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Everything posted by JCvgluvr

  1. I strongly dislike Justin Bieber, but I like this thread. No forced allusions between this and Chris Crocker defending Britney Spears? Bravo, gentlemen.
  2. I don't justify my lack of interest due to visuals. At the same time, I don't apologize for them.
  3. The Passing is gonna be a day 1 download for me. I can't wait to see everyone from L4D1 again!
  4. To be honest, the chibi-motif they went with this time around completely turned me off. I wasn't crazy about the first game, anyway. Not to say that I didn't like it, because I did, but still. No Okamiden for me. :/
  5. Now that it's officially announced, I'm officially getting it. Can't wait.
  6. *eagerly awaits the official announcement*
  7. As always, you make some great points. In particular, your Faction idea seemed particularly interesting. As for the color wheel, it seemed somewhat ambiguous to me. I'm not entirely sure how something like that would pan out in a game. Something I outright disagreed with you about is the removal of the "morality bar." Let's face it: video games are usually obvious. We have quick, easy measurements of the state of our playable character. Health Bar. Magic Bar. Sprint Bar, etc. Games need these things to be accessible. I can't tell you how annoying it's gotten lately with the trend many games have nowadays with the lack of a health bar. "No Saboteur, I don't want my screen to become increasingly ruddy with blood until I'm dead. Stop obscuring my screen Gears of War!" Losing that "morality bar" could get just as annoying. "Am I good or evil? Oh, I guess I'm evil, since I just forced that man to kill his family in service of me. I wonder just how evil I am?" I suppose you could do things like give an evil character devil horns and devious titles like "Death Bringer." But it isn't as clear or concise as a "morality bar." That way, we know exactly how good or evil we are, and how far we have to go until we reach the highest level of our preferred morality. I don't see a a better way at revealing that information without the inclusion of some bar or meter to go along with it.
  8. :lmassoff:x5 Yahtzee gets 5/5 laughing smilies this week. (Even though his Nintendo hatred is becoming more predictable and baseless as time goes on.) I just might get Red Steel 2 now. Worse case scenario, I'll trade in Red Steel 2, and still have a Wii Motion + for when the next Zelda comes.
  9. I enjoyed that. I wish it was longer, and had more Nintendo references.
  10. Well, guys, I've thought about it and...you know those people who've gotten tired of Yahtzee, saying that he's too same-y and has become old and repetitive? I'm not one of those people (yet). Loved the GoW3 review. "Pregnant aircraft carrier."
  11. Well, you didn't eat your hat, but I forced you to consider it. I'll take that as a win. btw guyz bleck is totaly an lier and stuf
  12. I don't really like anything else this guy has to offer other than this MC/Sonic mash up. Go figure.
  13. So, all you did was read "sonic adventure" and then you completely glossed over everything I typed? That doesn't do anyone any good either. You asked for someone who'd never played a sonic game before, and that was my sister. Until then, she had only played Mario, Pokemon, and maybe Melee. She went from being a pokemon fanatic, to now almost completely giving it up. Not only does she play lots of (2-D AND 3-D) Sonic games for fun, she also draws him and the other sonic characters constantly, and is extremely dedicated to several websites related to both Sonic and drawing. If that doesn't convince you to eat your hat, I'll be forced to call you a liar. Is that what you want?
  14. Getting my sister to play them, and having her almost abandon her pokemon fandom completely for Sonic directly proves you wrong. She's voluntarily playing Sonic Adventure as we speak. Also, Maco basically said everything that needed to be said.
  15. That's one way to put it.
  16. You see? This is why we can't have nice things: http://www.destructoid.com/sonic-the-hedgehog-s-fanbase-is-now-eating-itself-169978.phtml#ext So fricking pathetic. In fact, from this moment forward, I am going to manually disassociate myself from the Sonic fandom. Here on out, I shall be known as a gamer who happens to like some Sonic games, and that's it.
  17. If you're saying what I think you're saying, you shouldn't be saying that.
  18. As long as you don't sic a pokemon on me. Otherwise we'll be here all day.
  19. I don't think you'd let me enlighten you. You seem far too biased as it is. Any joe schmo could tell you gray to color is a fantastic enhancement, while the camera is a mild amusement at best. Even you yourself acknowledged the camera as pretty much worthless. I just replayed Metroid Fusion on there just last week. Funny, you should ask. Well sure, if you're clumsy. This kind of stuff has happened to me maybe...twice since I bought the DSlite when it launched. Not a big deal. You like to play games on the inferior handheld? Why? Do you enjoy the hand cramps, smaller side buttons, and practically-flat buttons? lolpokemon I'd agree with you here.
  20. Yes, but mine actually made sense. Gray to Color is an actual development. GBA slot to Camara is more a downgrade, then anything.
  21. Such variations would either be too drastic, ruining the source material (like most game movies), or very subtle variations that wouldn't translate well to movies and/or tv. The ONLY way I can see Metroid becoming a proper, non-interactive experience is if it became a "Samurai Jack-ish" tv show, or something like that.
  22. I would call the DSi's improvements "small," yes. That's why I didn't waste my money on one.
  23. I think I remember this idea. I approved of it back then, and I still do! Can somebody get Genndy Tartakovsky on the line? Have we got a proposal for him!
  24. My first reaction to the 3DS is negative. Because I hate change, and am afraid of new things. However, this is a Nintendo handheld we're talking about here. Besides that red-colored, headache-inducing Virtual Boy, when has a Nintendo handheld let us down? Supporting 3-D is a bold step for Nintendo, you've got to give them props for that, success or failure be darned. As long as we get more good games, do we really have anything to complain about?
  25. That plot that you just described there? Yeah, that's the only way I can see a Metroid Movie being made. And THAT'S why I HATE the idea of a Metroid Movie so freaking much! Either you take this route, which relegates dialogue to only flashbacks and perhaps monologue, or you directly transfer a Metroid game to the silver screen, and have little-to-no-dialogue in the movie at all (which would be practically impossible, and would never get green-lighted). Honestly, just forget it. The "Metroid Movie" can't be done properly. And you know what they say: Don't do something unless you do it right. Shoe-horning it into a cliche'd action movie plot is NOT what I want to see!
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