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Everything posted by JCvgluvr

  1. Lol, wow. Are you guys that inconsiderate of others?! Can you not respect mine and other's wishes to put spoilers in white text? Or do you only bother to respect your own wishes? I know for a fact that me and Drack feel the same way. Does white text make you work too hard? Aw, boo hoo! Lazy good-for-nothings... Arek, you puzzle me the most, since your very first post showed that YOU wanted all of the spoilers in white text in the first place. So now you berate me for asking others to uphold to YOUR topic's standards?! That doesn't make any sense! And my horse is high? I've seen many a trollish post from both Arek and Atma (balls-shouter)! And you call me an "asshole"?! Don't make me laugh!
  2. And here I thought there would finally be a good thread about Brawl that would at least try to keep spoilers marked. I guess that was too much for you guys. A little white text every now and again is too hard for you. Don't think I didn't see that remark about Samus being the only "playable" rep of Metroid in Brawl! Well, screw that, eh? I suppose I'll add this to my "internet places to avoid until march 9th" list. So long, and thanks for not doing spoiler tags like you're supposed to.
  3. When every 10-12 year old stops going to see them...Ugh.
  4. Well, I tried to avoid this thread. Unfortunately, I can't read about the game in Nintendo Mag myself because the renewal is taking way too fricking long! Thus, I have arrived in spoilerville (this thread). Wow, I've been a skeptic about this idea for a very long time. Now, this new (to me) info has me hoping to be pleasantly surprised! Come on, Bioware!!! *Also, please include Hyper Sonic plz*
  5. Hmm, that makes sense, I guess. How do I see all of that greatness (I love Mega 64)?
  6. Eh, not up to his usual standards, IMO... That last cinematic seemed wildly out of place for him.
  7. 18 years ago, when I was still in diapers, my mom says I used to watch her play the original Super Mario Bros. on NES all the time. I would cry whenever she died, and force her to keep playing until she beat the game. I guess you could say that's how I got started. But, to be more on topic, yes, they are still fun for 19 year old me. Rock Band is fantastic with a bunch of friends. Portal was one of the best 2 hours of videogames I've ever played. I just completed Mass Effect yesterday. I plan on getting Assassin's Creed for 360 using my gamefly subscription by monday. Even my Wii still gets a regular workout. I'm greatly enjoying my first play of Resident Evil 4. Also, I just completed Super Mario Galaxy less than a month ago. It was a wonderful, just plain fun game. Lets not forget amazing things like Bioshock, Halo 3, Metroid Prime 3, and Contra 4. So much greatness, and it was just last year!!! I don't know how anyone can say videogames aren't fun when we've got so much to enjoy. Its not just FPS's, or music games that did great. Every type of game has had a recent gem! It just boggles my mind! I saw another thread like this on GameFAQS, and I just couldn't believe my eyes. I guess "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is the phrase of the week? EDIT: SMITE THE BLASPHEMER!!! J/K................(sorta)..........
  8. I absolutely LOVED Cloverfield. Not the characters mind you (stupid Hud), but the movie and plot. And those sound effects? Bar none, the VERY BEST sound effects I've ever heard. When heard in the blasting bass of the movie theater, it was like a destructive, booming heaven!!!
  9. *Pictures the Hippo from Harvey Birdman attorney at Law* "Didja get that thing I sencha?
  10. Mega Man X = Mega Man X's Zero >>> Classic Mega Man > Mega Man Zero's Zero >>>>>>> Every other Mega Man and character associated with him. I'd say something more on topic, buts its already been said, multiple times. A new 2D Metroid would be amazing, no matter what system its for!
  11. Yahtzee just put up a review for Crysis. Normal hilarity + Shadow of the Colossus quip = WIN.
  12. Lol, no kidding. I personally have spent a good amount of time cruising the GameFAQs Brawl board, and this thread only manages to be slightly more intelligent. Don't flatter yourselves, OCremix Brawl thread... But yeah, less war, more Brawl talk, okay? *Waves to Atma* You know, I support ranked online wi-fi play. You're not the only one.
  13. Well, I'm not sure if I should be flattered that a poster or two ripped off of my Mii idea. In any case, let the record show I came up with it first (or started it up again, if it was thought of before many posts ago). But after today, I'm actually looking forward to using the (really) little guy. Olimar seems like he's got enough variety to satisfy anyone. And did you see his tether recovery? It looks like he gets the longest one (so far). I too wonder how his B move is gonna work with Kirby... [insert suspense here]
  14. Well, I'm glad you're just saying, and not being serious. After all, Sakurai himself has already confirmed unlockable characters: Don't worry, I'm not berating you. Just setting the record straight! So, here's my Mii as a playable character idea: Basically, you have 3 pre-set Mii types to pick from. 1) Speed 2) Normal 3) Power Each type could have a typical, Mii-related moveset. But, you get to load your Mii in as the specific type you enjoy! This helps to maintain your individuality, as does your Mii's unique appearance (if you use the one that's supposed to look like yourself, that is). I find it uniquely appealing when games let Mii play/race/compete in olympics with my childhood Icons, don't you? Now, I'd like to fight them! There's your create a character mode for Brawl! Any questions?
  15. Ah yes. Thank you. I shall continue to do battle with my 360 humping friend!
  16. Just a little ribbing between friends. We're gonna get along just fine. I can tell! *Hugs Arek*
  17. [joke]Wait...how could you know if he's scaring the trolls...unless... Aha! You admit your trollish ways! Sweet, sweet justice. Now, we just need Atma's confession...*Starts yelling Balls*[/joke]
  18. Here is an accurate description of the overflow of emotion that has flooded my subconcious thought processes... GAAAAASSSPP!!!: NO FRICKEN' WAY!!! SON OF A FEMALE DOG!!! HOLY SASQUATCH CRAP!!! HOW THE FRICK IS THIS FRIGGEN' POSSIBLE?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!? *Head asplodes, reassembles, asplodes again, reassembles again, and does the same thing over and over again* THE SYSTEM IS DOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8-O8O *Pant, pant, pant, pant, gasp, pant, pant, exhale* That is all.
  19. Oh, I'm sorry. I thought I was in a thread that usually talks about the videogame, Super Smash Brothers Brawl? I must've wandered into a random troll hole instead. Silly me!
  20. Hmm, you've made some good points about Olimar's/Kirby's size and K. Rool's playing style. But your rebuttal against K. Rool is equally weak. Your rebuttal could equally apply to DK, or Ganondorf, to a lesser degree. By your logic, we shouldn't include the likes of them in Brawl either? If you wanna discuss this in a SSBB format, you'll have to do better than that. After all, not many people rocked as DK in SSBM, am I right? *doesn't include self in last question* Your game quality quip also fails. K. Rool was in 4 major games. Each one of these games have enjoyed more success than Pikmin ever will... *Feels a little tug on his conscience* Okay, fine, I'll admit it. As cold as I feel towards Olimar, I can't shake this attitude of "the more the merrier". Dang it, I'm such a softie...
  21. Hmm, I don't seem to remember Bowser having a Helicopter pack...or a musket that shoots cannonballs, spiked balls, and clouds...or a boomeranging crown...or an enlarged eye that likes to change sides. Of course, I remember K. Rool doing all kinds of Bowser stuff! Retracting into the shell that all giant crocodiles have...breathing fire...using his giant claws to scratch up DK...Oh yeah. K. Rool is the spitting image of Boswer! Oh wait, none of that happened... Next you're gonna tell me Ridley is another Bowser clone! Hey, they both breath fire! ZOMG! Maybe next time you should come up for a legitimate reason a character shouldn't be in Brawl?
  22. Put me down as the proverbial "Negative Ned". In other words, I hate this update. Couldn't Olimar's slot be filled with someone, I don't know, more famous? How about someone with more than 2 games? How about someone who wasn't originally the size of a pinhead? Yeah, I'm looking at you K. Rool...
  23. I just thought of something funny. While its true that Mega Man has the ability to run and charge his buster in his games, Samus has the same privileges with her Charge beam in her games. Why doesn't she get this luxury in SSB?
  24. Before I say anything else, Classic Mega Man would make this the most perfect game of its kind, and one of the best games ever created. However, Brawl without Mega Man still = 99% of that last statement. But Classic Mega Man deserves to be in this game. His history with Nintendo is unrivaled with other iconic, 3rd party characters. There simply isn't one person who would make a better choice. Those who say he's a Kirby/Samus copy, cut it out. Mega Man doesn't usually (or, ever) swallow his foes, nor does he roll up into a ball and get various suit upgrades (or, at least, not even close to how Samus does). First of all, he gains abilities by defeating his foes. This can be incorporated into Brawl ingeniously! Rather than get an exact copy of his foe's B move like Kirby does, Mega Man could receive a brand new weapon that is only related to their B move. Some examples: Mega Man KO's Pikachu: He gets his electric power from Mega Man 1. Mega Man KO's Mario/Luigi: He gets his fire power from Mega Man 6. (His fire power from MM2 seems a little drastic to obtain from Mario's lil' fireball, no?) Mega Man KO's Kirby/King Dedede: He gets a vacuum power. Mega Man KO's Link/Meta Knight/Ike/other sword user: He gets his slash power from Mega Man 7. You see what I mean? Even if my obtained abilities list sucks, just think of the idea in general at least! No copycats of Kirby/Samus here. These moves could all just replace his Mega Buster, which would be assigned to his normal B move. And, as has been said before, he should have the ability to charge while running, as he does in his games. Maybe it could be a little nerfed, so as to avoid cheap comparison's to Samus's charge beam? Anyway, all of my dreams come true when Classic Mega Man is playable (like ^that) in Brawl. And none of that Mega Man .EXE crap either!
  25. Eh, I think its because people can just lurk in the bottom part with ridiculously high % and stay alive. After all, that's how I won! I wouldn't have had a chance against Sheik otherwise. I'm going to start as Mario, and probably use him every so often after that. That's how I do it in Melee. I think it will introduce me to Brawl's new physics, stages and items quite well.
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