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Everything posted by Hausdog

  1. Kawaii~! Congratulations on the baby. Teach her well!
  2. I like it a lot. It's so much better than a lot of stuff in my collection.
  3. Happy birthday harmony, GET STRONGER!
  4. Happy birthday pixietricks, GET BIGGER!
  5. In a system like the PS, I don't know why they felt the need to give the buttons stupid names. Seriously, triangle, x, square, and circle? What IS that? It's a mess. They could've just made it another UDLR and been done with it.
  6. You'd think that if you haven't done anything other than promote your band, you would've come up with a better name.....
  7. Maybe I'd be able to sing this... if you'd put a choir voice in there or something so I'd get an idea of what I'd be singing, that would be helpful. It sounds cool so far, and I like just how fun it is.
  8. I think the way to go is give every button a distinct COLOR and refer to them by COLOR. Like, I can remember red, yellow, blue, green a lot better than B Y X A. Either that, or put them in groups of 4 and refer to them by (group, direction) like C buttons on the N64. I can memorize C up, down, left, right all day.
  9. Unique isn't necessarily good. The weird banana-thing they've got going on with the X and Y buttons is bad and makes them too small. It's the most comfortable, however. I think each button should have a clear PURPOSE. The N64 did the best in this regard, but had a shape that was so bad as to make it the worst controller ever.
  10. Well, since there's no taboo against discussing your plans... Okay, I'm doing a chiptune intro (when you hear it you'll forget it was an N64 game and not a Gameboy game) and then I'm probably gonna go the hardcore route, but I'm not sure. I was even considering doing a full orchestra for a while and I still might. I have 3 weeks.
  11. I definitely accept mine. How hush hush are we supposed to be about these? Because I have some nifty ideas and I'd definitely share if everyone else kind of starts talking about what they're gonna do, but I can clam up if need be.
  12. Chill out. Fortunately for Abadoss, I HAVE been keeping track and I gave him the actual average.
  13. 1 year, 9 months, 5 days, 17 hours and 22 minutes.
  14. whoa. arek just... whoa. I'm... damn. whoa.
  15. But aren't you using "immature" as an insult by calling someone who uses "immature" as an insult immature? And doesn't that make you immature? *head a splode*
  16. I'd have to see how the entire thing flows together. Does it make SENSE for Mario to go from "Halo World" to "Megaman World" and so on? Or is it a YouTube Poop in game form that's trying to be a serious game?
  17. Can I get a WHOOP WHOOP! Great work on winning the competition.
  18. So there's a 0% chance of Live and Learn? That's sad.
  19. It would've been much better if they SNES-ized everything or Halo-ized everything.
  20. I love Piano and I love L&L, so PLEASE drop me a PM if you ever get around to it.
  21. Does djp think EVERY SINGLE LAST ONE of his songs is DP-worthy?
  22. IT DEFINITELY WASN'T ME Oh well... I was looking forward to seeing how it'd turn out. Plus, I think it would actually sound REALLY pretty on piano. I'm already coming up with some ideas for Hailfire Peaks. Let's see how it turns out, shall we?
  23. My brother's English teacher is Bill Watterson's brother.
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