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Everything posted by Hausdog

  1. I like it. It sounds cool indeed. It's ineligible, unfortunately, because they don't allow chiptunes. It's still cool to listen to.
  2. How hard is it to phrase exactly what the song does well/poorly? Sometimes, when I'm in the WIP forums, I'll really like something but not be able to deliver anything helpful beyond encouragement. How often do you "yes" mixes you dislike and "no" mixes you like? What are some of your pet peeves that submitters do?
  3. I think this is the best one so far. The organ/electric piano solo turned out very well. Good show!
  4. This is probably the only song I've heard in recent memory where I have no idea where it came from. Seriously. I mean, it's not like other songs where I go, "Okay, I see how you got that." I have no idea how you got this from the original, and I think it's cool. I wish I had more to say, except that I want the guitar, and I'm dead serious because it's useful for another mix I'm gonna work on.
  5. With what little I know about computer animation, I don't know any better than to be impressed. Is this reaction accurate?
  6. Often I'll forget how I wanted a piece of music to sound. That REALLY sucks. Also, I'd rather have the computer be able to read my mind perfectly than put all the notes in and come up with a "decent" approximation of what I wanted, even if the approximation is better. It's SO much more artistically fulfilling getting what you ENVISION down rather than something close that sounds better.
  7. At least in Melee the failure made SENSE. Luigi and Pichu misfiring made sense. G&W picking the wrong number made sense. If you trip while running, you don't deserve to be in a fighting tourney.
  8. With a little bit more venom, that could've easily been posted as a satire. The whole tripping thing seems really bad, though.
  9. Whoa. I just realized how unimpressed I sounded in my first post. I want to hear more stuff from you. Is that better?
  10. I just joined. I'm a level 2 troll now. I played some user-created forum, then I was invincible until someone destroyed me in one fell swoop. Oh well.
  11. I can appreciate that it's good, but it's not my style.
  12. I'm not sure I want to register an account anywhere just to say that I'm a good tenor (slightly classical--think church choir) who can hit a low G sharp or something and I can sing a convincing alto if need be. My AIM is senorhousemouse and my email is senorhousemouse@aol.com.
  13. I really like it so far. The clap is slightly cheesy, but as far as I can tell, it's all I'd change. I really like when it mellows out at 1:33. It builds up and sounds good. You could've done the reverse cymbal half as often, but again, it's a minor gripe. Nice piano. Good work!
  14. That's what I did with the GM Whistle and it sounded... sort of like a theremin where you moved your hand there instantly.
  15. It's new to me... Anyway, I think it looks difficult as hell to play, and while I like the idea of being able to make basically any sound, you're pretty limited by having only two hands and only being able to work with 8th notes. Still, it could be good performance art if you have a couple of people on one.
  16. I'm having a hell of a time putting what I want to say into words. Here goes. I love the glockenspiel(?) with all the other instruments. The buzzy fake guitar actually sounds good in my opinion. I listened to both, and the first one was arranged slightly better. The second one sounded like you were forcing yourself to deviate from the source in parts. I like this a lot right now.
  17. To be honest I was going, "OK, this is nice and all, but it's pretty generic" for the first part of the video, but then you went crazy and I fell in love. Nice prelude too. "All right now!" indeed!
  18. In the topic title you look sad. Happy birthday!
  19. I really like what I'm hearing. Your accent is good for a Finn. I especially like the guitar. Good show!
  20. I would have to agree with Harmony. Sometime in the future, if what you made is salvageable, then by all means go back to it after you develop your skills on new stuff. But my suggestion is that if you have a bunch of ideas in your head, start with the ones that you like the least. After you hear something you put into the computer a bunch of times, no matter how bad it is in comparison to the original, that's what you're gonna convince yourself it's meant to sound like. After you get good enough to develop some degree of accuracy in laying down the notes and especially picking out rhythms, then that's when you do your personal favorites.
  21. Everything you need is in this zip file: http://www.freewebs.com/gbawesome/LuigisMansion.rar And if you do this, not only are you an amazing person, but you also get coauthor credit (of course). Thank you so much in advance!
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