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Everything posted by JCvgluvr

  1. I think Judgespear said he started working on this in december (don't quote me). Obviously, he has a long way to go until he's finished with SMF. I've seen that Mugen-like game before. Pretty cool concept, although I'm not a fan of the chibi-like artstyle. So you've thoroughly checked out the videos Gollgagh? Good. Now you can tell me how you don't like this fangame, as you've taken the time to give it a chance first. That's all I ask. Even if someone came in here watched one video, and said they didn't like the game, pure and simple, that'd be fine. But when someone comes here and posts a detailed rant against something they've only seen once, its kind of stupid. That's what annoys me. Kid? I was born in '88. >_>
  2. Does, "Don't judge a book by its cover" mean anything to you? So, a proverb made up who knows how long ago is considered immature? You should show us what dictionary you use... How does someone make an unbiased opinion without trying something they're arguing against? Jack Thompson probably hasn't played a video game since Pong. But he argues against them all the time. Are you saying he's not a bigot? If I say that I don't like broccoli, but I've never tried it before, do I have enough information to make a proper opinion? If someone says "I hate this fangame because Mario uses guns and goes to Halo land", but he hasn't tried it before, could it be possible that he doesn't know what he's talking about? Only the immature use "immature" as an insult, BTW.
  3. See? Darklink42 has tried it and just didn't like it. I can accept that. Its no big deal. Its just a fangame for pete's sake. But, had he tried it and liked it, It would have been because I showed it to him. And that's what I'm trying to do. I get upset with people who watch one video, and then draw tons of their own conclusions. There's a lot more to Super Mario Fusion than that one video I posted. When people start getting pre-judgemental is when I start getting ticked. And all those problems Darklink42 had really shouldn't exist. I've never fallen thru a floor. I've seen youtube videos of people putting in other music. And the slow movement complaints? Yeah, that is an issue. Judgespear's working on a new version of the beta that should help in getting it to run quickly on everyone's computer besides his. Again, if there are so many better Mario Hack/fangames, show them to me. Until then, I just haven't seen anything better up until this point. That doom hack with mario video was pretty awesome, but it was a different type of game entirely.
  4. Um, pessimistic much? Rather than naysay, I have some suggestions for you. 1) Watch all of his videos and form a proper opinion. 2) Download the beta and try it for yourself. Then you can really form an objective opinion. I've watched every video. I've completed the beta. And you know what? I think it does work completely effectively. I couldn't make a better mario fangame if I tried. How can you guys criticize something you don't completely understand? The clichés, "judging a book by its cover" and "jumping to conclusions" come to mind...
  5. There IS 16 bit music. There ARE other levels planned besides Halo and Mega Man. I already said this. There are Sonic levels, Kirby levels, DK levels, Metal Slug levels, Zelda levels, Gradius/R-type levels, and completely original levels in the works. It even has the fly from Mario paint as a secret boss! That's why you guys need to see all of his videos. You could find out all of this information and more if... *Watches Gecko's video* *is speechless*
  6. I don't know. I just completed the beta. Once this game is finished, I won't have a single complaint. It is simply the best. I've dreamed of this kind of game for a long fricken' time. Its about time somebody made it a reality, and did a great job of it as well.
  7. Judgespear had to use MP3's to lower download size and times. I agree about better Halo tracks. So, its a good thing the creator made it so you can put any MP3 you want into any level of the game! BTW, did anyone realize that he used some OC remixes in his levels? Just thought I should point that out.
  8. You're kidding me! I thought I'd have to bring a drool-collection bucket with me the next time I visited this thread. I guess OCremixers are harder to please than the many others on GameFAQs who freaked when I showed them this... Lol, as If I should be surprised...You lot are a bit more selective in your tastes, I suppose. Ah well, as long as I made somebody's day, I'm happy. If you're a skeptic, at least check out his other videos about SMF before you pass full judgement. You just might change your mind. You'd be surprised how many people get upset at things like that. I agree on how stupid it is. I'm a tried and true Mario fan from the original NES days, and you don't see me having a cow about Mario + Guns. Heck, in one video, Mario grabs a Snifit and decimates a group of Hammer Bros. and Boos! It doesn't get much better than that! If you guys have seen better work, would you mind pointing it out? I have yet to see something as mind-blowing as SMF. I'd like to be pleasantly surprised!
  9. http://youtube.com/watch?v=LRzeIQHKKTU Get your hands on the beta right now. The appropriate links are in the video descriptions. Don't freakout because Mario's wearing a MasterChief suit or because he's using weapons. It works really, really well. Its not gimmicky or anything. Even if you don't agree with that, look at his other videos. There are other, more traditional levels in the works. He even included the Tanooki and Hammer Bro suits from SMB 3. Need I say more? He's working on Mega Man worlds, Sonic worlds, Nintendo worlds (Kirby, DK, Zelda, etc), Doom worlds, Halo worlds (obviously), and original worlds too. Its a dream come true, basically. What better way to wait for Brawl, am I right? Off topic: This is my first topic I created. Also, the most worthy, eh?
  10. Oh, you poor baby. Try going to school in Iowa yesterday. It was -4 degrees, with -11 wind chill. Yeah, doesn't seem so bad now. Now the flu thing, that makes me feel sorry for you. On topic, I waited in line for one hour for Halo 3.
  11. If I played any sim games, this probably would have been a lot funnier for me. Still, I actually liked the end movie this time!
  12. IMO: Lost>Heroes>>>Prison Break = Battlestar Galactica Those are my favorite drama series on tv right now.
  13. Hmm. I liked it. Pretty funny. Lol at the end! BTW, do you guys bother to read the little comments and such hidden in the fast-moving credits? He does them in every video, and they're usually hilarious!
  14. agreed-- "The page at oc remix says: Your post is too short. There is a 10 character limit. Me: Oooohhhhh!
  15. Ummmmm, oh. *Sheepish laugh* Still, its probably better if I skeedadle. Nobody likes me anyway. Until March 9th boys!
  16. NO! NO! BAD Azul! WHY DID YOU RUIN THE SURPRISE FOR ME?!?!?! SPOILER FREAKING TAGS MUST BE USED!!!! That freakin' does it. I'M OUTTA HERE FOR GOOD!!! inb4nobodycares
  17. You've got a point. However, Sega themselves have set the record straight on Sonic's official top speed: 721 MPH baby! Sorry I can't link you to something official looking. You'll just have to trust me on this (or don't, it doesn't matter). I'm just presenting a fact.
  18. Who the heck are you? J/K. I'm just another Brawl fan like you.
  19. You're telling me. Except for your Sonic rant, I completely agree with you. Hey, make room on that wall for my head! *Bashes skull in wall until blood squirts out*
  20. Um, Snake and Sonic say hi? Perhaps you just forgot them...
  21. Um, what's that mean?
  22. I too will be horribly disappointed. I'm really hoping for Ridley, K. Rool and Mega Man. Not getting any of those would blow. I'm telling you, the roster is this close to perfection. All I need are those 3.
  23. You call it needless drama, I call it respecting others and common courtesy. Tomato, tomahto, eh? Not really. But yeah, looks like I might not have much to say after all now. Now the Dojo's gonna spoil everything too! Looks like today's my last day for my daily after school pick-me-up! Major bummer. Avoiding spoilers is so HARD!!! So, until I have something on-topic to say, I probably won't be in here much. (I'm sure Arek will be thrilled, lol). Anybody have a cryogenic tube I could borrow for a month or so?
  24. Please try to look at it from my angle, and you'll understand why I reacted the way I did. Here I am, waltzing thru the thread, glad to be able to discuss Brawl in a seemingly spoiler-free environment. (Lord knows I can't step virtual foot into GameFAQs anymore without seeing 10 different topics with umarked spoilers in the title.) And then, I see a post telling me that there's a second, non-playable rep for Metroid in SSE. I'm like, "GOSH-FRICKING DANG IT!!!" I've been trying so hard to avoid as many spoilers as possible that don't come from the Dojo. And all because some careless klutz refused to follow pre-set guidelines! Anyone in my place and mindset would have been just as upset as me. That's why I reacted so. Did the above clear things for you? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think I saw you posting about Brawl either. But it doesn't matter. Arek, Atma, and other honest, long time Brawl fans like myself can tell you that I started posting on the previously epic Brawl thread before it was unjustly locked. I had plenty to say about Brawl then, and I have plenty to say now (assuming I can come here without the threat of unmarked spoilers hanging over my head). And, in my defense, let me point out the fact that I was personally insulted for a post that wasn't directed towards any specific poster. How that for likability? Yeah, I know, boo hoo. But don't come at me acting like your crap smells like roses...
  25. Awesome. Just as good as the others.
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