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Everything posted by SplinterOfChaos

  1. The first "smexy" "Let's Go!" was a little loud. Pretty boring. Not much happening and the lead synth is a over played. OCR demands more dynamic sound scapes. To make it onto OCR, with its crazy-high standards, the song needs to be a lot more developed. Listen to a few of the more recently accepted songs for a glimpse of what I mean. Wish I could offer more advice. It's a solid structure for a song, it just doesn't carry through well enough.
  2. The intro is a lot slower now and not a lot happens in it. A slow intro is excusable when you've got a nice chord or beat to listen to, this one's a little boring. It lasts two minutes before the song starts going and doesn't add anything. I like everything after the intro. Again, beautiful chords.
  3. Some beautiful cords there.
  4. It's pretty good. Above average. It doesn't offend my ears (the goal of bad music to offend them) while giving me some nice synth rock to listen to. It's not great, but it's good. Actual criticism: The intro comes on a little strong to me. As for the bump, you have the privilege to request feedback for as long as you're on this forum, but do use with discretion. I think it's fine that you bumped since no one replied, but on this topic, no replies isn't atypical.
  5. Clicking that link causes my copy of Fire Fox to have a C++ runtime error. So...I can't listen to the sing. Is it good? EDIT: I forgot that I used to have to right click->save download as. I like everything passed the minute mark. Not so much for minute-long ambient intros. Ends suddenly. All in all, it's a good song, but not my genre. And definitely not Audix, but I wouldn't be surprised if you ate him and almost stole his name before sneezed and your hand jumped to the T and Y (which are TOO conveniently close to each other) and you pressed enter by force of habit. Upset and overwhelmed with grief, wanting to destroy all symbols of good and happiness, you ate a smiley face with your friend, Flik. Sad story.
  6. This thread recently having been brought back up reminded me of something that's bothered me, but I, for some reason, never mentioned: The piano glitching thing is AWESOME, but I think it ends to soon. I start to get into it, then it ends. I think it should continue until the piano ends. Other than that, I haven't been able to think of a single problem in all the time I've been listening to the most updated version (since you posted it).
  7. Very pretty piano piece. My only real comment is that it's very right-ear-oriented.
  8. I'd say it's pretty good for just starting out. You show a good bit of technical knowledge about music and, to a small degree, FL I wouldn't always expect from a beginner. (Hell, I still do practically nothing but stick instruments and melodies in songs, knowing nothing about how to alter them or EQ.) I'd say mediocre is actually better than this, and it's really typical, but practice and stylization might lead you to good, unique sounding music. I'd work on focusing on more of a melody. I have little patience for ambiance, especially because many composers think a sound is enough to move people. I think a melody and/or beat draws people in and ambiance can keep them if it's good. Though, you have a melody, it's just not presented in a way that draws me in, if you get what I'm saying. But, then again, the worst thing I can do is suggest a beginner morph into my expectations. Remember, these are only opinions.
  9. I guess I'm the only one here who loves low precision bit-noise. I think it sounds pretty good. But... Not only do the drums just not have the energy, they sound 80's cheap. Well, the whole song sounds 80's cheap, but the drums, I don't feel like accepting. Through long parts of the remix, you just have them play the beat. I'd like to see more activity/variation in those areas. To give your song a little more texture, maybe you could add just one non-16-bit noise? They might think it's too close to the source, might not. I've seen songs get away with being close as long as they have a lot of stylization.
  10. 2:17 : The synth here comes on a little strong. Even though it sounds 8-bit (although, somehow better...but not quite 16-bit...), it sounds really good!
  11. Pretty good. I wish I could compare this and your previous attempts, but the previous is no longer posted. (I don't know if I'm the only one who expects not to have to save each version on my computer if I want to be retrospective.) I think the song needs a little more, but I can't quite tell what. If feels incomplete--like it's lacking a main melody and we're only hearing the background. Maybe just more variation. The original is good, but it's short, and I think you should use that as an excuse to put more originality into this. That said, there are many parts that are great as they are, like the transitions between the two main melodies.
  12. It's the non-VG-remix wip forum. This is practically expected. This not being my genre, i can't comment.
  13. Wow! Glitch, is this one of those days where you worry that stick up your but is growing into a tree?
  14. A nice, catchy, minimalistic song. The only thing that grinds me, other than what's been mentioned, is that the main instrument (other than the piano) is pretty cliche--or at least familiar. Something I might expect in a few indy titles, but not an OCRemix. On the other hand, there are songs that've made it despite me disliking their instrumentation.
  15. Meh. I think it could be a little shortened, or hint at the piano melody earlier, but no, it's OK. BTW: Until things pick up a little more, you might have the piano be more centered and not so loud on the high notes. (It was too sharp just now when I listened on a high volume--to appreciate the song better.) The thing is I really dig this song, but a song must be dynamic on both sound scape (where you're good) AND melody. After the first two minutes, though, nothing changes. Eventually, even the best songs sound like a Puddle of Mud. But, not mixing up the melody FORCES you to play more with sound scape, and not even that is sufficient.
  16. Love the (new?) violins solo at 2:15. Awesome. The second half of the song is much better. I'd say, if you continue to work on ANYTHING, make it the first half. Although that guitar move at 3:13 feels weird to me. Seriously. Finish this.
  17. Just replying to verify that 3:49 has a little of a tightness issue. (I think 3:59 is alright.) I think that playing on the off-note means the recording has to be even tighter. Never thought of it before.
  18. Reviewing as I go. Starting: Sounds more like Vincent's theme from FFVII and little like The Extreme from VIII -- although it could just be a mix of use of the guitar and my memory. Wow, this song takes a while to get started. Are we starting yet? No, still building. There we go. Now it sounds more like it. 3 : 05: A little repetitive. Nothing's happening. 3 : 49: Interesting approach with the piano. I like it. 4 : 40: The main theme is now engraved in my memory. Too much use of it. 4 : 36: Realized that my media player, Zoom Player, has screwed up the times and the times I've listed may not be accurate. It says the total length is 6:12, but you said 8 minutes before. Anyway, this guitar synth (or horn synth) I'm hearing at whatever time I'm really at sounds a little cheap. But, this is to be expected of a guitar synth (or horn synth). ? : ??: The end is alright, although the class might be a bit loud. It didn't hurt my ears, though, so I wouldn't worry about it unless someone concurs. Retrospective: It would be a pretty good song were it not for two kisses of death: Repeating the same melody through the WHOLE FRIKEN SONG and it's slow. It just doesn't go anywhere fast. Other than that, it's a pretty good song. EDIT I actually listened to The Extreme again, and I'll note that it does sound a lot more like The Extreme in the beginning than I gave credit.
  19. I actually like the sped up version more. Sounds like I'm alone, though. But both versions are amazing work to someone like me.
  20. I've heard a lot of your stuff here, one thing that bugs me and this is no real exception: It's ALL synth. I like synth, but they all sound like they came from the same place. Also, this is no exception to another thing about your pieces: pleasantly melodic. Don't know the source, or what you've done to it, but I like what I'm hearing, melodically. Around 2:30, you drop the main instruments and we hear this sort of background instrument as it fades out. I'd like to hear SOMETHING in that space. Because human brains invent relative to inspiration, I want to hear more of the background music, but really anything there would be fine. I only want to hear more of the background instrument because that's what was there. Nice work, though. Is the name of the game this is from called "One Must Fall 2097"?
  21. It's pretty good. The arrangement's nice. Good melody, etc. The soft synths gives it a soft feel. Too soft. Otherwise low quality synths, but I don't care about low quality so much.
  22. Plus, what if one wanted to download it and save it on their computer? And youtube compresses the sound a lot. EDIT Also, the video's no longer there.
  23. The main instrument reminds me of Sonic. I think it, or one like it, was in one of the games. The Goron sample is fine to me, but if you had more that two, it's be finer (I assure you, it's a word). Alteration on the sample, new sample, speed up, slow down, something to mix it up. Repetition is a little high. Even if you mix up the melody a little, the song doesn't change much. It sounds like every other hit by the cymbols, there's a clap or something to accentuate every other beat. Might want to make it stronger. Might not. *shrugs* Overall, not bad. Could use work.
  24. I love the originals, so I'd love to hear you pull off this remix. Unfortunately, it just won't cut it yet. The whole song has no energy. Bring the volume up a little. For example, you have a nice piano roll at 0:23; this is where I should start enjoying this piece--it should start rocking. Instead, you chose to bring up the volume at the seemingly arbitrarily chosen 0:32, about. I agree there isn't much originality in this piece. I don't hear anything that sounds TOO ripped in terms of instruments, but the arrangement is completely unimaginative. I like little you added, but you didn't change enough and, frankly, it's too obvious when you switch sources. Even someone who'd never heard the OST would be able to tell where it is you switch sources. If you don't play two sources at the same time, or in some way combine them, you might as well do different remixes with similar instrument sets. Most of the song feels pretty hollow to me. This is the part I'm bad at, but you might try beefing up the base. Good luck. I really would love to see this remix refurbished.
  25. Huh. FF1 was my first too. Sounds like you wanted this really floaty sound, but the accordion is a little MIDI-like if you want to achieve that. Not much to comment on. Very simple tune, don't know the original. I guess I can at least say it's pleasant.
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