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Everything posted by JCvgluvr

  1. Eh, I personally like Powerglove better. They're more consistent in their songs than Armcannon. I Armcannon's abrupt changes mid-song to be slightly jarring. Or in other cases, I'll just be getting into a thick, juicy part of a song...and then it'll change to something much less engaging. But in Armcannon's defense...when it's good...it's good! Plus, I can imagine that some would see the diversity in their style as creative and attractive.
  2. I did, actually. Trust me, there's nothing original or noteworthy in this topic. Heck, even my first complaint isn't original. That's how dead this horse is! Stop beating it, it's broken, bloody and mushy.
  3. Oh joy, yet another topic beating a horse that's been dead for a long...long time. *facepalm* I don't suppose mentioning Sonic Unleashed for the 360 would do any good here. Oh well, if you can't beat 'em: Hey guys, I think that Halo 3 game is overrated, what do joo guyz think?
  4. One of the first official links I've seen: http://popwatch.ew.com/popwatch/2009/07/futurama-new-voices.html?cnn=yes Well, all I can say is that I'll watch the first ep. If it doesn't bother me that much (or if I'm extremely bored), I just might continue watching. But, most likely, I'll just ignore the new eps. Such a terrible, terrible change. Billy, Katey and John MADE the show! Their voices are so iconic to the whole series!
  5. More like his review did...I didn't laugh once.
  6. I forgot to say this before, but I agree that classic Mega Man games age wonderfully. Just beat Mega Man 2 last week, again. Still loved everything about it!
  7. You know what's really held up over the years, for me? All 3 Donkey Kong Countries. Okay, not so much the first one, but 2 and 3 were just as magical and addicting as ever. Me and my little sister tag-teamed thru all three, finding everything and loving every minute of it. The levels, the music, the secrets, the boss fights, the animal pals...just...everything! Then there's the flipside. I'm really sad to say this, but I think I feel like Super Mario World doesn't stand the test of time. It's been on the top of my list of favorite games for a very long time now. But I just finished helping my little sister beat every level (even the special world), and it just didn't feel the same anymore. It even became, dare I say it...tedious. When I was young, I never realized just how cheap the Cape powerup is for many levels. In at least 10 or more levels, all my sister had to do was fly over every danger and just hit the goalpoint. All those bonus rooms and secret pipes...they just didn't seem all that cool anymore. It's like, "Woo, yeah coins...that give me extra lives...when she already has 30 of them...*sigh*" It was like, with the DKC's, me and her were dying to play them every single day. But with SMW, I almost had to force her to beat it. She even killed Bowser on her first try! The level design was still better than average, but many things just felt dated. Like the camera, for instance? There were plenty of times she would try to look up or down, but obviously, nothing happened. Think there's a secret up there? Too bad, you'll never know unless you comb the ceiling with the Cape! I don't know... I hate to feel this way about a game I've treasured for so long, but I just can't help it. I can appreciate everything it did for the platformer, and for gaming in general, but I don't think I can see it in the same light anymore.
  8. Cartoon Network earns an epic facepalm for this kind of bull. Chowder was the last little strand tying me to CN. If that flies the coop, then so will I. CN has really been going downhill for a very, very long time. Remember Tommy and...that other girl that used to host Cartoon Cartoon Fridays? That was the first sign of problems...and it's just gotten worse since. You'd think they'd have learn their lesson with Out of Jimmy's Head... It's just a sad sight. I used to adore this network...
  9. Great vid Seph. Appealing to both demographics is a great solution to the problem. Of course, I immediately question whether it could ever move from idealism into reality. For instance, look at the automotive industry. They've made cars for men, and miniva--I mean, cars for women. That's what they've been doing, that's what they're doing now, and it doesn't look like they'll stop doing it any time soon. I wonder if businesses are even capable of changing in such a radical way. This is a great suggestion. The more I think about it, the more I feel that our generation is especially nostalgic as a whole.
  10. Never heard of ArmCannon. Got any links to some of their good songs?
  11. I'm not sure about remixes here on OCremix, but have you heard of the band called Powerglove? Great metal remixes of game tunes.
  12. It didn't? Oh, my bad. But still, it was criticized for it nevertheless, and it was unfounded.
  13. It's like saying, "Ocarina of Time loses points because once you get the Hookshot you won't use any other weapons." Anybody who actually plays the game can easily tell you how wrong that is. So Prototype loses a point for something that isn't even true? Usually when Yahtzee criticizes something, at least you can understand why he'd criticize it.
  14. And what might that point be, oh illumined one? That he doesn't take his reviews seriously, so we shouldn't either? Yeah, that's a great excuse and all, but seriously. If he's gonna make fun of something, he should at least know what exactly he's making fun of.
  15. Yahtzee! Have you forgotten about what having fun in games is like?! This review was a fricking joke! And NO: Whipfist is NOT the only weapon in the game worth using! You'd know that if you'd actually played a little farther!!! If any weapon is broken, it's the Blade. Sure, gliding events (and the other events) don't make sense in the story...but they're not SUPPOSED to! They're FUN! A simple diversion with a small reward involved. That's what I thought games were SUPPOSED to do! But, in his favor, at least he stayed away from the more obvious shortcomings like graphics or lock-on.
  16. I think Tetris DS is the best version of Tetris ever made. Discuss.
  17. Sounds like Drawn to Life. Eh, I'll keep my eye on this one.
  18. I wasn't taking this topic seriously until I spied those concept art pics. Those are somewhat...shocking. This brings some questions: If Link isn't going to kill things with the Master Sword, what sword IS he going to use? Will he be fighting Ganon, if he isn't able to use the sword of evil's bane? Will Zelda even be in this game? I'm quite intrigued now. You know megadave, I felt that Phantom Hourglass did a pretty good job of revitalizing the series (despite its numerous shortcomings). The items, the dungeons, the secrets, the minigames...It all felt pretty fresh to me!
  19. LOL, I completely ignored Sindra's first post until I read, "it's slated for 2010 on 360 and PS3." Then, I became excited. But when I read, "This very well could be the new Symphony of the Night for this generation." Now...IT'S ON! HECK YEAH!!!
  20. This is absolutely true. Sure, all that talk about the AI director's improved intelligence sounds impressive at first, but what's it really gonna be like in practice? I'm almost certain that it'll hardly be noticeably different in-game. It'll be just as frenzied and chaotic as always and it won't fundamentally change the core experience. It's just too soon. It really is. All true gaming sequels take time, end of story!
  21. He...never said he would have preferred that. He said he found it perfectly acceptable to pay for it as DLC or an expansion pack. Ok, here's something you and Darksword need to understand. There is nothing wrong with expecting a company to treat you as an intelligent consumer who weighs his purchases carefully. As soon as a company sees it's fanbase as drooling consumers who will buy anything they can get their mits on, we're screwed!!! Quality control is chucked outta the window, and the advantage-taking begins! You see, we don't expect things for free; we're not spoiled. But we also don't want to pay full price for what is fundementally the same experience. And another thing, stop pretending that L4D1's fanbase won't migrate to L4D2's fanbase en masse. L4D1's fanbase is gonna shrivel up the moment the new game comes out! Yeah, sure a few people will stick around. But for the most part, probably 3/4 or more of L4D1's fanbase will be gone! Thinking otherwise is simply naive!
  22. QFT. You know, I personally wouldn't even want to see L4D2 as free content. I do think it deserves money. But what it does not deserve is to be called a full-fledged sequel and garner yet another $60 purchase! From the get go, this should've been DLC. Yeah, I'd pay 1200 Microsoft points for it, maybe even 1600! But $60 is simply far too much for what is fundamentally the same game! As a consumer, I personally feel taken advantage of!
  23. Somebody's overenthusiastic. >_> Surely you don't really think Natal's gonna do all that! All this is coming from Molyneux (sp?), the king of hype and over-inflation! Haven't we learned to not trust him? This is gonna have hang-ups and glitches galore, just like the Wii-mote does. Now, in theory, if everything went exactly as you're saying, with no glitches or over-inflation dragging it down, then I'd be just as giddy as you seem to be. But I think doing so would be rather naive at this point. The technology just isn't there yet, despite what the industry would have you believe.
  24. Am I the only one who'd rather see a new, typical 2-D metroid with fantastic sprites or 2.5-D graphics? Eh, whatever. I'll like this game anyway, Metroid's awesome...
  25. The heck you aren't! Since when is an Eyetoy for the Xbox "brilliant"? This is a ploy to take some of the Wii's casual market appeal, nothing more. I expect results similar to the Eyetoy's success (or lack thereof).
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