idea of the later contest automatic submission, but it seems like they'd be losing out on the chance to make something new for that event. The other big issue with the second proposed rule is if folks get too competitive, they may try to specifically write something as a counter to the previous piece. I don't think that would be too much of a problem, but it does seem like a possible issue.
  7. Don't get me wrong, I'll give it a chance when it's finished, but right now I'm not impressed at all with the trailer. I hope for their sake that they don't plan on making any money off of it though, otherwise Nintendo does have the legal right to sue the crap out of them.
  8. What frightens me is that I don't think this one's a joke.
  9. Wrote this in about five minutes, can't hurt to have it in.
  10. Should it ever be released on Wii-Ware, I will purchase it. In the meantime, congrats on your first real gig!
  11. A friend of mine has been playing a Japanese version of a FE for DS, probably this one. It looks like a lot of fun, with natural integrations for the touch screen. It's going to be great, if it's the same one he's been playing. Maybe now I can take my copy of Stones out of slot 2.
  12. Jesus, I wish I could afford the time to go.
  13. It makes a lot of sense that one would have to destroy the whole immune system to destroy the virus. It's the same way that you occasionally have to reformat your hard drive when you're hit with some nasty [digital] virus. Only real problem is that it isn't easily done on a grand scale, and only the grotesquely rich will be able to cleanse themselves. Shame it's progress too late for Freddie Mercury.
  14. I've been playing the facebook version, since I can't get 3-5 other players to all sit down for 3-12 hours. It's an amazing game, just takes too long to play.
  15. Sorry for the huge delay in response, life hit me all at once. I'll be working on this again over the next two weeks or so, giving regular updates.
  16. I'm listening to the second version right now, it's definitely less muddy than previously. The guitar sounds more crisp than in the first version, and the bass is less drowned out. The drum arrangement doesn't sound bad, but the tone is a little hollow. I'd like to hear more of the kick, but that's just me. I'm not fully convinced about the synth, but it's definitely improved with the removal of the bass. What kind of guitar/rig are you using?
  17. Answer: Laziness. If someone doesn't enjoy a song, they don't care enough to write a negative review. Answer 2: Respect. We all know each other here, if there's something wrong, we tell it to them rather than airing it out. All people here can be readily contacted, why scream about flaws when you can whisper them and everyone saves face?
  18. Week from scheduling hell. Looking them over now, will vote by the end of the night.
  19. I'm working on a dozen different songs/segments of songs right now. You're right though, it does factor into all artistic things. I've got dozens of unfinished written things (poems, short stories, fun blogs, etc), and another 50 or so that I could probably go back to refine, but when I go back to them I'm in a different mindset than I was when I'd started. Sometimes that's a good thing though, when you write something, leave it alone for a few months, and then come back to it later on. It lets you see mistakes you made without being biased from just writing it.
  20. It's a fun little thing. I picture my fiance doing this in Stepmania.
  21. That there be the reference. Still a fun idea. Also, a knowing adult (21 is legal for everything except running for president of the USA, as far as I know) is fully deserving of whatever's done, especially since it seems to be used with the intent of promoting his own work, and therefore potentially increasing his own revenue.
  22. If he's not recieving monetary compensation for stolen music, we can't do anything legal to him worth doing. Instead, there are other ways to help rectify the problem. Little things, like a corrupted operating system or a recently cleaned hard drive. Sure, they can be fixed, if you know what you're doing or know someone that can help you, but it's a nice message. Or, there's always strippers with penises. Whatever works out easiest.
  23. Yeah, I know what Dafydd means. A while ago I'd posted a WiP from an obscure game, and my mix really was shit. The only response I remember getting was one from OA, and that's all. I think he's probably one of the 3 people who knew the game/track, and the only one who posted to it. Though honestly, if no one knows the source material, then it's really hard to say what kind of justice was done for it. Everyone and their mother knows Final Fantasy music, and Nintendo music for the most part. Those are the two that get the most frequent responses, because everyone knows what it would sound like off the top of their heads. If someone decided to do something from King's Field or Dungeon Explorer, it's much less likely that anyone will remember the games or care that you decided to do the most hardcore songs in the games. Shows why FFX will always get more responses than Parasol Stars, even if Parasol Stars was more fun to play and easily more of a blast to remix.
  24. Possibly the phased bass. I'll listen to it again when I get back from classes and edit this with it. Either or if it floats your boat, it just feels like a natural time to me to add some sort of vocal element.
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