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Everything posted by TheHands

  1. Needs EQ desperately. Drums aren't near the beats (not always a bad thing, but they have to be relatively close to the natural beat or they don't work). You need much, much more variation. The entire song is Ab - C - D, over and over and over. It doesn't hold interest yet. It's a decent start as far as the kind of energy you have, but this doesn't seem like there's much variation. Keep the energy and make it more interesting, then hopefully I'll be able to give something more constructive.
  2. I love this. So much. It's not just because of the original game it's from, the composition is just sexy. It feels very much like a scene from an old 50's movie when the detective is wandering down a back alley thinking of someone else. I want to see this completed.
  3. Muy divertido. I am disappointed that it's Bohemian Rhapsody though. Everyone and their fucking mother's done that song now.
  4. Bump in the butt. Still working on a WiP.
  5. Grr. It just went from Easter @ the Hospital to work. Hope all goes well.
  6. That's one of the most uplifting things I've seen in a long time. Thanks.
  7. I'm hoping to get a card to link to paypal in the near future, this would make it possible to actually contribute... and buy stuff. Will do if possible.
  8. I want to do Rez from Gex (Enter the Gecko's version). I just need to make a WiP that doesn't suck now.
  9. ...I can has Gex now?
  10. Happy Birthday man. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3Y24SNfH2Q&feature=related
  11. QFT. Some of the musicians and writers I know are more talented than anyone else I've ever heard or encountered, but because they were brought up knowing that they were good at whatever field they're in, they brush off the amount of time and practice it takes to maintain those skills. As such, most of them will never amount to anything in their fields, and instead pick up accounting, or veterinary medicine. It's only when you have a mix of natural talent and work ethic that it really pays off to the extent that anyone cares about. Either that, or to live on forever, you have to die horribly before anyone can really praise you.
  12. Learned classical guitar in highschool, 2002-2004. In that time, I started arranging midi stuff in TabIt. College killed practice time, and now I'm heavily rust covered. Recently started arranging things in FL, having doubts if it'll ever be up to the standards expected of this site (but honestly, I don't really care if it ever does). I just make music to make it.
  13. Read the book first. They changed a lot, but omitted many things for the sake of time. If they'd done the book word for word, it would've taken 7 hours and been nothing but dated 80's cheese. Some of the changes and adaptations are actually better than the book. I liked the prison scene better in film than in the book. The only complaints I've really heard from people who can stand the time (2 hours, 43 minutes) is that there's a lot of characters, and Dr. Manhattan's penis shows too often. This is not true, unless you're looking for his penis. If you stare at the blue dong, then yes, it'll be there as often as Rorschach (who's in nearly every scene from the intro montage until the prison scene, if you know how to look for him). It's worth seeing. Don't listen to critics who want to pan it, or to fan boys who'll have nothing but praise. Decide for yourself how you like it. Side note for anyone who's read and seen: How did you feel about Scarlet Spectre (both)'s changes in character? Specter I was so much more flat in the film than the book, and Specter II was never a female character worth anything more than being a plot device originally. I kinda don't like the changes.
  14. It's only a relatively recent idea that animation is only for kids. If you look at the old Tex Avery and wartime Disney and Warner Brothers cartoons, they were made just as much for adults as they were for children, if not more so. Bluth honestly just kept those sensibilities in a much more mature way, and it was that maturity that doomed him. You know, that and Fox. My fiance is obsessed with animation (especially olde time Disney), I've been hearing about/looking forward to this movie for the last year or so. Should be good.
  15. I just lol'd.
  16. No worries, my brother does the same thing. He's going through Diamond right now but refuses to sell me his copy of Pearl until he's done with it (doesn't play it, just wants some rare creature at the end of the game). Think I'm just gonna buy one elsewhere, or snag a Platinum.
  17. Lovin' the Ditto then?
  18. I'm disappointed with Game & Watch, though I liked his cameo. He's the only black man in Smash Bros, he should've been a black man.
  19. Your arguments and/or comments here don't speak well on your behalf. You're getting angry, and not arguing with rationality. It isn't a matter of laziness, it's a matter of quantity and nostalgia. Most people don't purchase this for a single title, they would purchase this for several titles they remember playing drunkenly in arcades, or on their Genesis when everyone else their age had friends to go play ball with, or when they finally made other gamer friends. No matter how good a single game is, it does not outweigh the sheer quantity of this title. They could have put it in, sure. But then it would have been more expensive, not cater to the average gamer and what they're willing to pay for retro games. You also talk about Sonic Team's failure as if they are the only ones keeping Sega alive. House of the Dead, Madworld, Phantasy Star Portable, Monkey Ball, and the Iron Man games were all Sega too, and all have done well or have a strong cult following. For the sake of your argument, don't respond to this until/if you've distanced yourself from the argument. As of right now, you seem to be saying that a collection of 40+ classic games is not worth $30. When they were new, each of these games would cost at least that, and eat up (about) 60x as much physical space as this disk and packaging. This collection of 40+ games for $30 isn't a a worthwhile buy because one game isn't on there. I fail to see your logic.
  20. Could just be the local ones then. I've got three or four where I am, and they usually only seem to have one or two (at most) in poor condition.
  21. New? No. Used? Gamestop and a lot of luck.
  22. The thing about Pokemon is that all of the core games (none of that Ranger and Mystery Dungeon bullshit) are basically the same, even if there are small changes in the story (Pikachu as a starter? I'm going after Legendary Dogs instead of birds? There's a plot now?). Platinum might not be the best place to start as far as nostalgia and overall fun on your own, but the multiplayer is the thing that makes the series shine, even if you don't plan on using it. Everyone plays Pokemon, even the people that deny it emphatically. You wanna know if your Torchic can beat the shit out of their Mudkip, and you wanna know as soon as your realize you can do it. Grab Platinum, that way you don't feel out of the loop.
  23. Woah. Now I'm a little bummed I missed this one, this looks like it would've been fun. Grats to all
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