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Everything posted by Hausdog

  1. I forgot to mention what ours was. It was incredibly lame. They stuck a bunch of snuff cans to the "old gym" (there was an "old gym" that we only used to eat in and a "new gym" that we use as a gym) in the shape of 07. Then in the parking lot, they changed every number they could into 420. Now, the school just demolished the old gym, so what's the point? I mean, do something better than THAT. And 420? Extremely juvenile.
  2. At 1:02 on the trailer on the 3rd page, the king says "Mah boi!" AMAZING VIDEO
  3. Well... it wouldn't be IMPOSSIBLE to identify the penis, so only do it if you don't mind getting caught. But eww.
  4. I just listened to those. They WERE terrible, but in a so-bad-they're-good way. Anyway, mine is probably starting off with MIDI and not ever bothering to get comfortable with MP3 until... well, never. I still have no clue what I'm doing.
  5. That's not very nice
  6. I don't get it. "welcome, hausdog. private messages: unread 1, total 14." I go to click on it and all I see are inbox(7) and sent items(6). Help?
  7. I'm writing the MIDI for 321 Stars. I'm doing a big band version of it. Jazz is hard.
  8. Actually, Kanthos, most of us are saying thanks because we trust that djp is doing things to make the site better even if we can't see them... it's only a couple of people who are taking this for granted.
  9. but randomizing a number from 1 to whatever is really easy and it's not fair to make them check for stuff just so some people can get a chuckle
  10. Well thanks! I get it now. So he's just something imported from Something Awful? I can handle that explanation.
  11. I know there's the so-called Nice Work guy, but all I see is a picture of some smiling guy in a suit with arms folded. Is it a video or something that I missed? Please enlighten me... it's been bugging me for a whizzile. Merci
  12. I play video games to be entertained. This is often easier with something that looks "fun" than with something where I'm constantly reminded of how fake it is because of the contrast between the almost-real graphics and the completely unreal action.
  13. I've heard of it, but I just now found out what it is (I used Wikipedia because your link's broken or something). It's a good point. It's my opinion that video games need to be as stylized as possible because "good graphics" just plain look bad.
  14. That Homer is disturbing. Eyes are the most expressive part of the face, so we really notice it if something's wrong with them.
  15. I just saw some images of them in a GameFAQs topic that purged. I just learned that it's a Something Awful thread, and I tried to look for it but I got sidetracked by this: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=2083009 Wait! Found the pictures! http://www.worth1000.com/contest.asp?contest_id=4767&display=photoshop&page=2#entries
  16. Reminds me of those real-life Pokemon. Geodude: Koffing:
  17. Recently I've sucked at singing, but I can do some uptempo stuff if anyone needs a tenor.
  18. That's quite a middle name. One of my friends gave this name to me. I sort of like it. So I decided to register as it.
  19. Probably being invited to sing in the high school choir by the music teacher when I was 12.
  20. Dang. Now I feel like an ass. I didn't actually mean it and I wouldn't have said it if I knew anyone actually cared about him or this. I can reign it in. Sorry...
  21. Fucking retarded. Mr Rogers sucked. I hope he died in agony alone, having bled to death from nipple chafing from his stupid ugly God-damn sweaters.
  22. Well, a MIDI would be helpful to be certain. And it doesn't help to call the people you're asking for help a "dead community." And yeah, I was in a bad mood that day and sort of flew off the handle at 5% of your post.
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