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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. Excellent deal. If you put down more than $7.40, you get 6 extra games, including World of Goo! I've got all the games downloading now on my mac. Really, there's no excuse not to get this. Excellent games, You set the price, and it goes to charity. Everyone's a winnar!
  2. So it looks like the 3 shiny Legendary Dogs are coming over here! http://pokebeach.com/2010/12/shiny-entei-suicune-and-raikou-to-be-distributed-at-gamestop-in-january Getting these three will get you Zoroark in Black/White. Hopefully Canada is getting this too.
  3. WHOAH. THAT JUST BLEW MY MIND. I wonder what the AVGN would think of this.
  4. Wow. A reference to the classic arcade Donkey Kong and Super Metroid in one screenshot. That's not something a lot of developers can claim to have done.
  5. yeah cuz that's totally common knowledge
  6. But then again: Pixar seems to have found more voice actors than just those 6 you mentioned, Brushfire. I wish more more Japanese animators would. Lol @ 1:32 And holy cow, why is the title for "UP" so LONG in jaoanese?? (0:10)
  7. Well, that's because Pixar is in charge of those dubs. I don't really like subtitles in general, since I get too focused on reading them and don't watch any of the action. And dubs can be awful too, you know! I remember watching Gundam Seed and the phrase: "Even at a time such as this!" was said more times than I could possible count. On top of that, japanese voice actors are just annoying. Real people speaking japanese sound fine and even cool, but in animes all you have are squeely high pitched highschool girls going "nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" and detached low-pitched highschool boys who lose their temper and scream "GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" and then your sister insists that Japanese is better than english and then the rest of your family starts watching more annoying highschool drama animes than anything else and come to think of it all animes are highschool now aren't they!?!? I mean characters like Spongebob and Patrick have annoying voices too but they aren't human! Who's to say what a starfish sounds like!? But in animes they all look awfully human to me, don't they!?! BUT THEY CERTAINLY DON'T TALK LIKE HUMANS WHY AM I IN THIS HORRIBLE WORLD OF SCREAMING HIGHSCHOOL STUDENTS GGYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRFFFFGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh. I'm sorry. I just really had to get that off my chest.
  8. SMG2 and MPTrilogy are tough to beat.
  9. For some reason that really reminds me of Pikmin. I always loved this song, even before I knew it was from DKC3:
  10. Well, I guess sony needed SOMETHING after the 3DS was announced.
  11. What on earth would a trackpad on the back be used for?
  12. As remixes, they're just okay. But as BGM, they're pretty good. I mean, you don't want the music to overpower the game. I mean, imagine if pokemon firered used the awesome TEEM.ROKIT remix. That song would be completely out of place in-game, you know? But I will agree, in the DKCR songs the instruments are a bit odd. The horns are pretty shrill, especially.
  13. That's disgusting. And I've never even heard of Magna Carta 2 before this thread.
  14. Well, you know, if Nintendo really decides that the Metroid series is not profitable or that the interest in it has dropped, then they wouldn't hesitate in holding off on another Metroid game for a long time (Another super metroid to prime drought, if you will), or may even consider axing the series altogether, resigning samus to Smash Bros character status. I know Reggie said he wants the metroid games to continue, but really, how much power does NOA have? Even with Reggie at the helm, I can't help but feel that NOA is just a little boy tugging at the shirt of goliath Nintendo of Japan.
  15. Plus, remember what Mario Galaxy consists of: Variety. Every level had you doing something different. So really, "more of the same" in this case means "More variety", which it certainly delivered on.
  16. From where the sun don't shine. I'll edit it.
  17. I think that my DS probably gets the most use too, but the Wii is in a close second. Definitely my most played console this gen. I play that thing nearly everyday, whether just a random level of Mario Galaxy, or replaying Metroid Other M for the 3rd time(I'm going to start a 0% run soon, which will be my 4th playthrough). And of course, I will never never NEVER get tired of the metroid Prime Trilogy games. I'm also looking forward to DKC returns and Epic Mickey, and even Sonic Colors. Also Zelda SS. The ratio is (in my opinion) like this: Wii: Good to bad games: 1:4. Excellent to good games: 1:2 360: Good to bad games: 1:2. Excellent to good games: 1:6 PS3: Good to bad games: 1:2. Excellent to good games: 1:5 Yes the wii has more bad games than the other two, but is has more excellent games than the other two. The problem is that most people want a new "Good" or "Great" game every month, instead of a "Excellent" or "A+++" game every six months. I'm okay with getting one game, finishing it, then playing again with 100%, and then taking a break from games for a bit. After that, I'll go back and play some more of an older game I haven't finished or play a Metroid Prime game again. By that time, a new "A+++" game has come out and I'm ready to get it. Anyways, this is supposed to be a thread about motion controllers. After inspecting my room, I don't think a Kinect would like my living room setup very much. How much space do you need for it? Does is HAVE to see your feet at all times?
  18. The game is good. I'd say it's borderline great. Of course, as a metroid game, it's below average. As was said, the metroid series has been consistently excellent, so a mere good or great game is a disappointment. No, the varia suit thing doesn't really make sense. Yes, I think that the military bonds thing does make sense. I used to go to a martial arts class when I was in junior high, and I just recently met my old instructor again, whom I haven't trained under for some 6 or so years. Even though it's been that long, I would never DARE address him by anything other than "sir" or "Instructor Rob", and if he told me to give him 20 in the middle of a mall, you better believe I would do it. And that's only a martial arts class. I can't even imagine the loyalty someone would feel towards an old CO (Assuming, of course, that CO was a good one and not a jerk. Also, Samus realizes in hindsight that Adam's decision regarding Ian was the lesser of two evils and was the logical choice. Clearly she feels much more confidant in his authority than she did when she left the GF.)
  19. Well, I think that the wii is still going to be the only system that can offer an experience like Metroid Other M. Love it or hate it, you can't deny that the controls were pretty innovative. Hold the controller sidewise (NES style) for movement and point at the screen for FPS aiming. That could not be done on either the Move or Kinect. I'm really looking forward to Skyward Sword. Nintendo knows how to, above all, make games fun. Sports Champion's sword fighting may be 1:1, but it wasn't fun. Nintendo will make sure that Skyward Sword is fun first and then add 1:1 controls after. The controls for swinging your sword in SS aren't actually 1:1; it uses canned animations, but it's got like 20 or 40 different swinging motions. I think that opens up possibilities for more responsive game coding: rather than just using ragdoll physics like in Sports Champions, enemies could actually block specific attacks (As we've seen: goblins block horiz. and vert., and Stalfos can leave only a single corner exposed) and respond to specific impacts. I think that this will make swordplay (ironically) much more precise and fun. Plus, Nintendo's already said that the sword will be used for a lot of puzzles too, so you aren't going to be flailing madly the whole game. Now, if they kept the scanning ability for Kinect, I would be MUCH more interested. Imagine if you could grab a cheap plastic sword and actually use it like a real sword! Sure you'd knock down every vase within a cubic mile, but that would be FUN. I really like the Augmented Reality games for 3DS and Move, because they blur the line between your living room and the game. If I could use a toy lightsaber or (toy)machine gun and hide behind my couch while dodging enemy attacks, you bet I would buy a Kinect. Oh! How about a transformers game!? You Run and shoot with a toy gun, jogging in place and tilting to run! Fold your arms and crouch to transform! Lean left and right to steer and stand straight to turn back into a robot! Man, I should make games...
  20. So yeah, it looks like all three are out in the wild now. Has anyone picked up a Kinect or Move yet? Any impressions? I played a Move at a sony store on sunday and I have to say, I was not impressed. Granted I only played Sports Champions with one controller and the volume turned way down, but I didn't have much fun. Archery was pathetic, Bocce ball was decent, Frisbee was okay, and I didn't want to try volleyball. Swordplay was really weird. It felt way too loose and I didn't feel any energy from my movements. I had to swing extremely hard to make a decent contact, and it wasn't clear how to play properly. For comparison, in Wii Sports Resort, the swordplay is simple and the gameplay is clear; how you defend and break past defences is simple, but adds a lot of complexity. In Sports Champions, I just felt like it was all high or low attacks. Plus the ragdoll physics were ridiculous. Table tennis was accurate, more accurate than Wii Sports resort's, but that doesn't mean it's more fun. I couldn't do backhands when I wanted too and the guidelines (showing where the ball is heading) just got distracting and didn't make it any easier to hit the ball. Overall, the presentation is incredibly bland and the characters are boring and lack personality. The gameplay is stilted and not much fun. There's just no energy. Where are the crowds cheering me on, made up of klingons, Santas and Hitlers? Again, I just played a demo unit at a store, so maybe having the full version with enough controllers and multiplayer is much better. I'm looking forward to trying a FPS on move, and I want to try out Kinect. What are your thoughts on them?
  21. That's so disappointing. Well, how can we get Capcom and Level 5 to know we really want it here?
  22. Just found a trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YumH_AXt3XA
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