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Everything posted by JCvgluvr

  1. I definitely dont want to see this happen. I am 90% positive that there isn't a single director/studio in hollywood that could get it right. And in regards to Zelda, if you can't do it right, don't do it at all! Just thinking about the travesty called the Super Mario Bros. Movie makes me gag...
  2. Yeah, I definitely liked this one. I would really like to try this game now...
  3. My hopes are quite high for this. Jerry can't screw it up too bad, right?
  4. In before dashed hopes and dreams... I'm wishing for this movie to blow my expectations outta the water, but I'm not holding my breath.
  5. *Sees that Yahtzee won't review MK Wii* Thank goodness. I didn't need to see Yahtzee do nothing but complain...I doubt he'd have a single positive thing to say about it. It'd probably be twice the travesty his Brawl review was... This week's review wasn't funny, pretty much. He made great points, and it was an interesting review, but I didn't even chuckle.
  6. Strange...why is this game giving me a Jak X: Combat Racing vibe...? I'm sorta kinda interested in this game.
  7. So then, Sonic Unleashed must be right up your alley, huh?
  8. Hehe, have you read the glowing descriptions of each Kirby character? Yeah, I'm pretty sure Sakurai wrote the trophy descriptions, lol. Anyway, this is the most mind-blowing video of Link you'll ever see:
  9. Good DK players make me happy!
  10. Ha, hahahahaha HA! I love it!
  11. Retro Studios confessed that that was just a harmless easter egg. Metroid Dread is never going to happen. I hope something like it does happen tho...
  12. This is pretty much how I feel about the whole thing. I really wish I could have sent him a competent letter. It seems he scrapped up the worst examples from the bottom of his inbox barrel. Ah well, not much can be done now. Do you think he's succumbing far too much to his fans? He's reviewed games based on fan-pressure before. Now he's responding to mail. He's paying too much attention to his fanbase. And in his case, I don't think that's a good thing. It detracts too much from his image.
  13. First, there was the renaissance, then, there was the lightbulb. More recently, man landed on the moon. Now, this video comes along as man's latest, greatest achievement EVER!!! The funny thing is, I'm walking the fine line between seriousness and exaggeration... You could find every possible compliment located in the latest Thesaurus, and use them to describe this video. Awe-inspiring. My only complaint is that I recognize so few of the songs.
  14. Okay, that makes sense. For you guys, the different speed + lack of advanced techs ruined it for you. That's a pretty good reason. I'm glad you guys aren't gonna boycott the game despite that. Hopefully, you guys will find new things to enjoy in this game as time goes by. Sorry I said "hate" instead of "dislike", I realize its a stronger word, and it made me look more accusatory. My bad!
  15. To me, it just seems contradictory/hypocritical that someone who frequently posts in the Brawl topic and has a sig based on not one, but two Brawl characters could hate said game. I just don't understand a mind separation like that. My only explanation is that you like both Lucas and Zamus, and chose to use their best character models in your sig? Of course, you're not the only one who's like this. Jam Stunna seems equally sanctimonious.
  16. You hate Brawl...How can you say that? Look at your sigs! Look at the topic you're posting in! Its not like Brawl is a completely different game. Its like Melee v. 2.5
  17. lolwut? I'm assuming you're joking. No, I'm hoping.
  18. I certainly hope you're right. Sometimes, I feel like I'm convincing myself that the game I'm playing is fun. I really want that to change. Do yourselves a favor. Since Superstar isn't slated for a VC release anytime soon, download Kirby 64 instead on VC. Its not the best Kirby, IMO, but its definitely one of the best! You'll have a lot of fun with it, I practically guarantee it! Also, sometime this year the DS Superstar remake comes out. Good news, I know!
  19. Ah, yes, Earthbound. The only kinds of RPGs that have interested me so far are ones with Mario in them, and ones made by Bioware. Should I still give this game a chance, regardless?
  20. Oh CRAP!!! I just saw it! That freaked me out...
  21. My take on this is that the same ratio of bad > good games exists now as it did back in "the day". However, I've been somewhat troubled as of late. What I've noticed, is now that I am approaching Adulthood (gonna be 20 in June), I've lost my child-like wonder. That + games = nostalgia. I've realized that its practically impossible for me to ever produce nostalgia for a modern game. I'm older, wiser, more jaded, and more skilled now then I was back when I was playing Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis. Those games made me what I am today. I'm pretty sure games will never give me that warm feeling ever again... Its somewhat depressing. But good games are still out there. Off topic: The TC is the one who should be blamed for all of the animosity in this thread.
  22. This week's review was good, and funny.
  23. Lol, Ivysaur was raped by the Dededes! I thought that vid was pretty good.
  24. Oooooh. Me likee. But I'd be more excited for a Sonic 3 and Knuckles remake. Still, this looks ambitious.
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